Sunday, September 29, 2019

Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings.   2019

            A most hearty welcome to this article. We are happy to place this article in your hands. You will now learn to do small additions. The entire objective has been to systematize the child's process of interaction with the environment so as to make knowledge effective and meaningful. As a suggestion to teachers, I would recommend that they make the child experience the world around him through his senses. For example, the child could be encouraged to use his hands, eyes, ears and nose to observe and feel objects around him. Through simple activities. the child could be made to develop the skill of observation, reporting, collecting information and see relationships. As another example, the child could be made to visit the immediate neighborhood and visit institutions to gain knowledge. Wish you all the best for your studies !

 The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the body. The muscular systems in vertebrates are controlled through the nervous system although some muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous. Together with the skeletal system in the human, it forms the musculoskeletal system, which is responsible for the movement of the body. Muscles are firmly attracted to bones by means of tendons. When muscles contract, there is movement at the joint and the bones move either neared to or away from each other. The action of muscles is necessary for all kinds of movements - from the small movements of eyelids to those that demand great strength as when chopping wood with an axe. We use muscles for various movements like talking. laughing, walking, jumping, throwing, etc.

Learning Outcome: Ability to understand the functions of different parts (Muscular ) of the body. 

Voluntary Muscles : Working with our hands, walking, eating, etc. are functions that depend upon our will. Muscles used in these actions are called voluntary muscles. For example, muscles in our arms and legs are voluntary muscles.

Involuntary muscles: Various processes like breathings, blood circulation, digestion are vital function, i.e., they are essential for life, They do not depend upon our will. The muscles of organs which carry out these involuntary function are called involuntary muscles. Functions of organs like the stomach, intestine, heart re carried out in their own fixed manner by involuntary muscles.

Types of  3 muscles: 1) Skeletal muscles , 2) Heart or cardiac muscles 3)Smooth muscles . 

Skeletal Muscles : The two ends of each of these muscles are attached to two different bones. Examples of such muscles are muscles of the arms and legs. Their movements are voluntary. They are also responsible for holding the bones of the skeleton together and giving shape to our body.

Heart or cardiac muscles : These muscles bring about the contraction and relaxation (beating) of the heart. Their movement is involuntary. Cardiac muscles cause our heart to relax and contract continuously at a rate of about 70 times per minute.

Smooth muscles : These muscles are present in the internal organs other than the heart. For example, muscles of the stomach, intestine, blood vessels, uterus, etc. Their movements are involuntary and slow. Various vital function of our body, of which we remain quite unaware, are carried out by these special muscles.

           Muscles of which part of your arm contracted and relaxed during the above three actions ?

         Muscles in our body always work in groups. When some muscles contract, other muscles of the same group, relax. This is how muscles help in the proper performance of the various functions of our body. The muscle on the front of the bone in our upper arm is called the biceps. The muscle at the back is called the triceps.
  1.  The cardiac muscles do not move.
  2. Food enters the stomach and the stomach muscles do not move.

Always Remember :- Muscles of our body must be strong and efficient. Our diet must include proteins and carbohydrates in sufficient quantity for the proper growth and repair of muscles. We must get regular exercise. It makes the muscles strong. We must sit with a straight back, and not with the back hunched or bent. Otherwise, gradually, changes occur in the structure of the vertebrae. Muscles in the shoulder and back begin to hurt. Disorders of the vertebral column may also arise. During exercise, movements of the heart muscles become more rapid. Breathing. too, becomes faster, ensuring a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body. 


         Conversion of food into a soluble form and its absorption into the blood is called digestion. The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and digestive glands. The total length of alimentary canal is about 9 meters. Its main parts are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. The salivary glands, liver and pancreas are the digestive glands connected to the alimentary canal. Different organs of the degrative system systematically perform the function of digestion. There are different stages in the process of digestion of food and at each stage there is a different organ of the digestive system which performs its specific role. Let us study the structure and function of each organ of the digestive system . 

Teeth : The process of digestion begins with the functions of the teeth in the mouth. There are four types of teeth, namely, incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars. Each type of tooth has a specific function. Each tooth is covered by a hard substance called enamel. Enamel is made of a calcium salt. Saliva contains an enzyme called ptyalin or salivary amylase. Ptyalin converts starch into a sugar called , maltose.               

