In this post, I have dealt with Environmental studies in the classical sense. I have tried to bring it out as both, an area of study and as an approach to study. Under the former, the child learns about the environment. As an approach to study, the learning takes place through it. The entire objective has been to systematize the child's process of interaction with the environment so as to make knowledge effective and meaningful. In today's age, the harm to the environment is an inconvenient truth. This can be tackled by the children of this generation who will be the future guardians of a healthy, pollution free earth.
Animals (also called Metazoan) are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms in the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exception animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and go through an ontogenetic stage in which their body consists of a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Over 1.5 million. living animals species have been described ---- of which around 1 million are insects -- but it has been estimated there are over 7 million animals species in total. Animals range in length from 8.5 micrometer (0.00033 in) to 33.6 meters ( 110 it). They have complex interactions with each other and their environments, forming intricate food webs. The scientific study of animals is known as zoology.
Animals are of two types
(1) Wild animals (2) Domestic animals :
Wild animals : Some animals live in the forests. They are called wild animals. Some of the wild animals are : elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, zebras, monkeys. snakes, crocodiles and deer.
Wild and Domestic Animals
There are different kinds of animals and birds in our surroundings.
Some animals are called Wild Animals. They like to live in the jungle. It is not safe to keep them at home. We can see them in zoos and nationals parks.
Some animals are called Domestic Animals.
It is safe to keep them near our home. They help us in many ways. Cows, buffaloes and goats give us milk. Sheep give us wool. Horses, camels and bullocks draw our carts and carriages. Donkeys, horses and camels carry loads for us.
The horse and the camel also give us joy rides. The dog guards our home.
We can see these animals in a zoo also.
Domestic animals : Some of the domestic animals are : cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, bulls, horses, donkeys, camels, parrots, hens, dogs and cats.
- Animals like cows, buffaloes, dogs, camels, elephants, etc. live on land. They have four legs and a tail.
- Lizards, tortoise, etc. have short legs.
- Snakes have no legs.
- Crocodiles, frogs, etc. live both in water and on land.
- Fish live only in water.
- Insects are very small creatures. They have six legs and two pairs of wings.
Kinds of creatures :
Some animals and birds give us milk, wool and flesh, while some birds give us eggs. All these things which are obtained from the birds and animals are called natural resource.
(There are many animals around us. These animals are of different colors, shapes and sizes. The word animal includes a variety of living creatures).
Water creatures :The fish lives in water. The fish has scales, fins, gills and a tail.
Water and land creatures : Some creatures can live both in water and on land.
Frogs, tortoise and crabs are some of the creatures which can live in water as well as on land.
Water Animals
Water animals live in water. Some fish like the shark are very big. The seahorse is a fish. Its head looks like a horse. The octopus is a water animals with eight arms. The blue whale is the world's largest animals.
Kinds of creatures
- Animals cannot prepare their own food. They obtain food from plants or other animals. Hence they are called heterotrophs.
- Animals show various movements and change their place on their own will.
- Animals show growth only till a specific period.
- Animals do not have chlorophyll thus they cannot perform photosynthesis.
- Animals have respiratory organs for respiration.
- Animals have excretory organs for excretion.
- Animals reproduce either by laying eggs or by giving birth to young ones.
Helpful Animals
How is the body of animals protected ?
Movements of these living things ?
So many Kinds of animals
People love to keep animals. The dog guards our house. People like to keep cats, too, Cows, buffaloes and goats give us milk. Some people keep hens. We get meat, milk and eggs from animals.Bullocks help with farm work. Hitched to a cart, they can draw heavy burdens, too. Horses and donkeys, too, are used to carry burdens.
We look after the animals we keep. We feed them. We take care of them when they are ill.
The animals we keep become very dear to us.
Some animals enter our houses even though we don't want them. Mice and rats destroy stored grain, besides gnawing other things in the house.
Sometimes we find bedbugs in our house. They suck our blood. Spiders make cobwebs in the house.
Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and cockroaches are a nuisance, too, Even so, these troublesome animals, too, have an important place in Nature.
