Sunday, August 1, 2021

Food - Our Need For Food 2021

       In recent years, space food has been used by various nations engaging in space programs as a way to share and show off their cultural identity and facilitate intercultural communication. Although astronauts consume a wide variety of foods and beverages in space, the initial idea from the man in space Committee of the space science Board in 1963 was to supply astronauts with a formula diet that would supply all the needed vitamins and nutrients. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food is usually of plant, animals or fungal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Different species of animals have different feeding behaviors that satisfy the needs of their unique metabolisms, often evolved to fill a specific ecological niche within specific geographical contexts.  

      Omnivorous humans are highly adaptable and have adapted to obtain food in many different ecosystems. Historically, humans secured food through two main methods :  hunting and gathering and agriculture. As agricultural technologies increased, humans settled into agriculture lifestyles with diets shaped by the agriculture opportunities in their geography. Geographic and cultural differences has led to creation of numerous cuisines and culinary arts, including a wide array of ingredients, herbs, spices, techniques, and dishes. as cultures have mixed through forces like international trade and globalization, ingredients have become more widely available beyond their geographic and cultural origins, creating a cosmopolitan exchange of different food tradition and practices.

Table of Content

Our Need For Food
Use your brain power !
The food of plants
Our Diet
Why does our food intake differ on different days?
What care should we take about our food-
Inside the Kitchen!
Methods of supplying heat for cooking.
 Our Food
Variety In Food
Food And Nutrition
The Value Of Food
Methods of Preserving Food
Constituents Of Food

                                          Our Need For Food

Why do we feel hungry ?

      Our body must function properly. That is why we need food. Food helps our body to grow. It helps to repair the wear and tear of our body. It also gives us the strength we need to work.

       If we don't get enough food, we feel tired. Vigor is lost. At such a time, we feel very hungry. If we eat a little, we feel better at once. When we work a lot, our body feels fatigued. It makes us very hungry.
Like us, all living things need food.

Can you tell ?

  • Do all living things eat the same kind of food ?
  • A cow eats grass. Would a cat live on grass too ?
  • A cat loves to eat mice. Does that mean a goat would also like to eat mice ?

To each, their own food.

New terms :

Oilcake : The fibrous part that is left after extracting oil from seeds such as groundnut, sesame or cottonseed is pressed into slabs. This is called oilcake.
Ambon: A fermented mixture of oilcake, jaggery and coarse particles of grain mixed in water and used as animal feed.

         All living things need food. But all living things do not eat the same kind of food.
        People who keep cattle feed them grass and hay, and also oilcake and ambone.

 Besides grass and hay, horses are given Bengal gram (herbaria) soaked in water.
        Goats and sheep eat the leaves of various kinds of shrubs besides eating grass.

      Cats love to drink milk. But they like mice just as much. They also hunt and eat birds such as sparrows, doves and pigeons.

      Dogs may eat chapatis or bakeries but they prefer to eat meat. People who keep dogs or cats give them meat and fish also. 

      In forests, animals like the deer, bison and nilgai eat various kinds of green grass and leaves, If there are crops growing in fields nearby, these animals finish off those crops too.

       Wild animals like the tiger and lion live in deep jungles. They hunt other animals and eat their flesh.

       Usually, these animals do not hunt in human settlements. But sometimes, When they are starved. they are forced to enter nearby villages. Then, they kill and carry away cattle.

        Many times, foxes dare to enter human settlements. But they are not as strong as tigers. They cannot kill cattle. They are mostly content with stealing fowl.

Use your brain power !

  • Why do farmers set up a scarecrow and use sling shots when the crops in their field are ready for harvesting ?
         We see many differences in what birds eat, too. Many birds eat grain. Farmers grow a variety of cereals and pulses in their fields. As the crop becomes ready for harvesting, the ears become full of grains. Birds in the surroundings come in flocks to feed on them. They can destroy the crop. What is done to prevent such destruction?

         It is easily possible for birds to find grains in areas where people live. That is why some birds live in such areas.

    Other birds feed on other kinds of food. Hens eat worms. Crows eat the flesh of dead animals. Some birds eat the fruits of trees.

We see many small animals around us. What do they feed upon?

          Bedbugs suck people's blood. Ticks suck the blood of cows and buffaloes. House lizards and chameleons eat insects. Caterpillars and some insects nibble at and eat the leaves of plants. Butterflies feed upon the nectar they find in flowers.

