All that glitters is not gold / Do not judge a book by its cover
Everything in life that appears to be attractive does not necessarily have great value. So judging by appearances can be misleading. This same fact can be said in another way ; A book cannot be judged by its cover. A book with a very attractive cover may not have readable material inside. On the other hand, a book with a very dull cover may be very interesting. This is true of almost everything in life. A show that is well advertised may be dull and boring. And a movie that has received very little publicity may be quite entertaining. So we must not jump to conclusions about the merits or demerits of anything purely on the basis of the way it is packaged. This is the age of advertisement. Makers of products try to show their products in the best light so that people will buy them. But this does not necessarily mean that the product is well worth the money. Even when we judge people we should not do so by their looks. We must not get swayed by their flashy styles or dashing ways, Gandhiji wore just a dhoti, but he is still in great reverence throughout the world. Abraham Lincoln was not endowed with good looks. But he is considered by far the greatest American President. Mother Teresa had a very simple appearance. But people all over the world remember and revere her. So it is only right to say that all that glitters is not gold.
To err is human, to forgive divine :- In one of Shakespeare's plays, a character says, "The quality of mercy is divine". Indeed to be able to forget the evil that others have done to you and to forgive them is divine. Jesus Christ, even on the cross, during his last moments, was able to say this about the people who had put him to death : Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Lord Rama showed no rancor against his stepmother, Kaikeyi, for sending him into exile for fourteen years so that her son, Bharat, could be the king. All of us are humans. We all have our weaknesses. No human being is perfect. So when someone wrongs us, why can't we forgive them ? When someone hurt us, it is because that person is human and little understands the harm that he or she is causing. Forgiving that person brings out the god-like nature that lies in us. It is not very easy to do, but once we do it, we will feel an inner peace and a sense of moral rectitude.
Charity Begins at home :- It is very easy to show the whole world that you are doing good deeds, Many people do this just to impress others. However, when it comes to treating the people who are near them with kindness, they are found sadly lacking. They treat their children, family members, servants and people who are closely connected with them very badly. If you really want to be good to others , it should begin with your home and then spread to all walks of like . As we treat others who are close to us, so should we treat those who are not so close to us. Treating others well should be a habit with us. It should not be an attitude that we display only to gain name or fame. It should be the same when treating the smallest and the closest as well as treating the greatest and the farthest.
Unity is Strength :- Everyone knows the story of the bundle of sticks that could not be broken easily, but the single stick that could be broken easily. That is what is meant by 'Unity is strength'. Five fingers make a hand. A hand makes a handshake. A handshake extends warmth and friendship and reaches out to the world, India is a land of diverse people, cultures, religious, languages and geography. So long as we are united, we stand strong and no power on earth can do us any harm. The moment we show signs of division. we will be vulnerable and enemies will try to take advantage of the situation. A team in which the individual members play only to project themselves cannot win a match. Only when each player plays for the good of the team, can the team win, Anything that we do should be done for the general good, not for individual glory. Working for a common cause results in mutual empowerment.
Practice makes Perfect :- You cannot become a world-class musician unless you take up your instrument and play on it daily for hours together. You cannot become a Tendulkar merely through inborn skill. You have to go to the nets every day for hours of practice. Merit-holders in board examinations do not achieve their marks by pure inspiration. They have studied throughout the year and revised and re-revised and made themselves perfect in whatever they have set out to study. It is only regular practice that makes one perfect. Eklavya became an expert archer only through practice. Practice is the talisman that makes a sterling performance possible. Practice is the lucky charm worn by a superstar. It is practice alone that trains and disciplines the body and mind to raise the level of one's performance to the universal standards of satisfaction.
A Friends in Need is a Friend Indeed :- It is famous proverb which tells us the importance of true friend. In actual sense the friends who helps us in our need of hour is a real friends. There are number of friends around us, but only few of them help us when we are in problem or in difficulty. Some may linger around us till our pocket is full of money. They leave us when we have nothing to give. Prosperity is not touchstone of friendship. Adversity tells a man his true friends.
Friendship has been very challenging for prophets and saints, Jesus had a large number of followers , his ready friends. Still none dare come to save him from being crucified. None could face the onslaught of the opponents. We know the story of two friends who were passing through a forest. When a bear was seen approaching them the stronger and more active of the two deserted his companion and scrambled up a tree. The other man lay down as if dead The bear sniffed him all over, then went away taking him to be dead. The false friends came down and asked what the bear had said in his ear. The angry man got up and told him that the bear had told him not to trust selfish and insincere companions. This is what we often experience in our lives. When we are in dire need of our friend's help, we find that he has vanished.
It is said that prosperity gains friends, adversity tries them. True friends do not desert us when we are in difficulties. They stand by us in sun and shower and do whatever they can to help us. There is the selfless and self-sacrificing friendship. How many of us are prepared to make sacrifices for our friends ? hardly any. 'Laugh, and the world laughs with you : weep, and you weep alone' says a wise man. We realize the truth of this saying when we are in trouble. But since, we do not like false, fair-weather friends, we should, on our part, try to be honest and faithful to our friends. We should always be friends in someone else's need and, thus friends indeed.
Make Hay While the Sun Shines :- Hay is mowed and dried grass. The drying can take place only in sunny weather. Therefore, hay must be made while the sun shines. The implication of this apparently simple advice is that we must seize the opportunity before us and take maximum advantage of it.