We have seen that animals around us can be grouped in different ways. We formed these groups using our everyday observations.
However, when scientists classify animals, they look at more important Characteristics of animals.
The young ones of animals like the cow, dog, goat and rat grow up on their mother's milk. These animals have four legs. They have hair on their body. They have external ears. Birds have only two legs. They have two wings to fly with. Their body is covered with feathers.
There are differences in the flying ability of different birds. The eagle can soar high into the sky and stay in the air for a long time.
But the cock does not fly high, and comes down soon, too.
There are many different Kinds of fish. They live in the water. Fish have fins. They use their fins to move in water. There are scales on a fish's body.
A fish has gills behind its eyes. Fish use their gills to breathe in water.
Chameleons, house lizards and snakes are animals that crawl. They have scales on their bodies.
Chameleons and house lizards have four legs, but, these legs are very short.
The snake does not have any legs at all.
Butterflies have wings, too. But we don't call them birds. They are insects. They are smaller than birds. Besides, they have six legs.
Animals which have six legs are called insects. So. butterflies are insects.
Mosquitoes, houseflies and Cockroaches are insects, too.
Bats have wings but thy don't have feathers on their body. Young ones of bats feed on their mother's milk.
Bats are not birds like the crow, sparrow, parrot and cock. They are included in the group of the cow, tiger, deer and mouse.
(This was all about a few animals we are familiar with. But there are many more animals in the world.
There are a lot of differences in the colors, shapes and sizes of animals. There are differences in the ways they move and the places they live in. These differences that we see among animals gives rise to a lot of variety in animals.
The number of animals that live in the sea is also very large. There is great variety among them, too.)
Animal Shelters
Why do we need houses ?
Why do we need houses ?Very cold weather, gusty winds, Scorching sun, heavy rains can cause us great discomfort. We live in houses to protect ourselves from them. A house also protects us from thefts.
Some people live very close to forests. They have to face the threat of wild animals. A house protects them from the wild animals, too.
Like us, do animals also need shelters ? Some animals do. They build shelters for themselves. Some other animals find shelter in safe places in the environment.
Shelter : a safe place where one is protected from any danger. A place where one is protected from the sun, rain, wind, etc.
Animals who build shelters for themselves:
You must have seen birds nests. Nests are shelters that birds build. Birds are afraid of animals that eat eggs. So they need a safe place to lay their eggs.Baby birds come out of the eggs. There are animals that eat these young birds. The young birds are too weak to defend themselves. The nest keeps the young ones safe. That is why birds build nests. They use things like grass, straw and twigs to build nests. They may even use cotton wool, and pieces of thread and string. This makes the nest soft and warm inside.
But the nests of all birds are not all alike.
Birds choose convenient places to build nests. Look at the weaver bird. It chooses a thorny tree which has some branches hanging over water. It builds its nest on the highest of these branches. Animals that eat eggs find it difficult to reach this nest.
The tailor bird is smaller than a sparrow. It selects a plant with bigger leaves and builds its nest by stitching the leaves together. It uses a fine tendril to stitch them together. This little nest is big enough for the little tailor bird.
Some insects also build their own shelters. For example, honey bees build their honeycombs on trees or under the roof of an overhanging cliff.
Rats and mice live underground in fields. They dig into the soil and make holes and burrows to live in.
Rats and mice also live in areas where people live. They make holes in the walls or under the floors in houses. They mostly take shelter in mud houses and not in those built with cement. That is because they cannot dig holes into cement construction.
Animals that find ready shelters in the surroundings:
Some animals do not make any efforts to build a shelter. They simply look around for a safe place. Some doves and pigeons live in forests. Some live in small hollows in high cliffs. Some live near our houses. They find shelter in gaps in walls.The Animal World
We are all animals, from the crawling worm to the mighty lion. Even human beings are animals. Most animals can move about freely. Their diet consists of plants and other small animals. They too have sense organs. Come, let us arrange some of the animals into groups.