Digestive System
      The human digestive system consists  of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The process of digestion has three stages : the cephalic phase, the gastric phase, and the intestinal phase. The first stage, the cephalic phase of digestion, begins with secretions from gastric glands in response to the sight and smell of food. This stage includes the mechanical breakdown of food by chewing, and the chemical breakdown by digestive enzymes, that takes place in the mouth. Saliva contains the digestive enzymes amylase, and lingual lipase, secreted by the salivary and serous glands on the tongue. Chewing, in which the food is mixed with saliva, begins the mechanical process of digestion. This produces a bolus which is swallowed of digestion. This produces a bolus which is swallowed down the esophagus to enter the stomach. The second stage of digestion begins in the stomach with the gastric phase. Here the food is further broken down by mixing with gastric acid until it passes into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.
        The third stage begins in the duodenum with the intestinal phase, where partially digested food is mixed with a number of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Digestion is helped by the chewing of food carried out by the muscles of mastication, the tongue, and the teeth, and also by the contractions of peristalsis, and segmentation, Gastric acid and the production of mucus in the stomach, are essential for the continuation of digestion. Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction of muscles that begins in the esophagus and continues along the wall of the stomach and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract. This initially results in the production of chime which when fully broken down in the small intestine is absorbed as chile into the lymphatic system. Most of the digestion of food takes place in the small intestine. Water and some minerals are reabsorbed back into the blood in the colon of the large intestine. The waste products of digestion (feces) are defecated from the rectum via the anus. 

Mouth : Digestion of food begins in the mouth. Food is chewed with the help of teeth into very small pieces.

Salivary glands : Saliva is produced in the salivary glands in the mouth cavity, located in front of the ears, near the pharynx and below the tongue. It is carried to the mouth via ducts. It is mixed with food during the process of chewing.

Pharynx / Throat : The oesophagus and trachea open into the pharynx. 

Oesophagus : It is a tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach. It pushes the food towards the stomach.

Liver : The liver is the largest gland in the body. It has a rich supply of blood. Its main function is storage of glucose. The gall bladder is situated below the liver. It stores the bile, the digestive juice secreted by the liver. When bile is carried into the small intestine, it mixes with the food there and helps in the digestion of fast. Bile contains bile salts.

Pancreas : The pancreas secretes the pancreatic juice that contains various enzymes.

Stomach : The large sac-like part of the alimentary canal is called the stomach. The gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice. Food that has entered stomach is churned. Three components of gastric juice, namely, hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus are mixed with food here and it becomes acidic. Mainly proteins are digested in the stomach, Due to the churning and the action of gastric juice, food becomes a semi-solid slurry which is slowly pushed into the small intestine.

Stomach : The large sac-like part of the alimentary canal is called the stomach. The gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice. Food that has entered stomach is churned. Three components of gastric juice, namely, hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus are mixed with food here and it becomes acidic. Mainly proteins are digested in the stomach, Due to the churning and the action of gastric juice, food becomes a semi-solid slurry which is slowly pushed into the small intestine.

Small intestine: The small intestine is about 6m long. Most of the digestion and absorption of food takes place here. Three different digestive juices are mixed with the food in the small intestine. Absorption into the blood, of nutrients obtained by the digestion of food, also occurs in the small intestine.

Large intestine : The large intestine is about 1.5m long. Only water is absorbed in the large intestine. A small part called the 'appendix' is attracted to the first part of large intestine. Undigested remains of the food digested in the small intestine enter the large intestine. Undigested material is thrown out of the body through the anus.

Are we putting our health at risk ? 
        Physical health is extremely important in personality development. When all our organ system function properly, we say that we are in good health. However, harmful habits like smoking, chewing of tobacco, drinking alcohol affect our health adversely.

Effects of tobaccos, alcohol, smoking on the digestive system 
          If we consume any tobacco products, the mouth, pharynx, alimentary canal and other organs of the digestive system cannot function properly. It causes problems like vomiting. nausea, and headache. Besides, tobaccos particles stick to teeth, gums and skin of the mouth cavity and slowly cause injury to those parts resulting in their dysfunction. This causes swelling of the gums and pain when moving the jaws. The pharynx and intestine become inflamed and the condition further progresses into cancer leading to death. 

My Role 
  • slogans against tobacco consumption, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. and displaying them in the classroom and the neighborhood and friends. Keeping a watch on whether one's surroundings are tobaccos - free.
  • Composing an oath against addiction and taking the oath in the class and also during assembly. 
  • Making parents and friends aware of such instances in the neighborhood.
31st  May is World No Tobaccos Day
7 th  April is World Health Day.

