Microsoft Word
Exploring Word 2007
- Introduction to MS Word 2007
- Starting Word 2007
- Closing the Document
- Exiting from MS Word 2007
Introduction to MS Word 2007
When you use a computer programs to create, edit, and produce text documents, then it is called word processing in computer terminology. Microsoft Office Word 2007 is one of the most sophisticated word processing programs available today. With Word 2007, it is easier than ever to efficiently create a wide range of business and personal documents, from the simplest letter to the most complex report. word includes many desktop publishing features that you can use to enhance the appearance of documents so that they are appealing and easy to read. This word processing programs has been completely redesigned to make all its features easily accessible. As a result, even novice user will be able to work productively in word after only a brief introduction of this program.
In this chapter, you will first familiarize yourself with the Word working environment. Then you will learn to open an existing Word document, then the ways of moving around in it, and finally how to close it. You will also learn to create and save a new document and then save an existing document in a different location.
Microsoft Word 2007 provides a compatibility feature through which you can still read and write documents created using previous versions of the Word, and can also create new documents in the old format. However, if the old format is chosen for creating a document then the Word will operated in the Compatibility Mode which it displays in the title bar next to the filename. The default format of Microsoft WORD 2007 is .docx .
As you know, Microsoft Word is a word processing programs. It is part of MS Office suite. You can have your own copy of Microsoft Word by purchasing a genuine copy of Microsoft Office from an authorized software vendor. While running the set up of MS Office, choose the Microsoft Word for installation on your computer with Windows Vista as the Operating System.
- Click the Start button present in the Taskbar (Fiq.WD-1.1).
- A Start menu appears (Fiq.WD-1.2). In the Start menu, move the mouse pointer on the All Programs option. A sub-menu appears (Fiq. WD -1.2).
- Inside the second menu, place the mouse pointer over the Microsoft Office options (Fiq.WD-1.3). Immediately, a sub-menu appears.
- In the sub-menu that appears, move the mouse pointer over the Microsoft Word 2007 option and click the left mouse button. Immediately, the Microsoft Word application window appears on your screen.
First View of Word 2007
Since the early 90s, the user interface of Microsoft was the same and needed to be re-designed to give it a totally new look with improved features. So the Microsoft designed a completely different user interface, Word 2007, to address this problem. In this user interface, the menus and toolbar are replaced by a new "tab and ribbon" interface that makes the features easy-to-use. Word 2007 includes all or most of the functions and features used in the earlier versions of the Word - in this version they are just organized and presented in different way. This interface is easier to learn because it is more logical and visual. Now, carefully observe the Word window shown in Fig. WD -14. It is actually a blank document, named as Document 1.
- Quick Access Toolbar: Quick Access Toolbar contains the commands that are most frequently used such as save, undo, repeat etc.
- Title Bar: The topmost window of the Word application is the Title bar. It shows the name of the currently opened window.
- Minimize / Maximize / Close buttons: These are the three basic operation of any application. Here, in Microsoft Word there buttons are available at the top right corner used to minimize, restore and close the document.
- Menus: Menus in Microsoft Word 2007 is categorized in the form of tabs. Tabs organize word's various commands into groups.
- Rulers: The Rulers are the margin that represents the writeable region in the Word.
- Scroll Bars: The Scroll Bar is used to scroll vertically and horizontally the word document.
- Status Bar: This area displays the various state indicators of the application for the document.
Quick Access Toolbar
In Office 2007, Quick Access Toolbar appears just beside the right of the Office Button on the Title Bar. The Quick Access toolbar displays icons that represent commonly used commands such as save, Undo, and Repeat and it is fully customizable. It is a kind of store for most of the commonly used functions which are used as shortcuts. You can add and remove commands in the Quick Access Toolbar according to your requirement.
The commands that are shown in the Quick Access Toolbar (Fiq.WD-1.5) are Save, Undo and repeat. Besides these commands there is a Quick Access Arrow as shown in Fig. WD-1.5. It is a downward pointing arrow with a hyphen on the top. This arrow is used to customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Let's now learn the usage of Quick Access Toolbar commands.
- Save: To Save your current file, just click the Save icon located in the Quick Access Toolbar. If you are saving a new file, the Save as dialog box appears and you have to provide a new name to your file.
- Undo: The Undo option is used to undo the last action. Also you can click the downward pointing arrow besides the Undo command to display a list of one or more of your previous actions.
- Repeat: The Repeat command reverses the last Undo command. With the help of this command you can repeat the action done by undo commands.
The Quick Access Toolbar is designed to put commands that you use most often. You are not restricted to just few commands. Besides the default commands on the Quick Access Toolbar, you can add or remove other commands available in the drop-down list of the Quick Access Toolbar. To add other icons to the Quick Access Toolbar, you have to undertake the following steps:
- Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar arrow, A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the icon name, such as New or Quick Print from the drop-down list. The icon name gets selected and now the chosen icon name appears in the Quick Access Toolbar.
- Right-click an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. A drop-down list appears.
- Click the Remove from Quick Access Toolbar option from the drop-down list.
The topmost bar on the Microsoft Word 2007 window is the Title bar. When you open word 2007 window, the Title bar shows the name of the document and its type. You can also drag the Word window by using the Title Bar. By default, the Title Bar shows "Document1 - Microsoft Word" as the name of the document. After saving the file, the title of your file is changed into the file name with which you have saved it. For example, if you save your file with the file name "games", then the title "Document 1 " is changed to "games".
As shown in Fig .WD -1.6, the Title bar of Word 2007 contains the Office Button, Quick Access Toolbar, Minimize, Maximize/Restore and Close button.
When you are not using a window, you can minimize it and remove it temporarily from the screen. On minimizing a window, it appears as a button on the taskbar. You will find the Minimize button (Fiq.WD-1.7) at the top of the Word window. Click the Minimize button. The Window program minimized to a button on the Microsoft Window taskbar.
As you know that on minimizing a window, it gets reduced to a button on the Taskbar. To display that window once again on the screen, click on its button on the Taskbar. The window re-appears on the screen in the same size as it was before its transformation into a button.
If you want to view the document window on the full screen of your computer then click Maximize button on the Title bar as shown in the Fig. WD-1.8.
Now let us learn how to close the document. To close the currently displayed document, click the Close button (Fiq.WD-1.9) located in the Tile bar. If the document needs to be saved, a dialog box will be displayed asking whether or not to save the document before closing.
In Word 2007, the Home tab contains the basic operation related to the text and paragraphs. These operations are divided under different groups. It also has various predefined styles available to change the look of the text. The Home tab with various operations is shown in Fiq,WD-1.10.
Clipboard , Font , Paragraph , Styles , Editing .
Apart from the text and paragraphs, you may also need objects such as pictures, clipart, and word art in the document to make the document more realistic. You can insert those objects with the help of the insert tab. The insert tab with various groups is shown in the Fiq.WD-1.11
Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text , Symbols.
The References tab contains commands like Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citation and Bibliography. Caption commands are used to give caption to figures and diagrams. The Fig.WD-1.13 shows the various groups of the References tab.
Table of Content, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities.
The Mailings tab has the commands and options that can be used to create documents that you can mail, such as envelopes, letters, and labels. Its commands are focused on a mail merge, which is a process that takes a form letter and a list of contacts and created a personalized message for each recipient. The Fig. WD-1.14 shows the various groups of the Mailing tab.
Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish,
The Review tab contains the commands related to the reviewing of the contents. This tab facilitates you with the option to compare the document and protect your document from unauthorized user. The Fiq.WD-1.15 shows the various groups of the Review tab.
Proofing, Comments, Tracking, changes, Compare, Protect,
The View tab contains command through which you can view your document in different ways. It also contains macros through which you can record some action and repeat that action anywhere in the document. Fiq.WD-1.16 shows the various groups of the View tab.
