Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Achieve Great Success 2019

            Honourable chief guest, respected parents and my dear friends, I am extremely happy to be here to peak to you on a topic that is of deep personal interest to me.... 

         Edison, the great scientist, said that success is 1% inspiration and 99%  perspiration. How true it is! Without hard work, toil, perseverance, there can be no achievement. Take the life of any great person and you will see the truth of it. Success does not come by neglecting our duties or shirking our responsibilities or lazing away all the time. Great heights can only be achieved by constant climbing. Sherpa Tenzing and Edmund Hillary did not fly to the top of Mount Everest. They climbed. It took them days and they had to face many difficulties. Without regular and hard study no student of the HSC can hope to do well. even the most brilliant. Constant study, revision, practice - all these are necessary. Then only can one hope for the room on the top. It can never be that a student who doesn't study at all achieves a distinction in the Board Examination's. So let us then be up and doing. Let us face the challenges of life boldly; let us be successful! 

      Perseverance is the key to success :-  Perseverance implies continued effort and determination to attain a goal. Both are necessary, for success does not fall into one's  lap. One has to work for it. Great scientists like Marie Curie and Edison continued with their experiments even though they faced many failures. Today, these names are well-known and highly respected for their work. Everyone is not born with a silver spoon in the mouth. One has to trudge and toil in order to reach the top. One has to be determined. Determination involves making decisions about the goals that one wishes to achieve and having the will to pursue them. Neither talent nor intelligence is of much help if there is no perseverance. Hence perseverance is the key to success. As has been so aptly said : Where there is a will there is a way. Perseverance involves persisting in one's task, having the patience to go on with it despite obstacles and failures and spending enough time to get the task done. Then only will one achieve success.     

        The need for all Indians to acquire a scientific attitude. I always noticed that more than hard work and persistent effort, the majority of us resort to magic and superstition to get our work done. We approach our tasks in the most unscientific way. If our businesses full. We blame it on the gods If we do not win. we put it down to luck. We forget the importance of perseverance and persistence, and in many ways neglect to do our duty. All this is because we do not have a scientific attitude. Ours is a country where people pray for timey rain or break a coconut before a rocket launch.

       To nurture a scientific attitude. we must have faith only in our right efforts. We must strive to do our best in whatever field we work. We must involve ourselves in proper action and inspired thinking. We must strive for more knowledge in our field. We must do all this, instead of expecting godmen to perform miracles. Moreover, we should do away with all our superstitions. I do hope that the examples I have given have made it clear what a scientific attitude is and why it should be developed. I hope that what I have said will help you when you make decision in your day-to-day life.

      There is no Short cut to Success : - It is often said that success requires handwork and great diligence as well as commitment. This makes success a long-term achievement. Everybody thinks that there are some easier ways to live life, no need to work hard for livelihood but the truth is that easier ways are always the toughest ways. Most of us forget that for reaching success, the road is not strewn with roses. Success is an achievement by constant diligence and most of us lack the essential quality diligence. The magic of handwork and perseverance cannot be underestimated. 

       Most of the time it happens, we star our efforts but soon lose heart half-way and give up our efforts and thus fail to reach the pinnacle of success. If we have the confidence in our efforts. there is nothing that can deter us from achieving. Sitting in front of television and watching the shopping network channel, fascinating over the new-miracle making abs machine which promises you the six-pack abs only in 5 minutes of daily exercises, you think that product is heaven sent, so you grab your phone; book the order and start dreaming about your perfect body. Two months later. that wonder abs machine is at the back of your master closet gathering dust. As you can see, you will have to do the work when reaching a goal and the success that comes with it. 

        You have to understand that you might have to make sacrifices during your journey and you need to put in the hours required in order to get where you want to reach. Those who sit pretty and just complain about the success of others are the ones who do not do much in life. Those who make continuous efforts for a long time in the right direction rarely lose in the struggle of like. So one important password for all of us to follow is that ; there is no short cut to success.

   Continuing her remarks at the Eastern Kentucky University Commencement, First Lady Michelle Obama said : And my first question is : Who are you going to be ? And if you'll notice, I'm mot asking what are you going to do, but who are you going to be ? I'm asking you about how you plan to live your life every day. How are you going to respond when you don't get that job you had your heart set on ? For all of you who are going on to be teachers, what are you going to do if the students in your class next year just don't respond to your lessons ? For all of you going into business, how will you react when your boss gives you a goal that feels way too high ?

         These are the moments that define us - not the day you get the promotion, not the day you win teacher of the year, but the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to get through the day ; the moments when you get knocked down and you're wondering whether it's even worth it to get back up. Those are the times when you've got to ask yourself, who am I going to be ?

        And I want to be clear, this isn't just some vague platitude about building character. In recent years, we've actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills like resilience and conscientiousness can be just as important to your success as  your test scores, or even your IQ.

        Time and Tide Wait For No Man :- A person who is lazy imagines that he or she has all the time in the world. The tardy person thinks that time is his slave and he or she can do things whenever he or she pleases. However, this is not so. There is a saying that time and tide wait for no man. Tides have their fixed timings and do not wait for anybody. Similarly time waits for no man. The clock keeps on ticking. If we do not use every minute to do something worthwhile, we are simply wasting our lives.