        Animals eat the food they find in nature. However, they have to wander from place to place in search of food.

Do you know ?

          There are many types of mosquitoes. Most of them suck the sap from the plants. Only a few types of mosquitoes suck our blood.

The food of plants :

       Plants, too, need food. But they cannot move from place to place in search of food. Then, from where do you think they get their food?
    The roots of plants absorb water from the soil. Some substances from the soil are dissolved in this water. THIS Water reaches the leaves of the plants.
      There are many tiny pores or openings on the surface of leaves. They are so tiny that we cannot see them with our eyes. Air enters the leaves through these pores.
        Thus air and water come together in the leaf. In the presence of sunlight, plants make their own food using the water and air in the leaves.
A plant's food is made in its leaves. Sunlight is necessary for this process.
  • Living things need food.
  • Food gives the body strength to work. It helps the body to grow, and to repair its wear and tear.
  • Animals search for ready food in nature and eat it.
  • Food of different living things is different. Some animals eat the flesh of other animals, some eat grass and leaves. Some suck the blood of other animals while others eat insects. Some insects feed on the leaves of plants.
  • With the help of sunlight, plants prepare their own food. 

Always remember-
The entire living world depends on the food prepared by plants.

Diet Food : Diet food or dietetic food refers to any food or beverage whose recipe is altered to reduce fat, carbohydrates, abhor/ adhere sugar in order to make it part of a weight loss program or diet. Such foods are usually intended to assist in weight loss or a change in body type , although bodybuilding supplements are designed to aid in gaining weight or muscle.

          In whole grain foods, the higher fiber content effectively displaces some of the starch components of the flour. Since certain fibers have no food energy, this results in a modest energy reduction. Another technique relies on the intentional addition of other reduced-food-energy ingredients, such as resistant starch  or dietary fiber, to replace part of the flour and achieve a more significant energy reduction.

Our Diet

At Raju's house :

Father : Come on, let's have our dinner. But, where's Raju? He's always the first to come for a meal.

Mother : He is running temperature. I gave him some soft dahibhat a little while ago. He has just fallen asleep.

Father : Let him rest. Shall we start then?

Tai : Yes ! Right away. Today we played a languid match in the school. I'm so hungry.

Mother : Come. Come at once.

Tai : Oh, Mamma, why have you made cabbage? You know I don't like it. I don't want it.

Mother : That's not the way to speak, dear! You want to be healthy, don't you? Then you have to eat all kinds of food preparations. And nothing should be left over in your plate.

Tai : Right! Our teacher also tells us that. I wasn't going to waste anything.

Father : That's my good girl!

Tai : What's this, Dad? You took only one Bakari ! That can't be enough for you!

Grandpa : He works at a desk all day. That doesn't make anyone hungry. We used to do physical labor all day. We ate at least four bakeries at every meal. But now I have grown old. I don't feel hungry as I used to.
Grandma : Me, too.

Mother : Yes, you eat so little now. Here, Ma, I have soaked half a Bakari in milk for you.

Can you tell ?

  • Why did mother give Raju soft dahibhat ?
  • Why was Tai so hungry ?
  • Why is one Bakari enough for Father ?
  • Why do Grandpa and Grandma eat only a little ?

A new term:

Diet : We eat some food preparations as part of our meals every day. We also eat some snacks between mealtimes. Besides, we might also have milk, tea, coffee or sherbets. All that we eat or drink during the day is together called our 'diet'.

Why does our food intake differ on different days?

        Sometimes, we feel very hungry and we eat a lot. That day our food intake is more. At some other time, we do not feel so hungry and we eat very little. That day our food intake is less.

Can you tell ?

      Which of these two is likely to have a bigger intake? What could be the reason for that ?
      Tai is young. She eats more. So, her intake is also bigger. Grandma is old. So her intake is limited.

       When doing certain kinds of work, we make a lot of vigorous movements. Such work is hard on the body. It is called physical labor. Physical labor makes us very hungry.
       Some kinds of work can be done sitting at one place. It does not take hard physical effort to do it. Such work is called sedentary work. People who do sedentary work do not feel as hungry as those who do physical labor.

Sedentary work.
Physical labor.

The diet of people doing physical labor is greater. They need more food.

Do you know ?