Document View, Show / Hide, Zoom, Windows, Macros,
Workspace is a working area inside the document in Which the text, graphics, Word Art, tables, etc. gets inserted. You can work directly on the Workspace from the place of the cursor is currently located at. A cursor is moving marker or pointer that indicated the position in a workspace. A workspace is shown in the Fiq.WD-1.17
Rulers contain the Margin indicators that represent the right, left top, and bottom margins as shown in the Fiq.WD-1.18. You can also customize these margins according to you requirement. Word provides vertical and horizontal page rulers to assist in accurate placement of text and graphics on a page. These Rulers may be hidden and revealed according to the user requirement.
Scroll bars are used to move the page in the window. This bar provides the ability to scroll vertically and horizontally through a document. You can scroll the horizontal bar towards the left and right and vertical scroll bar to up and down the document to see the text that's beyond the visible screen. To scroll one line at a time, click the single arrows located at the top and bottom of the scroll bar. To scroll through a full screen, click in the shaded area above or below the location indicator. In the Fiq.WD-1.19, YOU CAN SEE THE VERTICAL AND Horizontal scroll bar.
A status bar is a component of Word application located at the bottom of the Word window. It is divided into sections, and each section shows different information about the document. Its main purpose is to display the information about the current state of a document. As shown in the Fiq.WD-1.20, THE STATUS BAR FROM LEFT TO RIGHT SHOWS the number of pages in the document, number of words in the document, proofing errors, different views of the document and zooming options.
- Click the Office Button. A drop-down list appears (Fiq.WD-1.21).
- Click the Word Option button from the list (Fiq.WD-1.21). The Word Options dialog box appears (Fiq,WD-1.22).
Closing the Document
- Click the Office Button. A drop-down list appears.
- In the drop-down list, click the Close options as shown in the Fiq.WD-1.23.
Exiting a computer programs is like putting away a book on a shelf. Let's undertake the following step to exit from the Word application:- Click the Office Button. A drop-down list appears.
- In the drop-down list click the Exit Word button as shown in the Fiq.WD-1.24.
Microsoft Office 2007 is one of the most sophisticated word processing programs available today. With Word 2007, it is easier than ever to efficiently create a wide range of business and personal documents, from the simplest letter to the most complex reports. This program has been completely re-designed to make the options more powerful and accessible. As a result, users will be able to work productively in Word.
In this chapter you have been familiarized with the Word working environment. The most common way to start Word is from the Start menu displayed when you click the Start button at the left end of the Microsoft Windows taskbar. To create a Word document, you simply open a new blank document and type your content. The blinking insertion point shows where the next character you type will appear. When the insertion point reaches the right margin, the word you are typing moves to the next line. Each document you create is temporary unless you save it as a file with a unique name or location. To save a document for the first time, you click the save button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or click the Microsoft Office Button and then click save. Either action displays the Save As dialog box, where you can assign the name and storage location. A bar on top the Microsoft Word 2007 window is Title bar. When you open WORD 2007 WINDOW, THE TITLE BAR SHOWS THE NAME OF THE DOCUMENT and its type. You can also drag the Word window by using the Title Bar. Workspace is a working area inside the document in Which the text, graphics, Word Art, tables, etc. can be inserted. You can work directly on the Workspace from the place of the cursor. A cursor is moving marker or pointer that indicates the position in a workspace. Rulers contain the Margin indicators that represent the right, left, and top, bottom margins. You can also customize these margins according to your requirement. Scroll bars are used to scroll through the pages horizontally or vertically , that means, you can scroll the horizontal bar towards the left and right and vertical scroll bar to move the document up and down to see the text.
2: Preparing The First Document
- Considerations before Preparing a Document
- Setting Size, Margin and Orientation of a Document
- Typing the Text
- Inserting a Table
- Inserting MS Word file in the Existing Document
- Saving the Document
- Printing the Document
- Closing the Document
When you start preparing the first document, you have to consider various issues regarding the document, such as its text size, font size type face etc. This chapter explains how to format text and pages. This chapter presents the techniques used to prepare a document and the new features of Microsoft Word for making pages look professional.
In this chapter, you learn how would you customize a page size and change the orientation of the document. You will discover how to insert symbols, equations and hyperlink in the document. As you know, you create a paragraph by typing text and then pressing the Enter key. The paragraph can be a single word, a single sentence, or multiple sentences. In this chapter we will learn as to how can change the look of a paragraph by changing its alignment, its line spacing, and the space before and after it. You can also put borders around it and shade its background. Collectively, the setting you use to fine-tune the look of a paragraph are called paragraph formatting, which will be described in detail in chapter.
Let's first start with what should be considered before we actually start preparing a Word document.
Considerations before Preparing a Document
When you open the Word you see a blank document that covers most pf the space of your computers screen. This space is known as workspace. In the workspace, you may wonder where to start from. For this, there are certain things related to page and text setting that you must consider before preparing your first document. These are:
- Setting the page margins
- Setting the size the document
- Setting the orientation of the page
- Selecting the font and font-size of the text Let us now discuss these document-related issues in detail.
Page margins are the empty spaces along the left, right top and bottom edges of a page. Headers and Footers fall, respectively, in the top and bottom margins. And you can put graphics, text boxes and page numbers in the margins as well, Margins serve to frame the text and make it easier to read. Microsoft Words offers you various types of page margins. By default, Normal margin has been configured by Microsoft Word 2007.
Document Size identifies the size of your document. By default, the standard size of a document is 8.5" Х 11" but you can also print your document on various other sizes such as legal, letter size of paper as well. There are several types of document sizes available in Microsoft Word. The size of the document includes the height and width of the document. You can select any kind of size depending upon your requirement.
Microsoft Word provides two types of orientations to a document namely, Portrait and Landscape. The landscape orientation is the one in which he page is wider than it is long, like a painting of a scenery. Generally, the documents are printed in the portrait style. In the portrait style, the document is oriented with the short side left on the top and bottom of the document. However, a document oriented in a Landscape looks very different than a usual document. You can configure text to run across the long side (across the length) of the page and down the short side (across the width), which is called landscape orientation.
You would use the landscape orientation mostly when you have text or an image that is too wide to fit across the page in portrait orientation. Wide images, a table with many columns, or a long line of programing code are just a few of the situation where landscape width can be useful.
A font is a collection of letters, numbers, and symbols in a particular typeface, including all italic and boldface variations of letters, numbers and symbols, The look of the text is determined by its fonts, the size of the letters, the color of the letters, and whether text effects or font styles, such as italics or boldface, have been used in the text. Font styles include boldface, italic, and underline.
Let us now learn how the page margins, document size, orientation of the document and fonts can be applied to a document.
- Click the Page Layout tab(Fiq.WD-2.1).
- Click the Size button in the Page Setup group as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.1. a drop-down list appears.
- Click the desired page size from the drop-down list as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.2. Now the document looks like shown in the Fiq.WD-2.3. The height and width of the page is set according to the size chosen in the drop-down list menu, Here, in this case, we have chosen 'Statement' as the desired size of the document. So the size of the document has been set to 5.5 " x 8.5".
The drop-down list of the size contains all the in-built sizes of the document. To change the size of the paper according to your requirement with the customized height and width follow the steps given here:
- Click the Page Layout tab (Fiq.WD-2.4).
- Click the page Setup group button as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.4. The Page Setup dialog box appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.5.
- Enter your own setting in the Width and Height text boxes as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.5.
- Click the OK button to save the changes (Fiq.WD-2.5.) Now the document size has been set according to the width and Height specified in the Page setup dialog box.
- Click the Page Layout tab (Fiq.WD-2.6).
- Click the Margins button in the Page Setup group, as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.6. A drop-down list appears (Fiq. WD-2.7).
- Click the desired margins from the drop-down list, as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.7.
- Click the Page Layout tab (Fiq.WD-2.8).
- Click the Page Setup group button, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.8. The Page Setup dialog box appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.9.
