Reasons For The Failure of Students
No Wonder They Fail
Students failing in examinations is a matter of serious concern for all. There are many reasons for this. Lack of proper study habits is one of the most important reasons why students fail. They read their study books without really understanding them. Lack of proper understanding leads failure.
Mobiles, computers, internet, social media, T.V. and films have also affected the study habits of the students. A considerable number of students sit with their eyes glued to T.V,. mobiles, watching their favorite programmers, at the cost of their study, They prefer to watch films on off days, ignoring their studies. Many students come from environments where there is no proper motivation for study. They have friends who miss classes, indulge in bad habits and get their money through robbing and cheating. Students with such friends think that they too can do the same. There is no one inspire them to have high aims in life.
There is no one to guide them properly. So they spends most of their time playing games, and spend hardly any time on study. No wonder they fail ! Many students approach the studies with an easy mindset and they do not feel the importance of proper preparation. This is one of the main reasons why many students fail despite having all the top class educational facilities. Teachers and parents should make sure that students have a proper understanding of the study phase in their life.
With the influence of digital technology, the way faculties teach lessons and how students perceive it has changed a lot.
Table Of Content
- Reasons For The Failure of Students
- No Wonder They Fail
- The Television
- Reading Versus TV
- Children should be allowed to play video games
- Conclusion
No Wonder They Fail : They should give them proper guidance and advice on how to utilize the time fruitfully to lay a better platform for the future. That is why it is important to challenge them on preparedness while providing them enough free time to relax and enjoy. According to a survey on the youth's preferences for watching TV, it was found that 39% of the youth watch TV for news while 18% watch serials. Sports seems to be the choice of 10% while movies is the preference of 7% youth. The lowest preference seems to be for music channels as only 6% watch them. The remaining 20% youth did not seem to have any specific preferences.
The Television
Television is a machine with a screen. Televisions receive broadcasting signals and change them into pictures and sound. The word "Television" comes from the word tele (Greek for far away) and vision (sight). Sometimes a television can like a box. Older TVs had a large cathode ray tube in a large wooden frame and sat on the floor like furniture. The television was invented in the 1920s but the equipment was expensive and the pictures were poor. By the 1950s, these problems had been fixed and TVs became widespread. Before the 1950s these were usually "black and white", which made everything look grey, but all modern TVs show colors. Most 20th century screens also had rounded corners. That is because television screens were cathode ray tubes . Today flat panel displays are the usual kind. These are usually flat rectangles with straight edges. This long rectangle looks more like the shape of a movie theatre screen. This is called widescreen.
TV has becomes a popular, useful and very powerful means of spreading education. We can sit at home at ease. switch on the TV set and watch a wide variety of interesting programmers. TV brings us the news of events taking place in far - off places. We get instant news happening from all corners of the world. TV is entertaining as well as educative. We can watch of TV programmers like serials, movies concerts dances and sports. The competitions on TV HELP STUDENTS TO BE A PART of different cultural and educational activities. The quiz programmers telecast on TV help the students increase their general knowledge. Important cultural programmers, sports events and functions are telecast live on TV. Special programmers for children, women, elderly persons and the people in rural areas are also telecast. Interesting advertisements on TV make us aware of the various products available in the market.
[ According to a survey on the youth's preferences for watching TV. it was found that 39% of the youth watch TV for news while 18% watch serials. Sports seems to be the choice of 10% while movies is the preference of 7% youth. The lowest preference seems to be for music channels as only 6% watch them. The remaining 20% youth did not seem to have any specific preferences.]
Reading Versus TV
The time spent on reading for pleasure has decreased tremendously from 1990 to 2006. However, during the same period, the time spent on watching TV has increased in leaps and bounds, In 1990 students spent more than 15 hours a week reading for pleasure. In the same year, they hardly spent 5 hours watching TV
By 1994, the reading habit was on the decline, and dropped even further by 1998. TV Watching, however, increased a great deal. By 2006, TV watching was at an all time high (i.e. more than 17 hours), while reading for pleasure had dropped to fewer than five hours a week.
The TV set is here to stay. Watching TV affects the imaginative power of the children. It also affects the thinking capacity. No wonder it is called the 'idiot box'. It is a sheer waste of time. TV Watching is mostly done at the cost of good habits like reading.
View : The TV is a wonderful invention. Very often it is referred to as an 'idiot box'. but it is my view that we cannot do away with it. Children today have hardly any others means of entertainment or relaxation. There are no playgrounds or recreational centers for children to get rid of stress. Where are the parks and gardens? The only other places children can go go to is the shopping malls. And these require spending a lot of money. Not everyone can afford it. The TV is the cheapest form of entertainment. It is also a means of education, if parents monitor the kinds of programmers their children watch. We cannot expect children to sit with studies or books all day. Even in poorer localities, the TV is the only form of recreation. In fact I find no convincing argument that would make me want to throw my TV set a ways.
Children should be allowed to play video games
One has to change with the changing world. Today multitasking and strategy planning are of immense importance, and it is never too early for children to develop these skills. It has been found that playing video games develops mental powers and enhances these skills. Hence parents, instead of scolding their children. should allow them to play video games.
Counterview : Playing videos games turns children into couch potatoes. It has the same ill-effects on children as watching too much TV. Children get so addicted to video games that they don't want to do anything else. Moreover, they begin to imitate the kind of lifestyle they see in video games. They tend to remain isolated and avoid social contact, because of their deep interest in games. If they spend so much time on video games, when will they meet other children and socialize? As for doing many tasks at a time, they must be good at doing a single task before going into multitasking.
Many of the videos games have games that involve violence and high - speech and high - voltage content. All these are not good for the mental and moral health of children. Besides, their physical healthy also gets affected. Their eating habits change, their eyesight deteriorates. Because of their addiction to video games. children eschew the habit of reading, completely, How can parents be so blind to the fact that no other form of activity, whatsoever, can supplant the reading habit ? Shouldn't children be encouraged to read a lot instead of only playing video games ?