     Chores like carrying water, washing clothes, sweeping and mopping the floor involve physical labor. Those who do such work feel more hungry.
        Whether it is a man or a woman who does these chores, it is necessary that he or she gets enough food. 

Do you know ?
        When children are growing bodily growth is very rapid. So, girls and boys of growing age need a lot of food.

Can you tell ?

  • Will pumpkin be cooked at all the children's houses on the same day?
  • Would you like it if you got the same menu at every meal every day?
  • Why can we not get mangoes throughout the year?

Variety in food

       We eat a lot or a little depending on how hungry we are. That is, our hunger determines how much we eat. Here, we are thinking about the amount we eat.

We also need to consider which food items we eat.
Different people include different items of food in their diet.
What could be the reasons for that ?

        If only a certain combination of dishes is prepared every day, then we have to eat the same food all the time. Having such meals would be a boring chore. So, different dishes are prepared in turn.
        In regions where rice grows in plenty, rice becomes a major part of the diet of the people living there. In regions where jowar or bajra are a major crop, people include more of 'Bakari' in their meals. In certain regions, Wheat is the major crop. People in those regions eat more chapatis. Fish is available in plenty in the sea. 

        Depending on their seasons, we get different vegetables and fruits at different times of the year. Accordingly, the food items in our diet also change.
         When there is a ceremony, special dishes are prepared. We make sweets especially when we celebrate a festival.

What care should we take about our food-

            If we wish to be healthy, then we must take care about our diet. So, we should eat all the dishes made at home. We must not avoid eating things merely because we don't like them.
        Sprouted pulses and leafy vegetables should be included often in our diet.
We should also have yoghurt and buttermilk occasionally.
     Newspapers and TV frequently advertise cold drinks. They also advertise many food products. We are tempted to buy them. They are tasty. Their wrappers are attractive. But that does not mean that they are also good for health.

  • All that we eat and drink in a day is together called 'diet'.
  • Age, physical labor and the state of health cause diet to differ from person to person.
  • Diet also changes according to the food items available in the different seasons.
  • The foodstuffs readily available in different regions are different. This brings about diversity in people's diet.
  • Eating a variety of foodstuffs in our diet helps to meet all the food-related needs of our body.
  • The attractive and tasty food products that we see in advertisements may not be necessarily good for health.

Always remember-

To keep good health, care must be taken about the food we eat.

Inside the Kitchen!

Can you tell ?

  • Why do we use heat to prepare some food items?
  • Which food items do we eat without cooking?
  • Why is it easier to use gas than firewood for cooking?

How do we prepare food items ?

     People prepare a variety of food items according to their liking. They use a variety of ingredients for the purpose like rice, wheat, pulses; vegetables and fruits; eggs, meat and fish.
         Many of our food items are prepared by heating.
     To cook rice, we add water to the rice and boil it. Paris, pakora are fried. Oil or ghee is used to fry them. Modals and idles are steamed. Chapatis and bakeries are roasted.
       Foodstuffs become tastier and easier to digest when prepared by heating them.
      However, not all foodstuffs are prepared by heating. We eat some of them raw, that is uncooked. We eat fruits mostly without cooking. 
      We also eat vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes raw. A cucumber salad or a banana shake are made without heating.

Have you noticed ?

1. Papas may be roasted or it may be fried.
Take two papas of the same kind. Roast one. Fry the other. 
What is the difference in their taste ? Which do you like better ?

2. Peanuts may be eaten plain or roasted.
  What is the difference in their taste?
  How do you like to eat them, plain or roasted?

3.What is the difference in the taste of a raw potato and a boiled potato?

Methods of supplying heat for cooking.

We can choose from various fuels to supply the heat needed for cooking.

New terms :

A combustible substance : a substance that can burn is called a combustible substance. Camphor burns. Hence, it is a combustible substance. Water does not burn. Hence, it is not a combustible substance.

Fuel :       A combustible substance that can be used conveniently for obtaining heat is called a fuel. Cooking gas, kerosene, coal, all are examples of fuel. However, all combustible substances are not used as fuel. Only those which burn easily and give plenty of heat on burning are called fuels.

