Sunday, October 17, 2021

Expansion Of Theme Standard - X 2021

Solid Waste and Health👸

         About 80,000 tons of solid waste is generated in cities everyday; but it is not collected and destroyed regularly. Most of the solid wastes originate in kitchens and markets, out of it 60% is biodegradable organic waste. We can turn this waste into rich organic manure by using earthworms; ecofriendly way. They enrich the qualities of soil and help the growth of plants.

Where there is a will there is a way🌌

       The biographies of great men and women show how their strong will helped them overcome great difficulties and setbacks, and helped them find a way to achieve their goals.

         Students who resolve firmly to achieve their goals and work towards them sincerely and wholeheartedly, are certain to achieve success. 

       It is only the persistent efforts of some strong - willed people that have turned dreams such as flying in the air, travelling in space and sending messages and pictures instantly, into reality.

    Man's will-power, determination and dedication finds out ways to achieve the impossible. If we come across an obstacle and can't climb over it, we must walk around it. There is always a way ! There is always a solution !

Cut your coat according to your cloth👚

         If you give a piece of cloth to a  tailor to make a coat, the tailor will first measure the cloth and then decide what kind of coat has to be made out of it. He will not be able to make a coat that requires more material than the cloth provided. The same is the case with our income and expenditure. Our expenses should always be within the limits of our income. Otherwise, we will surely land in debt and difficulties. The proverb thus tells us not to spend more than what we earn i.e., to live within our means.

          This proverb applies not only to individuals but also to business establishments. Of course, a company may raise a loan to expand or diversify its business. But it must do so judiciously; otherwise it can even go bankrupt. Even the government of a country has to keep in mind its total resources while spending. If it does not do so and goes on borrowing recklessly from banks and foreign countries, it could result in severe economic problems for the country. Hence the saying is of great practical value It's application in life ensures happiness and contentment.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness⎚

            An unclean environment is an insult to the Creator. Everything that God has created is beautiful, and Mother Nature has in her the power and means to maintain the hygiene and sanitation of the earth. It is only man who makes the environment dirty. When we go to a place of religious worship, don't we bathe first? Don't we put on our best clothes? We must therefore remember that this world is our temple and the first norm we must follow is that of personal hygiene. This involves keeping one's body, clothes, belongings and home clean. This prevents diseases and enhances the quality of life. Cleanliness must also extend towards the neighborhood and the environment in general. Every person must develop clean social and civic habits. It is wrong to spit  on the roads, urinate in public or throw litter wherever one pleases. It is our moral duty to keep ourselves, our homes, our environment. Our nation and this earth clean. That is what is meant by the proverb 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness.'

As you sow, so shall you reap☺

          If a farmer desires to reap a harvest of wheat, he sows wheat, if he wants rice, he sows rice. What should we think of him if he planted wheat and expected to harvest rice; or the other way round? The law of  nature tells us that we must sow what we wish to reap. If we sow nothing, we shall reap nothing. Life is very similar. We have always to bear the consequences of our actions. If we perform good deeds. We shall be rewarded with good. If we perform bad deeds, we shall never enjoy peace of mind. Our lives will be wretched and miserable. Man can decide his future by his present deeds. If he sows the seeds of vice, corruption and sin, he reaps the harvest of misery and ruin. If he plants virtue, purity and goodness, he plucks the golden fruit of prosperity and happiness. If we want to achieve good, we should do good, for as we sow, so shall we reap.

Prevention is better than cure❤

          We sometimes handle a knife carelessly, cut our fingers, allow the cut to go septic and, when the pain is unbearable, consult,  a doctor, The doctor prescribes a prolonged and costly treatment. Wouldn't it have been better for us to have taken due precaution while using the knife? In fact, we can always protect ourselves against common ailments and diseases by resorting to proper precautionary, preventive measures. Very often, we are careless and do things thoughtlessly, We ignore sign that indicate the possibility of trouble. Finally when the trouble occurs, we regret our neglect, but by then it is too late.

       The proverb 'prevention is better than cure' advises us to take necessary steps to stop something unpleasant from happening. This proverb has application in the proper maintenance of machines, buildings , roads or bridges, health care, in the averting of natural calamities, in the prevention of epidemic outbreaks and even at the political and national level. The proverb stresses the need for foresight and precaution in dealing with every situation in our lives in order to avoid facing misery and searching for expensive remedies later on.

Service to man is service to God💪

          Benjamin Franklin, a great scientist said, "Serving God is doing good to man." The noblest creation of God is man. Yet, there are millions who suffer lives of utter misery and degradation. The best way to worship God would be to devote our lives to the service of the poor and the destitute. Everyone recognizes the value of this kind of noble work and acknowledges its greatness.

            Politicians, statesmen and military generals are often forgotten with the passing of time. But noble souls like Gandhiji and Mother Teresa  have earned universal respect and are remembered forever. Whenever Mother Teresa was asked, "Why do you do this work for lepers and the poor?" She would take the five fingers of the right hand of the person, and touching each finger would say five words: "I - do - it - for - Him !" Rich people rarely lift a finger to help an orphan, a widow or a poor deserving student. Don't they realize that God dwells in everyone ? Whatever they have earned has come from society, so it naturally follows that they should give back to society what they have got from it. And the best way to do that would be by serving their fellowmen.