Mammals : Mammals nurse their young ones. They young ones are fed on their mother's milk. These animals have four limbs (hands / legs ) and a tail. They have fur or hair on their bodies. Human beings are also mammals, but they do not have a tail. Some of the mammals are :
Reptiles : These animals have a hard or scaly skin. They are always born on land. Some of these animals have four legs. Snakes have no legs at all. Some of the reptiles are :
Birds : Birds come out of eggs. They have two legs. They have two legs. They have feathers on their body to keep them warm. All birds have a bill or a beak. They peck at their food with the beaks. Many birds can fly with the help of their wings. Birds like ducks and swans have paddle - like feet to help them swim in water.
Some of the birds around us are :
Swan , Parrot , crow , sparrow , pigeon .
Beaks, feet and claws of birds Short beaks :
Sparrows and pigeons have short beaks. They use their beaks for eating seeds and grains.
Curved beaks : Eagles and vultures have curved beaks. They use their beaks for tearing the flesh of animals.
Broad and flat beaks : The duck has a broad and flat beak.
Feet and claws
Perching birds
Birds like the crow , pigeon and sparrow have three toes in front and one toe at the back. These toes help the birds to hold on to the branches of trees.
Climbing birds : The parrot has two toes pointing forward and two pointing back. These toes help the parrot to climb trees.
Flesh - eating birds : Eagles an vultures have strong claws. These help them to catch small animals for food.
Swimming birds : Ducks and swans have webbed feet. These help them to swim in water.
Sea animals : These animals always live in water. They can swim in water.
Some of the sea animals are : Whale , octopus , seahorse , fish , starfish .
Land and water animals : These animals can live on land and in water.
Some of them are : Frog , crocodile .
Insects : There are many insects around us. They have six legs. Most insects have wings to fly. Some of them crawl on the ground. Flies and mosquitoes are our enemies. Flies carry germs. The mosquito spreads diseases like malaria.
Some of the insects around us are : grasshopper , ant , bee, mosquito , housefly , cockroach , butterfly , beetle .
Do you know .... !!!!![ A house lizard can not only walk on the wall, it can also walk on the ceiling. ]
Learning Outcome : Ability to identify animals and birds.
Food for Animals and Birds
Food For mammals : All animals need food and water. However, all animals do not eat the same food. Cows, buffaloes and goats eat grass. Horses like to eat gram. Monkeys, elephants and rabbits like to eat fruits, vegetables and leaves of plants. The bear, lion and tiger eat other animals as their food.
Food For Reptiles : Lizards, crocodiles and snakes eat insects and small animals. Snakes do not chew their food ; they swallow it.
Food For Birds : Birds peck at grains and fruits with their beaks. Some birds like the woodpecker eat small insects. Parrots love to eat chilies and guavas. Some birds like the stork, eagle and hawk eat smaller animals.
Food For Insects : The butterfly sucks the nectar from flowers. The mosquito sucks blood for its food.
Food Habits of Animals : Different animals have different food habits. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Some herbivores are horses, deer, zebra, etc. Animals that eat only other animals are called carnivores. Some carnivores are lions, tigers, etc. Some animals eat both plants and animals. They are called omnivores. Some omnivores are squirrels, pigs, bear, etc.
Care of Animals : We should be kind to all animals. We should not tease or hurt them. We should also take good care of our pets. They should be given food on time. We should take them to the animals doctor, when they are ill. Animal doctors are called veterinary surgeons or vets. Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the cure of diseases in animals.
Do You know ... !!!! Insects get trapped in a spider's web but the spider can easily move on it. Some baby animals are fed by their mothers.
Learning Outcome : Awareness of the food of animals and birds.
Who am I ? (Hint : We are wild Animals)
- I like to eat honey. ........
- I have fan - like ears. .......
- I have black and white stripes on my body. .....
- I am called the king of the jungle. ......
- I have a long neck. ........
Who am I ? (Hint : We are tame animals )
- I Kill rats. ......
- I like to eat bones. .....
- I give milk. ......
- I take you on a ride on my back. .....
- I like eating carrots. ......
Useful insects
Silkworms produce silk. Bees give us honey.
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