      Nowadays, many people prefer to use cooking gas as fuel. It is easy to use. It lights quickly. It does not give out smoke. Cooking on gas also saves time.
   Some people use firewood for cooking. Burning wood is a troublesome task. It also makes a lot of smoke. Besides, trees have to be cut for wood. That is harmful for the environment.
    Some people use a coal-burning stove (Shagari). Coal also gives out smoke. Those who use fuels like wood or coal that give out smoke, must have windows in their kitchen. That way, we get a lot of light and also prevent smoke from collecting in the house.
      Some people use kerosene stoves for cooking.
    Nowadays, we also get hotplates for cooking on electricity. They are very convenient to use.
       Some people use biogas.
       Some people use the heat from the sun for cooking. They use the solar cooker.

A Kerosene stove with a burner.
A Kerosene stove with wicks,
An electric hot plate.
Some solar cookers.
  • We cook food by heating. It makes the food tastier and easier to digest.
  • Boiling, steaming, frying and roasting are some of the different ways of providing heat.
  • Salads and milk shakes are examples of food items that are prepared without heating.
  • There are various kinds of stoves which make it convenient to burn fuel to obtain heat for cooking.
  • Electricity and heat from the sun can also be used to obtain heat for cooking. 

Always remember -

Using wood or coal as fuels causes harm to the trees in our environment.

What's the solution?

The smoke from the coal stove blackens the kitchen walls.

 Our Food

         Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever-increasing population of the world is supplied by the industrial food industry, which produces food with intensive agriculture and distributes it through complex food processing and food distribution systems. This system of conventional agriculture relies heavily on fossil fuels, which means that the food and agricultural system is one of the major contributors to climate change, accountable for as much as 37% of total greenhouse gas emissions.... Addressing the carbon intensity of the food system and food waste are important mitigation measures in the global response to climate change.

         The food system has significant impacts on a wide range of other social and political issues including : sustainability, biological diversity, economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. The right to food is a human right derived from the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). recognizing the "right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, " as well as the "fundamental right to be free hunger" Because of these fundamental rights, food security is often a priority international policy activity; for example Sustainable Development Goal 2 " Zero hunger" is meant to eliminate hunger by 2030. Food safety and food security are monitored by international agencies like the international Association for food protection, World Resources Institute, World food Programmed, food and Agriculture Organization, and international Food information Council, and are often subject to national regulation by institutions, like the food and Drug Administration in the United States.

Finger Food :  Finger food is food meant to be eaten directly using the hands, in contrast to food eaten with a knife and fork, spoon, chopsticks, or other utensils. In some cultures, food is almost always eaten with the hands; for example. Ethiopian cuisine is eaten by rolling various dishes up in injera bread. Foods considered detreat foods are frequently, though not exclusively, finger foods.

           In the western world, finger foods are often either appetizers (hors d'oeuvres) or entrée /main course items. Examples of these are miniature meat pies, sausage rolls, sausages on sticks, cheese and olives on sticks, chicken drumsticks or wings, spring rolls, miniature quiches, samosas, sandwiches, Maranda's or other such based foods, such as pitas or items in buns, bhajis, potato wedges, viol au vents, several other such small items and risotto balls (arancini). Other well known foods that are generally eaten with the hands include hamburgers, pizza, chips, hot dogs, fruit and bread.

Fresh Food :  Fresh food is Food which has not been preserved and has not spoiled yet. For vegetables and fruits, this means that they have been recently harvested and treated properly postharvest; for meat, it has recently been slaughtered and butchered for fish it has been recently caught or harvested and kept cold.

           Dairy products are fresh and will spoil quickly. Thus, fresh cheese is cheese which has not been dried or salted for aging. Soured cream may be considered "fresh"  (crème fraiche).

Healthy food : A healthy diet is a diet that help to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, and adequate calories.

      For people who are healthy, a healthy diet is not complicated and contains mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and includes little to no processed food and sweetened beverages. The requirements for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animals-based foods, although a non-animals source of vitamin b12 is needed  for those following a vegan diet.

      Various nutrition guides are published by medical and governmental institutions to educate individuals on  what they should be eating to be healthy. Nutrition facts labels are also mandatory in some countries to allow consumers to choose between foods based on the components relevant to health.

       A healthy lifestyle includes getting exercise every day along with eating a healthy diet. A healthy lifestyle may lower disease risks, such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes,, hypertension and cancer.

      There are specialized healthy diets, called medical nutrition therapy, for people with various diseases or conditions. There are also prescientific ideas about such specialized  diets, as in dietary therapy in traditional Chinese medicine.