- Enter your own setting in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right text boxes (Fiq.WD-2.9).
- Click the OK button to save the changes. Now the document margin has been set according to the values specified in the Page Setup dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.9).
The page orientation is the direction in which a page is laid out on a paper. The default Orientation is portrait, in which the page is taller than it is wide. with margins left out of the page on the top and bottom. You can set the orientation to landscape, in which the page is wider that it is tall, by clicking the Orientation button and selecting that option. However, creating a landscape document stands out from the crowd of portrait documents and sometimes printing in landscape mode is necessary to fit the text, tables, and graphics on a single page.
- Click the Page Layout tab (Fiq.WD-2.10).
- Click the Orientation button (Fiq.WD-2.10). A drop-down list appears.
- Click the Landscape options from the drop-down list (Fiq.WD-2.11).
- Click on the page Layout tab.
- Click the page Setup group button . The Page Setup dialog box appears.
- Select the Margins tab.
- In the Orientation area, click the Landscape button.
- Now, click the ok button.
You can start typing the document from the position of the cursor in the document. The cursor tells you where the content you type will appear on the page. The blank space that appears on the left and right to the cursor are the margins. WHEN YOU START TYPINS, THE PAGE WILL BEGIN TO fill from the upper - left corner of your document. When you type text in a document, it is displayed in a particular font. Each font consists of alphabetic character, numbers and symbols that share a common design. By default, the font used for the text in a Microsoft Word 2007 document is Calibri , but you can change the font at any time. Thu available fonts vary from one computers to another depending on the programs installed. Some common fonts include Arial, verdana, and Times New Roman.
Some characters - especially symbols, such as the copyright symbol (Ⓒ ) - can be extremely difficult to type. Using the symbol drop- down gallery or the Symbol dialog box, you can insert any symbol or other character from any font that's installed on your computers.
Symbols are special characters that do not appear on the keyboard. These special characters vary from country to country, depending on the keyboard being used and the installation language selected for the Word. If you are looking for a special character such as the currency sign for a different country or the copyright or trademark symbols, you will find it in the Symbol gallery. You can undertake the following steps to insert a symbol in the document:
- place the cursor in the location where you want to insert a symbol.
- Click the Insert tab (Fiq. WD-2.13).
- Click the Symbol button under Symbols group (Fiq.WD-2.13). A drop-down list appears (Fiq.WD-2.14).
- From the Symbol drop-down list, choose the desired symbol; say the copyright symbol (Fiq.WD-2.14). The copyright symbol (Ⓒ ) is now inserted as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.15.
The Symbol drop-down list, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.14, includes the commonly used symbols. If you are looking for a symbol other than the commonly used symbols, undertake the following steps:
- Click the Insert tab.
- Click the Symbol button under Symbol group. A drop-down list appears, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.16.
- In the drop-down list, click the More Symbols options located at the bottom, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.16. The Symbol dialog box appears.
- From the Symbol dialog box, select a symbol or foreign character. You may have to scroll to find the one you want (Fiq.WD-2.17). N........... If you are looking to insert some more interesting symbol, choose Webdings or Wingdings 1, 2 or 3 in the Font drop-down list.
- Click the Insert button to enter the symbol ( Fiq. WD-2.17).
- Now, click the Close button to close the dialog box. After clicking the Insert button the Cancel button changes to close button.
- You can click the Special Characters tab, if you want to insert special characters in your document, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.18.
- Click on the desired character in the symbol dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.18).
- Now, click the Insert button in the Symbol dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.18).
- Click the Close button in the Symbol dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.18). After clicking the Insert button, the Cancel button changes to close button.
- place the cursor at the point you want to insert an equation.
- Click the Insert tab (Fiq.WD-2.19).
- Click the drop-down arrow beside the Equation button as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.19. A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the Binomial Theorem equation from the drop-down list (Fiq.WD-2.20). The Binomial Theorem equation, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.21, is inserted in the Document. This equation is surrounded by a blue outline known as Equation Editor. The Equation Editor helps you to edit the equation within the document itself.
- Click anywhere outside the Equation editor area. Now the equation appears as a normal text. The Equation's drop-down list contains the commonly used equations. You can scroll down the drop-down list to get more equations.
Writing an Equation
Microsoft Word 2007 provides the facility to write an equation according to your requirement. Let's undertake the following steps to write an equation:
- Place the cursor where you want to insert the equation.
- Click the Insert tab.
- Click the drop-down button beside the Equation button as shown in the. A drop-down list appears (Fig.WD-2.22)
- Click the Insert New Equation option from the drop-down list as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.22. An Equation Editor appears on the document screen. Also, contextual tab Equation Tools Design Ribbon as shown in the Fig. WD-2.23. BY USING EQUATION TOOLS, YOU CAN WRITE AN EQUATION ACCORDING TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS. The Design tab of Equation Tools is divided into three groups namely Tools, Symbols and Structures. All these three groups collectively help the user to create their own equation.
- Now, click on the Equation Editor box on the document screen and type the equation as shown in the Fig.WD-2.24.
A hyperlink is a link through which you can navigate from one place to another in the document or on a web page. The Page on the World Wide Web is the best example of hyperlink. Clicking hyperlink on the Web page takes you to different Web pages or different places on the same Web page. But in Word 2007, you can use hyperlink to connect readers to your favorite Web pages or to a different page, or slide or file. You can manage a link out of a word or phrase as well as any object - a clip-art image, text box or text frame, shape, or picture.
Let us now learn how to insert a hyperlink to link your file with another file as well as create links to Web pages.
- Select the text or object that will form the hyperlink . For example, select a line text or phrase.
- Click the Insert tab (Fiq.WD-2.25).
- Click the Hyperlink button under Link group (Fig. WD-2.25). The Insert Hyperlink dialog box appears (Fig.WD-2.26).
- Click on the Browsed Pages tab in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Fig. WD-2.26).
- Under Link to, select a web page from the list or type the Web page address beside the Address text box to create a hyperlink to a Web page (Fiq.WD-2.26).
- Click the Screen Tip button (Fiq. WD-2.26).
- The Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box appears. Type a screen tip as shown in Fiq. WD-2.27. ScreenTip HELPS the viewers to read this text that you enter when they move their pointer over the hyperlink (Fiq. WD-2.26).
- Click the OK button in the Set Hyperlink Screen Tip dialog box. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box appears again (Fig. WD -2.26).
- Click OK in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Fiq. WD-2.26)
- To test a hyperlink, Ctrl+ click it or right-click it and choose Open Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
- Select the text or object that will form the hyperlink.
- Click the Insert tab.
- Click the Hyperlink button (Under Links group).
- In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box that appears, click the Current Folder Tab (Fiq. WD-2.28).
- Browse the file which you want to link from the drop-down button (Fiq.WD-2.28).
- Select the target, that is, the file of the hyperlink (Fiq.WD-2.28).
- Click OK to close the Insert Hyperlink dialog Box (Fiq.WD-2.28).
- To test the hyperlink, Ctrl + click on the hyperlink or right-click it and choose Open Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
You should, from time to time, check the hyperlink in your file to make sure that they still work. Clicking a hyperlink and having nothing as a result to it is quite disappointing. Hyperlinks may get broken when Web pages and parts of files are deleted.
- Right-click on the link and choose Edit Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
- The Edit Hyperlink dialog box appears. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box looks like and works just as the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. You can make changes in the Edit Hyperlink dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.29).
- Select a target in your file or a Web page and click OK (Fiq.WD-2.29).
- Right-click on the hyperlink text.
- Select the Remove Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
What the text looks like is determined by its font, the size of the letter, the color of the letters, text effects or font styles such as italics or boldface. A font is a collection, of letters, numbers, and symbols, in a particular type-face, including all italic and boldface variations of the letters, numbers, and symbols, Fonts have different names and some of them are many centuries old. Most computers come with the fonts like Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Verdana. By default, Office often applies the Calibri and Cambria fonts to text.