Example is better than precept  Or
practice what you preach  Or💓
Actions speak louder than words

          All of us are born preachers But when it comes to practicing what we preach, we find excuses. Just telling someone what to so or how to behave is not enough. Behaving in the way that one wants others to behave has a more powerful effect. Telling others what to do and not doing it oneself is absolute hypocrisy. Children. quickly observe the gulf between the speech of adults and their actual behavior. They are influenced more by the actions of their elders than by their words. They imitate their actions and inculcate their habits. Gandhiji impressed upon villagers the importance of cleanliness by taking a broom in his hand and sweeping the streets. His action had more effect than any speech he might have given. A father who smokes cannot scold his son when he finds him smoking. He should first give up smoking himself. In short, we should ourselves do what we want others to do. This is because actions speak louder than words. An ounce of example is worth much more than a ton of precept.

Industry is the mother of prosperity💢

            There is a Sanskrit verse that says that animals do not enter the mouth of a sleeping lion on their own. The lion has to go out and hunt them. Otherwise it will starve and finally die. The word 'industry' in the given proverb refers to the quality of working hard regularly. So what the proverb means is that hard work is the key to success. A farmer has to toil under extreme conditions in his field. Only then can he hope to harvest bumper crops. Laborer's in a factory have to work efficiently in order to manufacture the goods that, when sold, will reap benefits for all. All prosperous nations have come up by the unfailing and dedicated efforts of their people. There is, indeed, no substitute for far  hard work, no short cut to prosperity. 

       Nothing worthwhile in life can be  attained without effort. Everything comes from continuous hard work. This is the concept that is the key to success and happiness.

Honesty is the best policy💫

           Corruption has spread through India like an epidemic. At every twist and turn you meet people who are willing to do anything dishonest in order to earn money. Dishonesty in words and deeds is so common now that people have almost accepted it as a rule rather than an exception, An honest person is a bit of an oddity in present day India. Isn't that a rather sad state of affairs / Every religion tells us that we must be honest. No one likes dishonest people because they cannot be trusted. The truth is always so simple. Sometimes we are punished for being honest. but it is nothing compared to the pain and suffering that we cause to others due to our dishonesty. Gandhiji laid great emphasis on the need for truthfulness in words and deeds. His life throughout was a struggle to uphold the virtue of truth. A truthful person can speak and act with moral conviction. He commands respect and reverence in society. Such people are necessary in the world today.

One Good Turn Deserves another  OR
Pay it forward 🙌

            When someone does you a good deed, you must never forget it. On the contrary, you must look out for the opportunity to do something good for that person or to someone else. Good must beget good. You must pay it forward. Then only will this world become a better place to live in. I remember. Once I was in the lift in my building when the lights went off. I was terrified. There was an elderly person in the lift with me. He Calmed me down and told me not to worry;  in a few minutes the lift would re - start. Then when the lift began working he accompanied me to the door of my flat. I was grateful for his comforting presence and thanked him. A few days later, I saw the same gentleman struggling with two huge bags of groceries. I immediately ran up to him and helped him. He thanked me for my help, but he had, in fact, earned my act of helpfulness, because he had himself been helpful to me earlier. There is a beautiful poem about a man who helps an old woman across the street. The woman blesses him for helping her. At the and of the poem the man expresses the fond hope that someday, some young man like himself will help his mother when she is in trouble. Indeed, one should never hesitate to do good for others. For one good turn deserves another 

Procrastination is the thief of time

             It has been said, 'Never put off for tomorrow what you can do do today'. Work  the work, we does not disappear if we postpone it. It only accumulates. Finally when we do tackle the work, we spend hours working under great strain and stress. Very often, we edhs up completing the work in a shoddy manner. It might also happen that the work may never ever get done, just because we delayed doing it at the right time. The person who delays insuring his house will pay a heavy price when it is gutted by a sudden fire Putting off the treatment of a disease may make it worse, and may even result in death. The student who goes on postponing studies will need to burn the midnight oil for last minute preparations before the examination. And even then, he or she may not have time enough to cover the entire potion. Time wasted is time lost forever. Hence procrastination, in this proverb, is referred to as a 'thief of time'. Let us be warned against the dangers of delayed action.

Pride goes before a fall

            Everyone knows the story about the deer who was proud of his beautiful horns and  ashamed of his lean legs. However, when the deer was in danger, it was his legs that helped him run swiftly. His horns, got entangled in the branches of a tree and led to his death. The very thing he was so proud f had brought about his fall! It is not right to be proud of what we possess.  If  we have skills, We should quietly use them for our progress and in the service of others. In the final reckoning, nothing in this would belongs to us. So what makes us so proud? The tree in the forest is not proud of its products. Instead it freely gives its produce to the birds, the animals, the insects and man. It is only man who is vain, who loves to boast and show off his worldly possessions to others. Ultimately, however, he has to leave everything behind, while his body is left to burn or decay. To be proud is to be foolish. To be humble is to be wise.

Speech is silver, Silence is golden

        The Bible says that silence is made in heaven. Thus silence is a priceless gift. Very often, in a conversation, some people speak non-stop, and say hardly anything of value. Little do they realize that people, even in company, need silence in order to evaluate what is going on in their minds. Many people imagine that whatever they say is very important and needs to be listened to. One valuable quality of communication is the ability to be a good listener. Listening is an art. But unfortunately, sometimes people just wait for the other arson to stop so that they can begin their own part - which they rehearse while pretending to listen. To be silent is to be sensitive to the other person's thoughts and needs and problems. If you wish your company to be valued by others, sometimes keep quiet, listen and pay attention while others are speaking. By doing this you will be more helpful than chattering nineteen to the dozen. There is a beautiful song which has this line: You say it best when you say nothing at all !

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