        We hope that our humble effort to inspire, encourage and ignite the minds of our very young students will be appreciated by parents.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Interview Questions and  Report Writing :-   2019

 Interview Questions

      Interview Questions : Here you have to imagine that you have been asked to interview some personality in the field of science, sports, arts, culture or politics. 1) You are expected to frame 8-10 questions that you would ask a person in an interview, 2) The questions may relate to the childhood, formative years, influences, education, interests, how the person got into the field, achieved fame and awards and renown and so on. 3) You may also ask about the person's interests, future plants and advice to the youth. 4) The questions should flow in sequence and should cover a variety of life features and other aspects. 5) Remember to begin with a proper greeting and introduction and end off with a proper conclusion.

        Note : The answers to he questions are not expected.

         Recently you got the opportunity to interview a famous sportswoman. Write 8-10 significant questions that you would ask her. 

Questions Of the Interviewer

  1. Welcome Miss Geeta. Congratulations on your achievements. Which qualities  have made you a sports star ?
  2. How many hours do you practice during a day ?
  3. How do you cope with the physical demanded made on you by the game ?
  4. What challenges have you faced in the sport being a women player ?
  5. What do you do when the odds are against you ?
  6. What do you do when the odds are against you ?
  7. What, do you think, are your weak points ?
  8. How does it feel to be a 'star' at such a young age ?
  9. Which sport star is your inspiration ?
  10. What role has your coach played in your success ?
  11. One last question : What is your message to young aspiring sportswomen ?

         Imagine it is Doctor's Day. Frame 8 - 10 questions to a doctor :

Remember : You have o make an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

Questions Of the Interviewer

  1. Good morning. Wise you 'Happy Doctor's Day'. What, may I ask, inspired you to become a doctor ?
  2. Was it your ambition from childhood to become a doctor ?
  3. Why did you decide upon this particular field of medicine ?
  4. Can you give us an idea of the hours of study you had to put in, in order to become a doctor ?
  5. Do you think the comforst of modern life are proving to be a health hazard ?
  6. What, in you opinion, are the special qualities required for a person to be a successful doctor ?
  7. How do you approach your treatment of patients ?
  8. What are your hours for consultation ?
  9. How do you keep up with modern advanced techniques of treatment ?
  10. One last question. What is your message to people about maintaining good health ?

     You wish to interview Shri Dhire. Write 8 - 10 questions you would like to ask him.

Questions of the Interviewer

  1. Mr. Dhire, you have done a commendable job by organizing this adult literacy campaign in Ridhigaon. Could you tell us, first of all, why you chose Ridhigaon ?
  2. Could you give me some details such as the total number of students, the number of female students and so on ?
  3. What arrangements do you have for premises and teachers ?
  4. What are the timings of the school ?
  5. Have you faced any opposition from the local community ?
  6. Is the local Gram Panchayat involved in the activities, and, if so, to what extent ?
  7. How do you get funding for things such as book, stationery, and other essentials ?
  8. Do you camp in the village or do you commute every day ?
  9. Do you plant to duplicate this formula in some other village ?
  10. One last question : Are you happy with the progress you have made so far ?

  {  The floods in Bihar this year are much worse than ever before. Thousands of people have been evacuated from the low lying areas, and temporary shelters are being set up in various places. However ....  }

       As a reporter from 'The Indian Express' you have to interview a flood victim. Write about 8 - 10 question that you would ask him or her.

Questions of the Interviewer

  1. This year the floods were terible, weren't they ? Can you tell me more about it ?
  2. How did you manage to get through those days ?
  3. Was any warning given ?
  4. Have you been provided temporary accommodation ?
  5. Were there any relief measures or schemes announced fot rehabilitation ?
  6. Did ay civic officials or political leaders come to visit you ?
  7. Did you suffer any personal losses ?
  8. Do you think your suffereing could have been less if some preventive measures had been taken ?
  9. Has any scheme been launhed to help you reconstruct your houses ?
  10. One last question : Do you have any suggestion as to how suh floods can be prevented ?

      You have to interview a merit rank holder from your school for the Schol Magazine. Write about 8 - 10 questions that you would ask him or her.

Questions of the Interviewer
  1. Congratulations Vidya. We are all proud of you. How did you manage such a feat ?
  2. What special timetable of study did you follow ?
  3. Did you give up all extra-curricular activities, like watching TV, going for movies, etc. ?
  4. Did you take any special coaching in any of the subjects ?
  5. How much did you class study contribute to your success ?
  6. What was the role played by your parents and teachers ?
  7. Wat are you future plans ?
  8. What was the reaction of you family and friends ?
  9. One last question. What is your advice to other students ?