- Select the text needs a font change, as shown in (Fig.WD-2.30).
- Keep the text highlighted , click the Home tab, By default, Home tab remains activated. If it is activated then skip this step.
- Under Font group, click the font drop-down list (Fiq.WD-2.31).
- Among the displayed fonts, click Arial Black from the font drop-down list. You can "live preview" font choices on the document (Fiq. WD-2.32).
- The drop-down list disappears and the font of the selected text changes. Click anywhere in the document to remove the highlight. After removing the highlight the text appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.33.
- Mini Toolbar: Select the text for which you want to change the font. You see the Mini Toolbar. Move the pointer over this toolbar and choose a font in the Font drop-down list, as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.34.
- Shortcut menu: Select the text. Right-click on the selected text and choose a new font from the Mini Toolbar attached to the shortcut menu.
- Font dialog box: On the Home tab, click the font group button. You see the font dialog box. Select a font and click OK as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.35.
Changing the Font size of text
Font size is measured in points. The golden rule of font sizes goes something like this: the larger the font size, the more important the text. This is way headings are larger than the normal text. Let us now undertake the following step to change the fonts size of the text.
- Select the text that needs a font size change, for example, select the text Earliest History of Virus Program. This makes the text selection as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.36.
- Ensure that the text remains highlighted. Now, click on the Home tab. By default, the Home tab remains activated, If it is activated then skip this step.
- Click on the Font Size drop-down list (Fiq.WD-2.37).
- Among the displayed font sizes, move the mouse -pointer over the font size 16 from the Font Size drop-down list and click the mouse. You can "Live preview" Font size choices on the documents (Fiq.WD-2.38).
- Now the drop-down list disappears and the font size of the selected text changes. Click anywhere in the documents to remove the highlight. After removing the highlight the text appears as shown in the Fiq. WD -2.39.
Microsoft Word 2007 provides some predefined styles. These styles ensure as to how the headings or the text would look like in your document. Styles can greatly improve the appearance and readability of your document. By using a style, you can make sure that the formatting is applied uniformly throughout your document. Word 2007 makes it easy to apply, styles to selected parts of your documents. On the Home tab, you will see a section dedicated to styles. Let's now undertake the following steps to apply headings on the text.
- Select the text for which you want to change the style as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.40.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.41).
- Click the drop-down arrow button of the Styles group as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.41. A drop-down list appears (Fiq.WD-2.42).
- Click on the Heading 1 style from the drop-down list (Fiq.WD-2.42).
You can also preview a style. To preview a style, select a portion of you document. Then, hold your mouse over one of the styles buttons, You will get a quick preview. If you like the style, simply click the button.
The arrangement or position of the text or any object within a document in an organized way is called alignment. Word provides four types of alignment - Left, Right, Center and Justify, In word processing, text start out alignment evenly along the left margin, and uneven, or ragged, at the right margin. Left-aligned text works well for body paragraphs in most cases, but other alignments such as center, right and justify vary the look of a document. Right - aligned text, which is even along the right margin and ragged at the left margin, is good for adding date to a letter. JUSTIFIED TEXT SPREEDS TEXT EVENLY between the margins thus creating a clean, professional look, often used in newspapers and magazines. Centered text is best for titles and headings. You can use Click-And-Type to quickly center titles or set different text alignment on the same line, or you can use the alignment buttons on the Home tab to set alignment on one or more lines. Let's undertake the, following steps to learn how to align the text in Word.
- Select the text or a paragraph to which you want to align as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.44.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq. WD-2.45).
- In the Paragraph group, click on the Justify option (Fiq. WD-2.45).
Indentation determines the distance of the paragraph from either the left or the right margin. Within the margins, you can increase or decrease the indentation of a paragraph or group of paragraphs. You can also create a negative indent, also known as outdent, which pulls the paragraph out towards the left margin, or a hanging indent, in which the first line of the paragraph is not indented, but subsequent lines are indented. Undertake the following steps to learn the how to indent the first line of the paragraph.
- Select a paragraph or a group of paragraphs that you want to indent as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.47.
- Click the Home tab, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.48.
- Click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher button, as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.48.
- A Paragraph dialog box appears. In the Special list under Indentation, click the drop-down list and choose First line (Fiq.WD-2.49).
- Also, you can set the amount of space that you want the first line to be indented with in the By box (Fiq.WD-2.49). Note This : The first line of the paragraph and all subsequent paragraphs that you type will be indented. However, any paragraph before the selected paragraph must be manually indented by using the same procedure.
- Click the OK button (Fiq.WD-2.49).
- Select a paragraph that you want to change.
- Click the Home tab.
- Under Paragraph group click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher button. A Paragraph dialog box appears, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.51.
- Click the arrows next to Left to increase or decrease the left indentation of the paragraph (Fiq.WD-2.51).
- To increase or decrease the right indentation of the paragraph, click on the arrow next to Right (Fiq.WD-2.51).
- Click the OK button to implement indentation and close the Paragraph dialog box.
Note This : You can also see the preview of Indentation in the Preview area of the Paragraph dialog box.
Spacing affects the readability of a document. Spacing is of two types, line spacing and paragraph spacing. Line Spacing determines the amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph. If you have long lines of text spanning the width of the page, your eye has to work to track all the way across it. To make it easier to follow the line across the page, you should increase the spacing between the lines. Paragraph spacing determiners the amount of space above or below a paragraph. By default, lines are single spaced, with slightly more space following each paragraph. Let's know how to provide spacing between the lines and the paragraph.
- Select a paragraph or a group of paragraphs for which you want to do spacing changes.
- Click the Home tab.
- Under paragraph group click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher button. A Paragraph dialog box appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.52.
- Click on the arrows next to Before under the Spacing group to increase or decrease the spacing before the paragraph as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.52.
- Click on arrows next to After under the Spacing group to increase or decrease the spacing after the paragraph as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.52.
- Now, click the OK button to close the Paragraph dialog box as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.52. Now your document will appear with the specified changes.
If a line contains a large text character, graphic, or formula, Microsoft Office Word increase the spacing for that line. To space all line evenly within a paragraph, use exact spacing and specify an amount of space that is large enough to fit the largest character or graphic in the line. If an item appears cut off, increase the amount of spacing. Here are the steps to change the spacing:
- Select a paragraph for which you want to change the line spacing (Fiq.WD-2.53).
- Click the Home tab.
- Under Paragraph group click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher button. A Paragraph dialog box appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.54.
- Click the drop-down button under the Line spacing option. A list of options appears.
- From the list of options, select 1.5 lines option on the Line spacing drop-down list (Fiq. WD-2.54). Note This : The other options on the list of Line spacing are described as follows:
- At Least: Choose this option if you want Word to adjust for tall symbols or other unusual text. Word adjusts the lines but makes sure that there is, at minimum, the number of points you enter in the At box between each line.
- Exactly: Choose this option and enter a number in the At box if you want a specific amount of space between lines.
- Multiple: Choose this option and put a number in the At box to get triple-spaced, quadruple, quintuple, or any other number of spaced lines.
- Single: This option accommodates the largest font in that line, plus a small amount of extra space. The amount of extra space varies depending on the font that is used.
- 1.5 lines: This option is one-and-one-half times that of single line spacing.
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
You can set off lists of information in your documents by using bullets and numbers. A bulleted list adds bullets dots in front of each list item, while a numbered list adds numbers in front of each list item. Numbered list presents a lot of step-by-step procedures. Bulleted and numbered lists can help you keep your information better organized.
- Select the text that you know to format as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.56.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.57).
- Under Paragraph group click the Bullets button, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.57.
- Select the text that you want to format.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.59).
- Under Paragraph group click on the drop-down button beside the Bullets buttons button as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.59.
- A drop-down list appears. Click on the Bullet other than already used (Fiq.WD-2.60).