      The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the following 5 recommendation with respect to both populations and individuals.
  • Maintain a healthy weight by eating roughly the same number of calories that your body is using.
  • Limit intake of fats. Not more than 30% OF THE TOTAL CALORIES SHOULD COME FROM  FATS. Prefer unsaturated fats to saturated fats. Avoid trans fats.
  • Eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots do not count). A healthy diet also contains legumes ( e.g. lentils, beans ). whole grains and nuts.
  • Limit the intake of simple sugars to less than 10% OF Calorie (below 5% of calories or 25 grams may be even better)
  • Limit salt / sodium from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized. Less than 5 grams of salt per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Medical Food :  Medical foods are foods that are specially formulated and intended for the dietary management of a disease that has distinctive nutritional needs that cannot be met by normal diet alone. In the United States they were defined in the Food and Drug Administration's 1988 Orphan Drug Act Amendments and are subject to the general food and safety labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. In Europe the European Food Safety Authority established definitions for "Foods for special medical purposes" (FSMPS) In 2015.

      MEDICAL FOODS, CALLED "FOOD FOR SPECIAL MEDICAL PURPOSES " in Europe, are distinct from the broader category of foods for special dietary use, from traditional foods that bear a health claim, and from dietary supplements. In order to be considered a medical food the product must, at a minimum.

  • Be a food for oral ingestion or tube feeding (nasogastric tube)
  • Be labeled for the dietary management of a specific medical disorder, disease or condition for which there are distinctive nutritional requirements and 
  • Be intended to be used under medical supervision.
Medical foods can be classified into the following categories:
  • Nutritionally complete formulas
  • Nutritionally incomplete formulas
  • Formulas for metabolic disorders
  • Oral rehydration products

Space Food :  Space food is a type of food product created and processed for consumption by astronauts in outer space. The Food has specific requirements of providing balanced nutrition for individuals working in space while being easy and safe to store, prepare and consume in the machinery-filled weightless  environments of crewed spacecraft.

                       Food And Nutrition

Staple Food : 1) Some food items such as chapattis, bhakaris or rice form a part of our every meal. 2) Rice, wheat and jowar are our staple food. 3) Other food items make our meals tastier and also help to build up our health.

Variety in foodstuffs :1) We have different foodstuff in our daily diet. 2)We use them for different purposes, e.g. Jowar and bajra for making bhakari, lemon, tamarind and raw mango for sour taste, sugar or jaggery for sweetness, etc. 3) Differences in people's liking about the foodstuffs also decide the type of food they take. 4) Food related needs of our body are met with by our diet.

What do food constituents do for us?

a) Give strength to our body. Help us to do our daily work. Take care of functions like respiration and digestion which are taking place inside the body.
b) Help in body growth. Repair the wear and tear of our body.
c) Provide nourishment to the body. Create energy store in the body.
d) Make bones strong. Give strength to fight against diseases.
e) Water helps in smooth functioning of entire body.

All the food constituents should be included in our diet in order to remain healthy. Eating different food items in our daily diet gives proper nourishment to our body.

A tongue for tasting : We understand different tastes with the help of our tongue. There are tiny taste buds on our tongue. Taste buds are sensitive to different tastes such as sweet, bitter, sour and salty. 'Hot' is not a taste.

Variety In Food

Variety in Food : A region's climate, soil, water and people's needs determine the crops that are grown in that region and also their staple diet. Various grains, vegetables, fruits and variety of dishes prepared from them get included in our meals. Therefore, we find variety in Food. In India, we fine a variety in food according to seasons, regions and states.

Agriculture in India : To help crops to grow well, good seeds, fertile soil, sufficient sunlight and water are needed.  Agriculture is the main occupation in all parts of our country. Indian agriculture is mainly dependent on rainfall. In India, some regions receive high rainfall and the other regions receive less rainfall. In India, crops such as rice coconut, ragi and varai are grown in regions of high rainfall. Wheat, toor and soyabean are grown in regions of moderate rainfall. Jowar, bajra and moth beans are grown in regions of low rainfall.

Availability of Fruits and variety in Fruits :  The availability of fruits varies according to the season. Different Fruits are available in different seasons. Fruits and vegetables which were previously available only in a certain season are now available all year round because of the factors like  (i) availability of water throughout the year  (ii) availability of improved seeds (iii) importing fruits and vegetables from various parts of the world  (iv) faster transport facilities, etc.