        You are present at a TV awards function. One of your favorite singers, Himesh, has won the 'Best Singer' award. You get a chance to interview him after the function.

Questions of the Interviewer
  1. It is an honor to meet you, Sir, Could you tell our readers something about your formative years ?
  2. How does it feel to get the 'Best Singer' award ?
  3. Did you receive any formal training in classical music ?
  4. Who were your gurus ?
  5. How did you get into and become famoues in films ?
  6. Which would you consider your path-breaking song ?
  7. What kind of singing style would you say you have ?
  8. What regimen of 'riyaz' do you follow ?
  9. Is there any special diet that you maintain ?
  10. One last quesion : Which singers do you look up to ?
Glossary : regimen - any set of rules about food and exercises that someone follows.


        "News has just come in that Shri Avinash Deshpande has won the election by a thumping majority. Now it remains to be seen if Shri Deshpande keeps his election promises or goes the way of other politicians .........

You get a chance to interview Shri Deshpande.

Remember : You have to make an appropriate introduction and conclusion :

Questions of the Interviewer
  1. Congratulations, Sir, on winning the elections. What will be your first call of duty ?
  2. Since when did you start taking an interest in politics ?
  3. What was special about this election campaign ?
  4. Can you list out for us the amount of social work you have already done ?
  5. What are your aspirations in the political field ?
  6. Which politcians do you admire most ?
  7. How will you go about fulilling your election promises ?
  8. Why have you chosen politics as your field of work ?
  9. Why, do you think, did you win over your opponent ?
  10. one last question : What is your message to the youth of India ?

      {  Outside 'the Central Library', there is a board displaying some rules and regulations for the members. They are as follows :
  1. You should enter your name and registered number in the register, before entering the library.
  2. You should pay your monthly / annual membership on time.
  3. You are not allowed to write anything on the book / magazine you have taken.
  4. You should not take any book or magazine out of the library without proper permission and registration.
  5. You should maintain pindrop silnce in the library.
  6. You are not alowed to eat , drink, chat or smoke inside the library.
  7. You should return the books or magaines you have taken on time.
  8. You should not disturb other members and the librarin when you are in the library. }

Questions For Practice
  1. All that glitters is not gold.
  2. Failure is the perfect opportunity for growth.
  3. A drop makes an ocean.
  4. Let's go green to get our earth clean.
  5. Slow and steady wins the race.

Report Writing

        In report writing you have to give an account of something that you have heard, seen, done or experienced, It is something that is written or others to read. Thus you  may be asked to write reports to be put up on the noticeboard, to be published in the school magazine or to be sent to some other school for the students there to read. You  may also be asked to write reports for news magazines, journals or newspapers based on the given headline. Report writing may be about projects or activities you or your class is involved in, or about happening in and around your school. It may also be about local incidents.


        In ancient India, kings chose their successors among the princes by asking them to complete a range of tasks. In this book, 'The Accidental Apprentice ' , Vikash Swarup has moved this strange practice into a modern context.

        For those who are unaware, Vikash is the author of 'Slumdog Millionaire'. This was a book about the underclass of Indian society that has not reaped the benefits of the opening up if the economy. In this book, the game show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati' played a vital part.


Vertical Distribution : Distribution in vertical direction. Temperature and air pressure vary in horizontal as well as vertical direction. The variation caused due to height is called vertical distribution.


        P. V. Sindhu is an ace shuttler and silver medelist at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. This young badminton player from Andhra Pradesh was born to volleyball players P.V. Ramana and P.Vijaya in the year 1995. Her father was honoured with the Arjuna Award for having displayed excellence in his sport. She has an elder sister P. V. Divya who is a national - level handball layer.

    P. V. Sindhu began playing badminton from the early age of eight. Pallela Gopichand was her inspiration, and later ', she joined his Indian International Badminton Academy in Hyderabad. She used to travel more than 50 kilometers every day to get to her training center in Hyderabad. Despite this, she was never late for training ; a reflection of her willingness to fulfill desire to be a good badminton player with the required hard work and commitment.

     She won her first bronze medal in 2009 and later many other medals, including the gold and the silver. She was awarded the padma Shri in 2015 for wining a medal at the World Championship. One of the youngest and most talented badminton players of contemporary times, Sindhu has featured in the top 10 in world badminton rankings for the most part of 2014.


Subcontinent : A part of a continent that is geographically and culturally different from the rest of the continent. The region in South Asia that lies south of the Himalayan ranges is called the Indian Subcontinent. This includes countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka.