- Select the text that have the Bullets applied and you want to customize.
- Click the drop-down button beside the Bullets button. A drop-down list appears
- From the drop-down list, click on the Define New Bullet option. A Define New Bullet dialog box appears.
- Click on the Symbols button in the Define New Bullets dialog box, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.61.
- The Symbols dialog box appears. Choose Wingdings font from the drop-down list beside the Font option in the Symbols dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.62).
- Select the Symbols as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.62.
- Click on the OK button to close the Symbols dialog box, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.62.
- The Define New Bullet dialog box appears. Click OK to close the Define New Bullet dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.63). You will see the new bullet style applied on the selected text.
- Picture : The Picture button opens the picture Bullet dialog box. In the Picture Bullet dialog box, you can choose various colorful and picture like bullets for you document.
- Font: The Font button in the Define New Bullet dialog box opens the Font dialog box. In the Font dialog box, you can customize the type of Font, Style, size and color of the bullet.
- Alignment: The alignment option specifies the position of the bullet.
Creating a Numbered lists
A numbered list is another way to add emphasis to an items lists. In a numbered list, numbers are used to give serial numbers to items. We have just created bulleted lists. Now, to learn how we can apply numbered list, we will convert this bullets list created earlier into a numbers lists.
- Select the text that you want to format as shown in the Fiq.W-2.64.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.64).
- Under Paragraph group click the Numbering button, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.64.
- Select the text that you want to format.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.66).
- Under Paragraph group click the drop-down button beside the Numbering button, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2. 66. A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the Number style other than already used as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.67.
- Select the texts that have the Numbering applied and to which you want to customize.
- Click the Home tab.
- Under Paragraph group click the drop-down button beside the Numbering button. A drop-down list appears
- From the drop-down list, click on the Define New Number Format option. The Define New Number Format dialog box appears.
- Click on the drop-down under the Number Style option as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.68.
- A number style drop-down list appears. Select a number style, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.68.
- Click OK to close the Define New Number Format dialog box (Fiq. WD -2.68).
- Font: The Font button in the Define New Number Format dialog box opens the Font dialog box. In the Font dialog box, you can customize the type. of Font, style, size and color of the Numbering.
- Number Format: The Number Format text field allows you to customize the predefined number style.
- Alignment: The alignment option specifies the position of the bullet.
Tool Tip :
- Ending lists: Press the Enter key twice after typing the last entry in the list or you can also right-click the list, choose Bullets or Numbering, and choose None on the submenu.
- Removing the number or bullets: Select the list and click the Numbering or Bullets button to remove a number or bullet.
- Adjusting how far a list is indented : Right -click anywhere in the list, choose Adjust List Indents, and enter a new measurement in the Text Indent box.
- Resuming a numbered list; Click the Numbering button to start numbering again. The autocorrect Option button appears. Click it and choose Continue Numbering, or right-click and choose Continue Numbering on the shortcut menu.
- Starting a new list: Suppose that you want to start a brand -new list right away, then Right- click the number and choose Restart at 1 on the shortcut menu.
Adding Emphasis to Text and Paragraph
You can use Word's basic formatting commands - Bold, Italic, and Underline - to quickly add formatting to your text. These three formatting style are the most common ways to change the appearance of text in a document. You can undertake the following steps to apply font style Bold to the text.
- Select the text that you want to make Bold.
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-2.69).
- Click the Bold button (Fiq.WD-2.69).
- Regular: This style is just Office's way of denoting an absence of any font style.
- Italic: Italics are used for emphasis, when this style is applied on the text the text looks slightly bent, that is forward inclined.
- Bold: Boldface text makes the text strong or thick so that it calls attention.
- Underline: Underline text to draws an underline below the text.
Ⓝ ⇩
- Select text and use one of these techniques to apply a font style to it:
- Home tab: Click the Bold, Italic, or Underline button.
- Keyboard : Press Ctrl + B to boldface text, Ctrl + I to italicize it, or Ctrl + U to underline it.
- Mini Toolbar: The Mini Toolbar offers the Bold and Italic button.
- Font dialog box: Select a font Style option in the Font dialog box. To open this dialog box, visit the Home tab and click the Font group button.
- To remove a font style, click the Bold, Italic, or Underline button a second time. You can also select text and then click the Clear Formatting button on the Home tab.
Changing the Color of Text, and Highlighting the Text
You can add color to your Word text to enhance the appearance of a document or to add emphasis to your text. When selecting text colors, you should avoid choosing colors that make your text difficult to read. You can use Word's Highlight tool to add highlighting to the text in a document. For example, if you share a document with others, you can highlight a sentence or paragraph that you add to the page to draw attention to the new addition. You might also highlight the text that you want a colleague to check. When you apply highlighting, you can specify a highlight color.
- Select the text that you want to format (Fiq.WD-2.70).
- Click the Home tab(Fiq.WD-2.71)
- Click the Font Color button (Fiq.WD-2.71). A drop-down list appears.
- Click a color (Fiq.WD-2.72).
- On the Mini Toolbar, open the drop-down list on the Font color buttons and choose a color.
- Right click on the text selected, a drop-down list appears. Click on the on the font color option and then and choose a color in the Fonts dialog that appears.
- Click the Font group button to open the Font dialog box, open the Font color drop-down list, and choose a color.
The Font Color drop-down list offers theme colors and standard colors, You are well advised to choose a theme color. These colors are deemed theme color because they jive with the theme you choose for your file.
- Select the text that you want to highlight (Fiq.WD-2.74).
- Click the Home tab (Fiq. Word -2.75).
- Click the Text Highlight Color button as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.75.
- A drop-down list appears. Click a highlight color as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.76.
You can add borders to your document text to add emphasis or make the document very appealing. For example, You can add a border to a paragraph to bring attention to the text. You can also add a border to the entire document page. Adding border to an important paragraph helps it stand out from the rest your document. This is helpful if you want some part or parts of your document to stand out be the reader. Here are the steps to add a border and shading to a paragraph:
- Select a paragraph to which you want to add border and shading (Fiq.WD-2.78).
- Click the Home tab (Fiq. WD-2.79).
- Click the Border button drop-down tool (Fiq.WD-2.79). A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the Border and Shading option as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.80.
- The Borders and Shading dialog box appears. In the Borders and Shading dialog box, click the Box option on the left hand side.
- Scroll through the style list to select a Border design. Ⓝ : You can select a custom color and width also. There is a nice small preview window on the right side to give you an idea of how your border will look like. From here you can click on each border side to include and not to include the border in the paragraph.
- Now, click on the Shading tab, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.81. Ⓝ : You should not add too many effects, such as borders, to your document because it may make your document difficult to read.
- In the Shading tab click drop-down arrow under the Fill option. A drop-down list appears.
- Click on any color from the drop-down list that you want to add in the paragraph as shading. The preview of the selected color appears on the right side of the dialog box under the Preview option (Fiq.WD-2.82). Ⓝ : You can also click on the Style drop-down list to add the intensity of the color.
- Click the OK button to close the Border and Shading dialog box as shown in the Fiq. WD-2.82.
Inserting a Table:
A table is a grid of cells with individual cells occurring at the intersecting of corresponding rows and columns. Table are highly customizable and are useful for a variety of tasks, from presenting numerical date to creating unique layouts. You can use tables to present data in an organized fashion. For example, you can add a table to your document to display a list of items or to present date in a category.
Tables are built with columns and rows that intersect to form cells. You can insert all types of date, including text and graphics, in table cells, Let us understand using the following steps to insert a table in a document:
- In your document, click at the point where you want to insert a table.
- Click the Insert tab (Fiq.WD-2.84).
- Click the Table button (Fiq.WD-2.84). A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the Insert Table option as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.85. An Insert Table dialog box appears.
- In the Insert Table dialog box, type 4 beside the Number of columns option as here we want to insert four columns in a table (Fiq.WD-2.86).