A Chance lost may never come again. We must avail ourselves of favorable circumstances and use them to our advantage. Youth is the time to take risks, work hard, make all-round progress and lay by enough for a contented and comfortable old age. 'Strike while the iron is hot' is another saying expressing the same idea. Opportunities will not present themselves again and again. The readiness to seize one when it offers itself is the key to success. So, we must make hay while the sun shines.
Laughter, the Best Medicine :- American humorist Josh Billings has rightly said : "There is not much fun in medicine : but there is a heck of a lot medicine in fun ." Yes, there is a lot of medicine in laughter and it certainly is the best medicine. Medical experts say that many if our diseases are caused by stress, worries and tensions, So, if we change our attitude to life in general and be hopeful and cheerful and have optimism and faith, we shall surely be able to laugh away many of our physical ailments. Laughter also helps us stressful times.
Science has proved that laughter or, in other words, a cheerful and positive disposition, improves digestion, regularizes hormone secretion in the body, and thus equips us with the power to resist diseases. Medical experts say that laughter chasses the toxins out of our system and makes us feel greatly refreshed. Physically and mentally. No wonder it has been said that a hundred laughs a day are equal to a ten minute jog!
A stitch in time saves nine :- A small tear in your shirt or dress can be mended by a few stitches. But if you neglect it and delay the repair, the tear will grow larger and then will require many more stitches. Or the tear might even be beyond repair and you may just have to throw away the shirt or dress altogether. This is the literal meaning of this proverb. The underlying meaning, however, is that our neglect of a minor initial defect would cost us a lot f trouble later on. A small crack in a dam, if not repaired in time, may lead to a large breach and flood the area around, A small crack in a piece of furniture or a ship may result in a major mishap.
Any trouble sees harmless in the beginning . Then it grows and finally we have to pay a heavy price in terms of time, energy, money and suffering. Hence it is necessary to nip the trouble in the bud. The proverb advises us to deal promptly with disease or trouble right at the start, lest they get out of hand. Timely action saves a lot of unnecessary trouble later on. A stitch in time always saves nine.
Just For Fun! { Story } 👇
To Catch A Thief
One night, my sleep was suddenly disturbed by some strange noises coming from the direction of the drawing room. It was dark and I took a look at the radium dial on my watch. It was 3:30 a.m. Who could that be in the drawing room ? I got up from my bed and tiptoed softly into the room. What I saw there gave me the shock of my life. I could see a shadow busily engaged. in ransacking the place. I could make out that it was a tall burly man. He had a sack into which he was putting in the articles of the house, - our laptop, the alarm clock and our DVD player amongst other things.
I was afraid There was no way I could tackle this thief single-handedly. So I went to my parents' bedroom. I shook my father awake and whispered, 'Papa, there's thief in the house." Quickly he go up and picked up a walking cane. The two of us went barefoot into the drawing room.
The thief was too busy to notice us. Father went softly to the main door of our house and unlatched it. Then he began shouting, 'Chor, chor, chor !" The thief turned around in alarm and made for the door, but father blocked his way. I too shouted at the top of my voice. There was a brief tussle between father and the thief. Within moments, however, neighbors had come to our rescue and the thief was quickly overpowered. We called in the police and the thief was arrested. It seems he was a notorious criminal and the police had been on the lookout for him for sometime. They praised our efforts at apprehending a man who was wanted by the police.
Beauty learns a Lesson
Beauty was a handsome cat who slowly grew very proud because everyone around her, pampered her and made much of her. She would sit in one place the whole day, and expect her master and mistress to feed her and look after her. She did not think that she had to do anything in return. She was beautiful, wasn't she ? Well, they could pat her and admire her all day if they wished to.
Then one day, Moti joined their family. Moti was an ugly stray dog. The moment Beauty saw him, she turned up her nose at him and ignored him. What an ugly dog! However, Moti was a cheerful and loving dog. He jumped around the whole day, wagging his tail and making a fuss of his master and mistress. He was a good watch-dog too, and barked when any stranger entered the garden outside.
Then one day, a strange thongs happened. The mistress came back from the market and made a big fuss over Moti. She petted him and cuddled him and spoke about him to her friends. 'He saved my life." she told them, 'He saved me from a thief who had a knife in his hands!" Moti got a big bone and neighbors came in to pet him. Poor Beauty was completely forgotten. She neither had food that day nor did anyone even bother to look at her. That was the moment when Beauty realized that we are known for our deeds and not for our looks.
Do Not judge a book by its cover 👌
I Find a Friend
I was new to the school. I was still smarting from the way I had rudely been snatched from the school I loved and transferred into this friendless, lonely school. The rains only further dampened my spirits. One day it was raining heavier than usual. School was over. The chauffeur came to pick me up. I sat in the car, took out a story book and was about to begin reading when I noticed Karan walking home. He had an umbrella but even then, the outpour had drenched him. I stopped the car and told Karan to hop in. Hesitantly he got into the car. We exchanged a few words and before long had reached his home. He got out and shyly waved his thanks. The next day I reached school early. Karan was in class. I had not finished my math's homework and was worried. ' How is your math ?'
I asked him. 'Can you help me ?' Eagerly he came over and began explaining sums. Not only was he a wizard in math's, but he could explain concepts with great lucidity. Slowly our friendship grew. Today. Karan is my best friend. And this is how I found out that a friends in need is a friend indeed.
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