       'The Accidental Apprentice' deals with the middle class and their aspirations. It is a oral fable set in contemporary India. It is the tale of a lower middles class girl, who gets a chance to become the CEO of one of the country's largest firm, provided she completes seven tasks set by the ageing patriarch of the company. 

      The writer has used the first person narrative in his novel. The narrator is a girl / women. The middle class feel stuck in a trap. They see that the political class are oblivious to their needs. The society they live in is consumerist and the only solution to all problems seems to be to get rich.


Contour Line : These are isolines of height. These are drawn by joining the paces of equal altitude. These help in identification of landforms, determine the amount of slope and help us understand the type and direction of slope. They also help in the analysis of intervisiblity between any two points on the map.


       Shirdi, a place of religious importance, is famous for the Samadhi Mandir of Shri Sai Baba. It can be visited throughout the year. Shirdi has its own small station ; but the other convenient railheads are Manmad (60 km) and Nashik (123 km ). There are regular buses from various cities / towns, while the nearest airport is at Aurangabad (144 km). 

        There are plenty of places to stay in Shirdi, right from private hotels to various charitabe sansthas such as Sevadham, Shanti Niwas, etc. The main attraction in Shirdi is Shri Sai Baba's marvellous statue in Italian marble made by the Late Shri Balaji Vsant, which shows Baba seated on a golden throne. One can also view the things used by Baba. Other places of importance in Shirdi are Dwarkamai, on the right of the entrance to the Mandir ; Gurusthan, Lendi Baug; and Khandoba Mandir.


Horse latitudes : A region in both the hemispheres between 25• and 35• parallels. This is the region of high pressure belt from which the air moves outwards. The region is generally quiet. Due to historical reasons it is called horse latitudes.


        New Delhi : With only 4,000 snow leopards left in the wild and 500 of them in India, a new report has urged countries to take urgent action in the wake of climate change to save the endangered species and conserve its 'fragile' mountain habitats. Worldwide Fund for Nature formerly World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report titled 'Fragile Connections : Snow leopards , people, water and the global climate " said that more than a third of snow leopard habitat could be rendered "unsuitable" for the big cats if climate change is not checked.

       'Warmer temperatures could see the tree line shifting up the mountains and farmers planting crops and grazing livestock at higher altitudes, squeezing the remaining snow leopards into smaller pockets." a WWF India report said, " Climate change could drastically alter the flow of water down from the mountains, threatening the livelihoods of vast numbers of people across the continent, " it said.

      "With an estimated population of 500 cats, India has been a leading player in the conservation efforts to secure the snow leopard and its habitat in the Himalayas.  said Ravi Singh, Secretary General and CEO, WWF -India.


Pattern : An arrangement of objects. The assembly of various factors that emerges in a space or over a time period forms a pattern. While such an arrangement is emerging, the factors individually or collectively are influenced by geographical conditions. Drainage pattern is an example of spatial pattern whereas crop pattern is an example of temporal pattern.


Write a newspaper report describing Ganesh Chaturthi celerations in your town.

Ganesh Chaturthi in Pune

       Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated in Pune this year with great pomp and splendor. Never before has the festive mood been so high. The main reason must have been the competition for best Ganesh idols and floats organized by the Pune Municipal Corporation. As a result, a variety of art forms costing huge amounts of money were tried out. The general public were treated to a east of Ganesh idols ranging from small ones made with shells and small bottles to huge ones made of ply and vegetables. The tallest was the one made by the Yuva Krida  tallest was the one made by the Yuva Krida Mandal. This idol rose to a towering height of thirty feet and was decorated entirely with marbles.

     On Anant Chaturdashi, the last day of the festival, a procession of floats was organized. It was a public holiday and during the entire evening magnificent floats trailed by slowly.

     Thousands of people participated in the procession singing and dancing to the accompaniment of lezims and drums. Everyone agreed that the twenty-five feet long float put up by the Yuva Krida Mandal was the best. It depicted various aspects of Ganesh's life. Deservedly, it won the first prize.  

pH : The acidity or alkalinity of a substance is determined with the help of pH value. This scale ranges from '-1' to 14. The pH value of '7'indicates neutrality whereas the values lower than '7' indicate acidity and if the value is more than '7' the substance is considered to be alkaline. For example, the lemon juice that contains citric acid has pH of 2. The seawater that tastes salty has an average pH value equal to 8. The water of Great Salt Lake has pH value of 10.
Economics : the science of financial management. It is needed at all levels - from individual to nation.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Shayari In English  2019

We hope that the Article / Post will receive a warm welcome from Friends, 
Enjoy read Shayari .