- Again type 4 beside the Number of rows option to insert four rows in a table (Fiq.WD-2.86).
- Click the OK button to close the Insert table dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.86).
- Drag from the Table drop-down list:
- On the Insert tab, click the Table button.
- Point on the drop-down list to the number of columns and rows you want.
- Click on the place where you want to insert the table. The preview of the rows and columns are viewed directly on the document. The Fiq.WD-2.88 Explains the above steps:
- Draw a table:
- On the Insert tab, click the Table button and then choose Draw Table in the drop-down list.
- The pointer change into a pencil. Use the pencil to draw table borders, rows, and columns. When you are finished drawing the table, press the Esc Key.
- Create a quick table:
- On the Insert tab, click the Table button and select Quick Tables in the drop-down list.
- Select a predefined table from the sub menu. You have to replace the sample date in the quick table, however, with your own data. The Fiq.WD-2.89 EXPLAINS THESE STEPS.
Tool Tip : After you create a table, you get two new tabs on the Ribbon. The (Table Tools) Design tab offers commands for changing the look of the table. The (Table Tools) Layout tab is for changing around the rows and columns.
Adding Information to the Table
- As the cursor is blinking in the first row of the first column of table (Fiq.WD-2.90), THE FIRST TEXT ENTRY WILL BE MADE AT THIS POSITION. Type Item Name. This text gets displayed in the first row of the first column of your table.
- After writing the text in the first column, press the Tap key from the keyboard. This makes the cursor jump to the second column (Fiq.WD-2.90).
- Now, type the second columns heading, say Price (Fiq.WD-2.91).
- Press the Tab key, type the third column heading, say Quantity (Fiq.WD-2.91)
- Press the Tab key, type the fourth column heading, say Total Price (Fiq,WD-2.91).
- PRESS THE tab key again. The cursor now starts blinking in the second row of the first column (Fiq.WD-2.91).
- Now type A001 at the place where cursor is blinking as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.91.
- Using the Tab key, move the cursor from one column to another and from one row to another and type the rest of the data in the table, as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.92.
Sometimes you need to expand your existing table for accommodating more details. For that, you have to insert rows and columns in a table. Let us learn how to insert columns and rows into an exiting tables.
Sometimes you may need to add some new information into your table. You can include new information in your table by inserting rows and columns. You can insert a new row before or after an existing row or at the end of the table. You can undertake the following steps to insert a new row after the last row of your table:.
- Move the mouse pointer at the last row of the first column and placed it to the right of the text as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.93.
- Click the Table Tools Layout contextual Tab (Fiq.WD-2.94).
- Under Rows &Columns group click the Insert below button (Fiq.WD-2.94).
You can also add new column in a table. The new column would be placed to the left or right side of an existing column or after the last column in the table. Let us now learn to add new column between two existing columns in the table. The steps you can follows are:.
- Move the mouse pointer to the right of the text in the first columns and in the first row (Fiq.WD-2.96).
- Click the Table Tools Layout contextual tab (Fiq.WD-2.97).
- Under Rows & Columns group click the Insert Right button (Fiq.WD-2.97).
- Deleting columns:. Click in a columns you want to delete, click the Delete button on the Layout tab. A drop-down list appears. Click on the Delete Columns option from the drop-down list. Select more than one column to deleted more than one column. (Note that pressing the Delete key deletes the data in one columns, to delete more than one column. (Note that pressing the Delete key deleted the data in the column, not the column itself).
- Deleting rows: Click in the row you want to delete, click the Delete button on the Layout tab. A drop-down list appears, click on the Delete Rows option from the drop-down list. Select more than one row to delete more than one row. (Note that pressing the Delete key deleted the date in the row, not the row itself.
Soon after you create a new file, be sure to save it, And save your file from time to time while you work on it as well. Until you save your save, it rests in the computer's electronic memory known as RAM. If a power failure occurs or your computer halts, you will lose all the work you did since last time you saved your file. You should make sure to save the files in every ten minutes or so or when you complete an important task. Each MS Office program saves the file in a default file type. For example, MS Word uses the DCCX file format.
You can save your data to reuse it or share it with others. You should also frequently save any file that you are working on in case of a power failure or computer crash. When you save a file you can give it a unique filename, and store it in a particular folder or drive. Let us undertake the following steps to save the file:.
- Click on the Office button (Fiq.WD-2.99). A drop-down list appears.
- In the menu that appears, click on the Save As button (Fiq.WD-2.99). Ⓝ : For subsequent saves, you can click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to quickly save the file.
- The Save As dialog box appears. Click on the Navigation pane to navigate to the folder or drive to which you want to save the file (Fiq.WD-2.100).
- Type the file name beside the Files name option (Fiq.WD-2.100
- Click the Save button to close the Save As dialog box (Fiq.WD-2.100).
The users who do not have the latest version of Word, MS Word 2007, installed on their computer then they could not be able to open the file created in DOCX format. So, before you pass along a file to some other person who has an earlier version of Office, save your document so that other people, can open it. In Office 2007 files are stored in XML format, so unless you save your file in the format used by earlier versions of Office, other people will not be able open it. Let us undertake the following steps top save a file so that someone with Office 97, 2000, XP or 2003 Can open it :.
- Click the Office Button, A drop-down list appears (Fiq.WD-2.101).
- Move the mouse pointer to the drop-down arrow beside the Save As option (Fiq.WD-2.101). A list options appears.
- Click on the Word 97-2003 Document format option (Fiq.WD-2.101).
- The Save As dialog box appears. Type a new file name beside the File name textbox.
- In the Navigation pane, select the location where you want to save the document
- Now, click the Save button.
📧 E-mail and Web documents are bringing the paperless office closer to reality, but the most common way to distribute a finished document is still to print it. Printing is mostly a job for Windows -Word prepares your document, and then hands it off to the Windows. Let us now understand how to preview the document and apply some setting before printing the document.
Although creating documents in Word is great, there will be times when you want to print out a paper copy. Before you print the document. however, you should make sure that everything is fine and as per your requirement. Using the following steps, we will learn how to preview a document.
- Open the document that you want to print.
- Click the Office button. A drop-down list appears.
- Move the mouse-pointer over the drop-down arrow beside the Print option (Fiq.WD-2.102).
- A list of options appears. Click the print Preview option as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.102.
After clicking the Print Preview option the document appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.103. This is the Print Preview of the document.
The default ribbons have disappeared from the screen. As you can see in the Fiq.WD-2.103, the print preview tab appears at the top. The print preview tab provides the various options to view your document differently. Let's now discuss the various categories available in the print preview tab, as shown in the Table 2.1.
Setting Printing Options 🖨
Printing option can be set from the print dialog box and also you can give the print command. To open the Print dialog box, click the Print button on the print preview tab. The print dialog box appears as shown in the Fiq.WD-2.104.
- Our first set of options is printer. Here, you can choose your printer. The printer name may be something else in your computer. The printer name appears in the print dialog box depending upon what printer is installed in your computer.
- The next set of options is page Range. Here you can choose to print all pages, the current page, or just a selection, you can also click the pages radio button and enter page numbers. There are a few ways to specify showing various ways to specify the page range and the output generated by the printer considering a document to be of 20 pages.
- Click on he Office Button.
- A drop-down list appears. Click on the Close option.
- Microsoft Word closes the document. Also, to exit from Microsoft Word application click on the Exit Word button on the Office drop-down list.
In this chapter, you have learnt to prepare the Document in Word 2007, Page, Margins, Document Size, Orientation, paragraph Indentation are all the important component of a document that make a document look professional. Page margins are the empty space on the left, right, top and bottom in a document. You can position header, footers and page number inside the marinas. Document Size identifies the size of your document. Microsoft Word provides two types of orientation to a document - portrait and Landscape. A landscape is one in which the page is wider than it is long, like a painting of a scenery. A font is a collection of letters, numbers and symbols in a particular typeface, including all italic and boldface variation of letters, numbers and symbols. The chapter explains all these things in detail.