Varity in Food in Maharashtra : Jowar is grown on a large scale in the plateau region of Maharashtra. Therefore Hurda, Lahya, Ghugrya, Bhakari, Papad, Sandge, Amblin, etc. Preparations of jowar are cooked on a large scale here. In Maharashtra or the coastal region, rice , coconut is grown on a large scale. Therefore rice coconut and coconut oil, etc. items are widely used in this region to prepare a variety of dishes. In Central Maharashtra , jowar, bajra, groundnuts, soybeans, sesame and mustard are largely grown. Therefore these products are widely used in this region to prepare a variety of dishes.

The Value Of Food

The Story Of Bhakari

    At the end of the summer, fields are made ready for farming tasks. A number of implements are attached to the tractor to carry out various farming tasks. First, the field is ploughed, lumps of the soil are crushed and finally, the field is levelled to make it ready for sowing. The pre - monsoon showers make the hot soil humid. At this time, seeds are sown.  Within few days, the seeds sprout and the seedlings are seen above the ground. Along with crops, weeds too flourish. Weeds are removed. Sometimes, labourers are employed to remove the weeds. The laborer's are paid for their work. Crops grow vigorously on rainwater. After a while, ears of crops (like bajra) appear on every stalk. The grain forms and the eras go fuller. As the grains grow, birds come in flocks to eat the tender grains. Then scarecrows are set up and sling shots are used to frighten the birds away. 
      When the ears of corn are full, they are cut and gathered. Then threshing and winnowing tasks are carried out. Machines or bullocks are used for threshing. For winnowing, a person stands a little higher up and slowly allows the threshed grain to fall to the ground. Sometimes, machine is used for threshing as well as winnowing . The machine makes the work easier. However, labor and expenses have to be put in, in any case. The grain obtained after winnowing is filled in sacks. Proper care is taken to make sure that insects or other pests will not attack the grain. Some grain is kept aside for the family and remaining sacks are sent to the market place for selling. 
       Traders buy the grains from the farmers. Then traders sell the grain to the provisional storekeepers. The grains are transported by means of trucks or goods trains. Porters and truck drivers are paid for their labours. People buy the grains from shopkeepers. Then stones or rubbish is sorted out to clean the grains. Then crops are milled into flour. Then, while cooking, the flour is kneaded into lumps. The lumps are then flattened into a bhakari and roasted. For roasting, the fuel is used. In this way, the Bhakari is prepared.

Other Foodstuff 

           We get fish as fishermen work hard to catch them . We get special fruits like amla, karavanda, etc. as some people gather such fruits from forests. We get fresh vegetables and fruits as some people work hard in their vegetable farms or orchards. We get milk, meat, eggs, etc. as some people put in a lot of hard work in poultry. Thus, we get a variety of foodstuff through the efforts of many people. Therefore, one should always be grateful to them and should never waste food.

Methods of Preserving Food
       We need wheat, rice, pulses, etc. throughout the year. But their crops get ready only at certain times of the year. In order to have the grain available throughout the year, one season's crop must be stored and protected till the next season. Different foodstuff are produced in different places. They have to be made available in good condition to people at long distances. For example, it must be ensured that eggs, ,milk and ,milk products remain in good condition during transport from the dairy or poultry farm till they reach their users. Different fruits and vegetables are available in abundance in different seasons. They also tats their best in that season. To prevent these large quantities of fruit and vegetables  from getting spoiled and to enjoy them all your round, we make efforts to preserve them. Various kinds of papads, jams and pickles onions fish and masala ae prepared and preserved for the whole year in many homes. Nowadays, we can buy such ready products in the, market, too. To avoid having to go to the market for provisions again and again, we store what we need for several days on our house. If the food prepared for one meal is not finished, then, we use certain methods of keeping it from spoiling, in order to have it again the next time or the next day.

         If we know the reason why foodstuffs go bed, we would know what to do to keep them from spoiling. From the information you obtained you must have gathered the following:
  • In Winter, i.e. in the cold weather, foodstuff keep longer. If they are kept in a refrigerator or kept cold on ice, they keep even longer.
  • Grains are dried in the sun before storing. Onions and potatoes are kept to dry in the open air in summer and then stored in a dry place.
  • If we boil milk it does not get spoiled immediately. Curries and vegetable preparations are brought to a boil to prevent them from spoiling till the next meal.
  • Milk, mango pulp are foods that spoil quickly.
  • Our food has to be kept away from ants, cockroaches, other insects, mice, rats and cats.