You have also learnt to insert some characters - especially symbols, such as copyright (Ⓒ ) - can be extremely difficult to type. Word 2007 has preset equations and mathematical structure to insert into the document. Styles can greatly improve the appearance and readability of your document. By using style, you can make sure formatting is applying uniformity throughout your document.
A Paragraph formatting consists of Alignment, Indentation and Spacing. An indent is the distance between a margin and the text, not the edge of the page and the text. Spacing is the distance between any two lines in the paragraph. Bulleted and numbered lists can help you keep your information better organized.
A table is a grid of cells with individual cells occurring at the intersecting of corresponding rows and columns. For example, you can add a table to your document to display a list of items or to present data in a category.
Finally the chapter discuses various ways to print a document, and how you can randomly select pages of a document for printing.
3: Editing The Document 🗎
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Checking Document for Spelling and Grammar mistakes
- Translation
- Tracking and Managing Document Changes
You will rarely write a documents that does not require editing. You will almost always want to insert a word or two, change a phrase. or move text from one place to another. You can edit a document as you create it, or you can write it first and then revise it. You might want to edit a document that you created for one purpose so that it will serve a different purpose. For example, a document from the last year's marketing campaign might be edited to create a new letter for this year's campaign. In the days of handwritten and typewritten documents, people might have tolerated a spelling or grammar error because correcting these types of errors was very difficult. The documents that contain these types of errors are likely to reflect badly on their creators. Although, Word has in-built spelling and grammar checkers that help you to eliminate misspelled words and grammatical errors. You should always read through your documents to catch the problems that the Word has detected . In Microsoft Office, Word, You can track each insertion, deletion, move, formatting change, or comment that you make so that you can review all of the change later. In this, chapter, you will learn how to edit the document.
Finding and Replacing Text
If you have to find a word throughout the large document, it seems very difficult, and tedious task. Perhaps the most common technique for navigating a large document is the find command, which locates one or more instances of a word or phrase. Together with the find command, you will find the powerful Replace command to find and replace a name or text passage throughout the file. For example, suppose that the company you work for just changes its name and old company name is in many different place. By using the Replace command, you could replace the old company name with the new name throughout the long document in less time. Now, let us learn how find and Replace command words in the document.
You can quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase. Let us now undertake the following steps to find text in the document:.
- Click the Home tab (Fig. WD- 3.1).
- In the Editing group, click the Find button (Fig. WD- 3.1). Ⓝ : The Editing group in the window will appear when you increase the size of the window and it converts into a button when you decrease the size of the window. The Find and Replace dialog box appears (Fig. WD- 3.2).
- Type the search text in the Find What text box. For example type Games in text box beside the Find what option. (Fiq.WD-3.3).
- Click the Find Next button (Fiq.WD-3.3). The Microsoft Word starts searching the instances of text (Games) in the document. On finding the first instance of word Games, Microsoft Word highlights the word in the document, as shown in Fiq.WD-3.3 Keep on clicking the Find Next button to find more instances of word Games in the document.
- At any time you want to postpone the task of finding word or phrases in the document, simply click the Cancel button (Fiq.WD-3.4).
Tool Tip➜ After you close the Find and Replace dialog box, you may realize that you need to run the same search again. Instead of opening the Find and Replace dialog box all over again, you can repeat the most recent search by pressing the Shift + F4 key.
The Find and Replace dialog box contains the Search Option which helps you to refine your search. You can take control of your search by utilizing the controls in the Search Options group. Undertake the following steps to use the Search Option:
- Click the Home tab (Fiq. WD.3.1).
- Click the Find button in the Editing group (Fiq.WD-3.1).
- The Find and Replace dialog box appears. Beside Find what options type the word you want to find in the document. For example, type Games.
- After typing the word click the More button (Fiq. WD-3.5).
- Search: Use this list to specify a direction for Microsoft Word in order to search the instances of text mentioned by the user. The default direction for searching instances of text is All, which searches the entire document (Down to the end and then continuing from the beginning.) You can also click either Down (Towards the end of the document) or Up (towards the start). If you are sure the instance, you want, occurs either later or earlier in the document, specifying a direction can speed up the search because Word does not have to go through the entire file. Find lets you know if it reaches the end (Or the start) of the document and gives you the option to continue searching from the start (or from the end).
- Match case: Select this check box to find only those instances that match the Uppercase and lowercase letters that you had specified in the Find what text box. For example, if you type Book as the search text, Find will match Book but not book or Book.
- Find whole words only : Select this check box to find only those instances of the search text that are entire words , not just partial words. For example, if you type pen as the search text, Find will only match the word pen, not words that contain pen, such as expenses and pencil.
- Use wildcards: Select this check box to use wildcard characters in your search text. Wildcard characters enable you to search your document by specifying pattern to match instead of just specific text.
- Sounds like: Select this check box to match words that are the same phonetically as the search text. For example, if you type color in the Find what text box.; Find also matches the variant spelling color. This option also words for phonetic matches such as bold and bowled and mail and male.
- Find all word forms : Select this check box to match all the grammatical forms of the search text. For example, if you type sink in the Find what text box. Find will match not only sink, but also sinking, sank, and sunk.
- Match prefix: Select this check box to match word that begin with the search text. For example, if you type hyper. in the Find what text box. Find will match. hyperlink and hyperactive (and also the word hyper.)
- Match suffix: Select this check box to match words that end with the search text. For example. if you type space in the Find what text box, Find will match monospace and copy space (and also the word space).
- Ignore punctuation characters : Select this check box to tell word to bypass punctuation marks in the document when searching. For example, if you type well in the Find what text box, Find will match we'll and well when you select this check box, Find ignores the punctuation marks.
- Ignore white - space characters: Select this check box to tell word to bypass white space in the document when searching. For example, if you type whitespace in the Find what text box. Find will match whitespace. When you select this check box, Find ignores spaces and tabs.
Replace text with another text 🖹
If you have a number of instances of a word or phrase that require the same edit or replace with some other word, performing each edit and replacing text manually is too time consuming. A much better method is to let Word's Replace feature handle some or all of that edit for you. Let us now undertake the following steps to perform a basic Replace operation:
- Click the Home tab (Fiq.WD-3.7).
- In the Editing group, click the Replace button (Fiq.WD-3.7). The Find and Replace dialog box appears (Fiq.WD-3.8).
- In the Find what text box, type the word or phrase that you want to edit (For example we have used the word machine, as shown in Fiq. WD -3.8).
- In the Replace with text box, type the text (For example, device ) you want to use as the replacement (Fiq. WD -3.8).
- Click Find Next button. Word selects the next instances of the Finds what text (Fiq.WD-3.8).
- Click the Replace button in the Find and Replace dialog box (Fiq.WD-3.8). keep clicking this button to continue replacing the text. If you come across an instance that you don't want to replace, click Find Next, instead. After replacing all instances of word in the document, the Cancel button transforms into Close button, Click on Close button to close down the Find and Replace dialog box.
- Click the Cancel button if you wish to discontinue with this option of Find and Replace (Fiq.WD-3.8).
Ⓝ : Replace All button is used to replace every instances that occur in the document.
As you type in Word, the spell checker operates in the background and examines your text errors. The Word indicates the Spelling error with a red wavy line under that word and grammar error with the green wavy line under the sentence or word. No matter how professionally organized and formatted your document appears; a simple spelling error will stick out and take your reader's mind off your document. However, mistakes do happen, especially if your document is a large one. To help you catch these errors, Word offers a spell- checking utility. With the spell checker, you can do your best to repair grammatically errors in Word documents by getting the assistance to the grammar checker. The grammar checker identifies grammatical errors, explains what the errors are, and gives you the opportunity to correct the errors.