What do you see?

       We see white, black, or greenish fibbers like cotton wool growing on the piece of chapati placed in the closed box. It also starts smelling. Whereas, for several days, we see no such changes in the crisp piece of chapati or the one that was put in the fridge.

Why is this so?

          The cotton wool like fibrous growth on the chapati is a  kind of fungus. A fungus is a type of micro -organism. Spores of the fungus are present in air and water. The chapati in the box created favorable condition for the growth of the fungus - availability of food, water air and warmth. That is why, the fungus grew on the chapati in the box.

Food and micro - organisms : You know that micro - organisms are present all around us in the air as well as in water. Usually, air, moisture and warmth are available where food is kept. It means that it is always possible for micro - organisms to grow rapidly in our food or foodstuffs. We cannot see them, but if they being to grow our food, gets spoiled. Such spoiled food can cause a stomachache, diarrheas', vomiting etc. The nutrition value of such food s also reduced. Sometimes, it can even threaten life.

Drying : When we dry foodstuffs, their water content is lost, This method is, used to preserve foodstuffs like papads, kurdai, sandage, wheat, daals, etc.

Cooling: When food is placed in a refrigerator, micro - organisms do not get the warmth they need for growth.

Boiling : When foodstuffs are boiled, the micro - organisms in them get destroyed. 

Placing in airtight cans : When foodstuffs are preserved in airtight containers, the micro - organisms are first destroyed and it is ensured that water or air will not enter the foodstuff. It means that to preserve foodstuffs, the micro - organisms in them should be destroyed. Also, they must be placed in conditions in which micro - organisms will not grow again.

Constituents Of Food

       You have learnt that foodstuffs have constituents that are useful to us in different ways. Let us learn some more about the constituents of food.
Starch : Starch turns blackish blue when it comes in contact with iodine. So we can infer that there is starch in the potato. Sago and sweet potato also contain starch. Cereals like jowar, bajra, wheat, rice contain a lot of starch. We obtain flour from these grains. These grains form our staple diet. We get energy from starchy foods. Our body uses this energy for different kinds of work. This energy also keeps the body suitably warm.

Sugars: Food-stuffs that taste sweet contain different kinds of sugars. For example, we can obtain jaggery and table sugar from sugarcane because it contains a sugar called sucrose. Ripe fruits like mango, banana, chickoo as also honey and milk also contain various kinds of sugars. They, too, give us energy.
Fabre: When grain like jowar, wheat, is ground into a flour, the particles in the flour are not all alike. When the flour is sifted, we find the larger particles left behind on the sieve. These particles are fine pieces of the skin or bran of the grain. Bran is a fibrous substance's. In the process of digestion, fibre has a special function. Fibrous substances help the food to move forward in the alimentary canal at the right speed. The undigested food is of no use to the body. Fibre helps to form stool from this undigested food. Fibre is also called 'roughage'. Fruits and vegetables, especially their skins, whole grains and pulses are all sources of fibre in food. If our food does not contain enough fibre, it can lead to constipation. Up to now we have learnt about three types of substances present in our food - starch, sugar and fibre. These substances are together called carbohydrates. The most important use of carbohydrates is to provide the body with energy.

Carbohydrates :- Starch, Sugars, Fibre.

Fats : Oil is a fatty substance. Paper becomes translucent when a fatty substance is applied to it. Paper becoming translucent is a sing of the presence of fats in the foodstuff kept on it. Fats in our food also provide energy to our body. They give twice as much energy as carbohydrates. But, we include a smaller quantity of this. Constituent in our diet. Cream, butter, ghee, oil are examples of fats. Nuts, meat, egg yolk also contain fats. The fats we eat get stored in our body. If food is not available for some time, the body can get energy from the stored fats. There is a layer of fat under our skin. It gives shape to the body and like a blanket, also prevents loss of heat from the body.