Let us now learn to check the spelling errors. You can identify the spelling error, with a word that has a red wavy underline. In Fiq. WD-3.10, Microsoft Word is showing luse as misspelled word. Undertake the following steps to correct the misspelled word
- Right-click on misspelled word (luse, in our case). A shortcut menu appears (Fiq.WD-3.9).
- In the shortcut menu, click on the correct replacement (lose) of misspelled word (Fiq.WD-3.9).
- Correction : The spell checker usually offers one or more suggested corrections for the misspelled word. Click one of those suggestions to correct the word as shown in the Fiq.WD-3.10.
- Ignore : If this instance of the word is spelled correctly (For example, it might be a company name or code name word.
- Ignore All: If you know the word is spelled correctly throughout the document, click Ignore All to remove the red underline from all instances of the word in the current document and any other document you use in the current Word session. If you restart. Word, it will again flag this word as an error.
- Add to Dictionary: If the Word is spelled correctly and you do not want Word to flag if again, click Add to Dictionary to insert the term into dictionary.
- Auto Correct: If the word is misspelled and this errors is one you commonly make, click AutoCorrect and then click the correct word in the list of suggestions. When you misspell the word in the future, Word will automatically correct. it.
- Spelling: Click this command to open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.
- Right-click the underlined text. A Shortcut menu appears (Fiq.WD-3.11).
- In the shortcut menu, click the correct replacement (Fiq. W D-3.11
- Corrections : The grammar checker usually offers one or more suggested corrections for the error. Click one of those suggestions to correct the text.
- Ignore Once : If you know the text is correct, click Ignore once to skip this instance of the error in the current document.
- Grammar : Click this command to open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.
- About this sentence: Click this command to display a Help article that explains the error and offers suggestions to avoid the error in the Future.
Correcting Spelling and Grammar mistakes
Running of correcting misspelling one of a time, you run a spell-check on your work. You can also invoke the grammar checker along with the spell - checker. Before launching the spell checker, first decide what you want to check. If you want to check just a word or a section of text, select the text; if you want to check the entire document, move the cursor to the top of the file. Let us now undertake the following step to correct the spelling and grammar mistakes in the document:
- Click on the Review tab (Fiq.WD-3 .13).
- In the Proofing group, click on the Spelling and Grammar button (Fiq.WD-3.13).
- Not in Dictionary : This box shows the word that was not in the spell checker's dictionary in red.
- Suggestions: This list box contains all the words that the spell checker has determined and is close to the unknown word. If the word is misspelled, click the suggestion that you want to use as a replacement.
- Ignore Once: Click this button to skip this instance of the word.
- Ignore All : Click this button to skip all instances of the word in the current session.
Ⓝ : The Not in Dictionary box shown the unknown word in context, which means you see some of the text surrounding the word. This often helps you determine whether the word is actually misspelled, and what word is the best correction.
After clicking the Change button in the Spelling and Grammar: English (United States) dialog box, the Spelling and Grammar check utility now searches for a new spelling or grammar mistake in the document.
- Click on the Review tab (Fiq.WD-3.13).
- In the Proofing group, click on the Spelling and Grammar button (Fiq.WD-3.13). The Spelling and Grammar: English (United States) dialog box appears. If the grammar checker does not find any error, it displays a message box letting you know that the check is complete. Otherwise, it displays the Spelling and Grammar : English (United States) dialog box. For example, in Fiq.WD-3.15 the Spelling and Grammar utility of Microsoft Word is displaying the phrase ball of different color enters as improperly structured due to wrong usage of Subject-Verb Agreement with its correct substitute under Suggestions.
- Under Suggestions click on a correct replacement. For example, click on ball of different color enters as shown in Fiq.WD-3.15.
- Next, click the Change button (Fiq.WD-3.15).
- Grammatical error : This box shows the error in green text. Note that the name of the box is the name of the error category, such as Subject - Verb Agreement.
- Suggestions: This list box contains one or more suggestions to fix the error. If the text is a grammatical error, click the suggestion that you want to use as a replacement.
- Ignore Once: Click this button to skip this instance of the error.
- Ignore Rule: Click this button to skip all instances of the error.
- Next Sentence : Click this button to continue the grammar check with the next sentence. The error is not fixed in this case.
- Change : Click this button to change the erroneous text to the text selected in the Suggestion list.
- Explain: Click this command to display a Help article that explains the error and offers suggestions for avoiding the error.
- Options: Click Click this button to display the Word option dialog box with the Proofing section displayed.
Choosing a Thesaurus
One of the keys to good writing is using that add interest and flair. If you cannot seem to find the right word you can give a thesaurus. Word's thesaurus is the ultimate synonym tool. Its word choices are fairly limited, but it provides a handy tool for quick look ups online. Let us undertake the following steps to insert thesaurus in your document:
- Highlight the word you want to look up for the synonym. For example, in our case, we have highlighted the word difficult.
- Click the Review tab (Fiq.WD-3.16).
- In the Proofing group, click on the Thesaurus button (Fiq.WD-3.16). Tool Tip : You can also either press the Shift + F7 key or right - click the word, then choose Synonym and the Thesaurus option or the word of your choice. When you click the Thesaurus button, the thesaurus tool appears in the Research pane and looks up the current word.
- The Research Task pane appears. To look one of the synonyms of word difficult, click on it (Fiq.WD-3.17). After you have looked up few Words, you can click the Back and Next Search buttons in the Research Task pane to navigate your search.
- When you find the suitable replacement for the word difficult, click the drop-down arrow button. For example, click on down-arrow button beside the complicated, as shown in Fiq.WD-3.18.
- The drop-down list appears, click the Insert option (Fiq.WD-3.18).
While you have the Research pane open, you can use it to look up other information about the word. For example, you use the Research pane for the synonyms and type (noun, adjective or verb) of specified word.
Translating word or sentence
- Select a word or phrase that you want to translate.
- Click on the Review tab (Fiq.WD-3.19).
- In the Proofing group, click on the Translate button (Fiq. WD -3.19).
- The Research pane appears. Under Translation, choose a LANGUAGE From the From and To drop down list. For example, to translate from English to Spanish, choose English in the From drop-down list and Spanish in the To drop-down list (Fiq.WD-3.20). The translation appears in the task pane. You may have to scroll down to find the word.
- To copy a translated word into your document, double - click over it in the Research pane (Fiq. WD -3.21).
- Then right - click and choose Copy option to copy the word or phrase (Fiq.WD-3.21).
- From there, you can paste it in your file right - clicking on the selected word (hat) and choosing Paste option in the shortcut menu. The translation that you just copied from the Research pane replaces the highlighted word in the documents, as shown in (Fiq.WD-3.22).
If you have an entire document to translate, translating a document word by word at a time is cumbersome so you can use the Web-based service to translate an entire documents at once. Imagine receiving a 50 page document that needs to be translated. You could be translation the document all week.
- Open the document you want to translate.
- Click the Review tab (Fiq.W-3.23).
- In the Proofing group, click on the Research button (Fiq.WD03.23).
- The Research pane appears, under Translation, click the button under the Translate the whole documents text (Fiq.WD-3.23).
Your document sent to a third party translation service and a translation of the document appears in your WEB BROWSER (fIQ.wd-3.24). The main disadvantage to this is that your document is sent across the Internet without encryption, which can be a security rick if it contains some sensitive and confidential information.
This chapter discussed about how to make your document free from errors of spelling and grammar. You have learnt various techniques of finding and replacing text. Although, WORD HAS IN-BUILT Spelling and grammar checkers that help you to eliminate misspelling and grammatical errors. You should always read through your documents to catch the problems that the Word has detected. With the help of find command, you can find any text or phrase in the document. Replace command helps you to replace any text or phrase in the document with another text or phrase. Word's thesaurus is the ultimate synonym tool which helps you to find the synonym of any word in the document. Microsoft Office provides feature for translating words and phrases from one language to another. The translation feature helps for translating single words and well-knows phrases.