         [ Why are boxes of fragile articles like TV, REFRIGERATOR, LIGHT BULBS, GLASSES, MIRRORS Packed with corrugated cardboard, thermocol or bubble wrap? ]
           The cardboard, thermocol or bubble wrap protect the fragile articles. Even when the boxes shake, fall or get hit, the articles inside are not damaged. Similarly, the layer of fat in the body protects our internal organs. An injury from outside does not at once cause damage to our bones or other internal organs.

Proteins : Just as stones and bricks are the building blocks needed for a wall, proteins are the building blocks of our body. The body undergoes  wear and tear continuously. Sometimes, it gets injured. But, the healing and repair of our body goes on all the time without our being aware of it. Proteins are necessary for that purpose. Proteins are required in plenty during the growing years of a person's life. All the different daals, pulses, groundnuts, milk and milk products like yoghurt, khoya and paneer, eggs, meat and fish are rich sources of proteins. To get the required proteins, our daily diet  should daals, pulses as well as milk and milk products. Our body requires carbohydrates, fats and proteins in large proportions. These food constituents are called macronutrients.

Macronutrients :-  Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins.

Vitamins and minerals : In addition to the macronutrients, we need certain food constituents in very small quantities. These micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.

Essential micronutrients :- Vitamins --- Minerals.

Vitamins : The different vitamins are named using the letters of the alphabet. For example. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K are the most important vitamins. Although we need vitamins in very small quantities, a lack, or deficiency of any vitamin results in serious disorders For example, a deficiency of vitamin 'A' over a long period results in night - blindness, A deficiency of vitamin 'D' results in weak and brittle bones. Vitamins give us the ability to resist diseases.

Minerals : Iron, calcium, sodium, potassium are examples of minerals that are essential for the body. They are needed in very small quantities but they have an important part to play in all the necessary functions of our body. For example, iron is necessary for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. If there is a deficiency of iron in the blood, the body, does not get enough supply of oxygen, and one feels constantly weak and tired. This condition is called 'anemia'. The mineral calcium makes our bones strong. All kinds of fruits, vegetables green leafy vegetables, sprouted pulses, their skins and the bran of cereals and pulses are all sources of vitamins and minerals. That is why, as far as possible, we should eat fruit with their skins and we should not sift flour to throw away the bran.

A Balanced Diet : What do we tell about ourselves when we say, 'I am fit and fine'? Being fit and fine means that we have enough strength and energy to study, play and carry out all our tasks quite easily, our body is growing well and we di not fall ill every now and then. We all wish to be in good health. For good health, our body should get all the different constituents of food, namely, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the right quantities. A diet which provides all these constituents in the right quantities is called a 'Balanced Diet'.

Food ➡
Energy Giving Foods Carbohydrates , Fats .
                          Body Building Foods 
                  Foods necessary For bodily Processes and resistance to diseases
↠                      Vitamins , Minerals.

One Eatable - Many Constituents : From every food item in our diet we get several constituents of food. For example, Chikki Or Gud-dani : From the nuts, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and from the jaggery, sugar and iron, Banana : Sugar, some minerals and fibre. Boiled eggs: Proteins, fats, some vitamins and minerals.

      We need variety in our diet to get all the types of good constituents.

Nourishment and malnutrition : For our body to be well-nourished, we must get all the different food constituents in the right quantities, If a person's diet lacks some constituents over a long period of time, that person does not get proper nourishment. Malnutrition has serious consequences for the person's health. For example, if a person does not get enough carbohydrates and proteins, their growth is stunted. They feel constantly tired. They cannot cope with their studies or games or other tasks. Deficiencies of vitamins or minerals cause some specific disorders. There are some misconceptions about diet. If a child eats sweets, chocolates, cakes, fried stuff, etc. and grows fat, some people think that the child is healthy. But if you eat only one kind of foodstuff, your body does not get all the necessary food constituents. Such a person would be malnourished.

What we have learnt ______  1)The body gets energy from carbohydrates.2) Proteins are necessary for the growth of the body as well as for the repair of the wear and tear of the body. 3) Our body gets energy from fats, too. 4) Although our body needs vitamins and minerals in small quantities, a deficiency of any of them can lead to a disease or disorder. 5) Fruits, vegetable and their skins, cereals and pulses are all sources of fibre. 6) From each of the food items that we eat, we get more than one food constituent. 7) If the diet does not include all the food constituents in the right proportions, it leads to malnutrition. Malnutrition has serious consequences for a person's health.

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