        They say, "Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today." so let us respect time and do things when they are supposed to be done. Let us not put off fir tomorrow what we can do today. There is a time for everything. Work while you work : play while you play : study while you study. Let us not idle away the hours in useless pastimes such as watching TV for hours. gossiping with friends or just lazing around the house doing nothing. It is only the person who uses every minute wisely who is sure to be successful and prosperous in life.

      Every Cloud has a Silver Lining :- People generally feel very depressed and unhappy when they face difficulties or find themselves in unpleasant situations. However, every such difficulty has its own positive side. A butterfly struggles desperately to come out of its cocoon, and may even wonder at the cruelty of nature : but this struggle makes its wings strong and helps it to fly easily later on. Similarly, every dark cloud has a silver lining , that is, every difficulty has its own positive outcome.

       Manu, a five-year-old orphan living in an orphanage, was devastated when the tsunami wiped out the only home he knew ; the orphanage. It seemed to be the end of the world for him. However, through some social workers he met a couple who had lost their only child in the tsunami. The couple saw Manu, loved him instantly. and took him into their home and heart. Manu got a lovely home and loving parents. tsunami, which had been a dreadful cloud for him, also had silver lining. Therefore one should always go through life believing that whenever bad things happen, there are also some good outcomes.

      Nothing Success like Success :- Sweet is the taste of success. The more you get, the more you want. The more you want, the more you try. It is like setting in motion a self-propelling machine; the keeps on moving further and further and higher and higher on its own steam. But where should it all begin ? of course, the success story must begin at the beginning. Success in early ventures raises our belief in ourselves. We begin to have confidence in ourselves. And that makes the all important difference. For a student, the first important success story begins with the SSC EXAM. If he or she proves to be a great success in it, there is every possibility that he or she will enjoy a long series of successes in the years to come. So it is essential to bring home the first success putting in commensurate efforts. This success will bin in more success. For nothing succeeds like success!

          For most people success means financial gain. If one is able to afford the luxuries of life. One considers that as success. However, for some, success means achieving fame and position in one's field. To others it is acquiring some sort of status in society. A few people believe that if they can create employment opportunities for others. then they have achieved success. very few people aim to become role models for othe rs by being successful in their chosen fields.

          Procrastination is the thief of time :- It has been said, 'Never out off for tomorrow what you can do today'. Work does not disappear if we postpone it. It only accumulates. Finally when we do tackle the work, we spend hours working under great strain and stress. Very often, we end up completing the work in a shoddy manner. It might also happen that the work may never ever get done. just because we delayed doing it at the right time. The person who delays insuring his house will pay a heavy price when it is gutted by a sudden fire. Putting off the treatment of a disease may make it worse, and may even result in death. The student who goes on postponing studies will need to burn the midnight oil for last minute preparations before the examination. And even then, he or she may not have time enough to cover the entire portion, Time wasted is time lost forever. Hence procrastination, in this proverb, is referred to as a ' thief of time'. Let us be warned against the dangers of delayed action.

         God Helps those who help themselves :- There are some students who don't study all through the year and then one day before the examination they go to the temple, make offering and perform a pooja and think that God will answer their prayers and give them a good result in the examination. Such students will find, much to their dismay, that God does not help shirkers. He only helps those who help themselves. There is the story of a scientist who worked for years in order to find out the cause of malaria. He had performed hundreds of experiments and almost given up hope. Then he prayed and fell asleep. The next morning he woke up with a new idea in his head. He tried it out and lo and behold ! he had found the cure for malaria. Thus we see that God helps only those who help themselves. This is because God has given us all the talents, attributes and the thinking power to achieve what we want. After being given all these, why should we again rely on God to achieve success ? We should rely on the gifts that God has given us to make progress in life, rather than on God to do things for us. 

        Service to man is service to God :- People visit places of worship and perform religious ceremonies to please and serve God. These very same people are quite often indifferent to the human suffering around them. How can we serve God without loving and caring for His creations ? Coleridge writes in his rime of the Ancient Mariner : He Prayed best. who loveth best / All things both great and small ;/ For the dear God who loveth us, / He made us all.' The poem 'Abou Ben Adhem ' illustrates the same truth. Ben Adhem asks the recording angel to write his name 'as one that loves his fellow men'. And his name comes first among those who love the Lord.

          We pray to God to show mercy to us and help us in life's grim struggles and misfortunes. How can we expect God to answer our prayers when He sees that we are blind to the sufferings of the hungry. the ailing and the handicapped ? One good turn is worth a hundred prayers. Father Damien became a leper in the service of lepers. He spent his entire life looking after a colony of lepers. Ultimately, he died of leprosy. What a shining example of heroic self-sacrifice! That is the way to gain God's grace.

           As you Sow, so shall you Reap :- The man is responsible for the effect of his actions. If the action is based on goodness. it will churn out only goodness in the long run. If the action has been evil. the outcome also tends to e evil. Goodness is the child of good deeds and misfortune and calamities are the children of evil. According to the natural laws every action has equal and opposite reaction. If we plant a sapling of rose we shall have roses. But if we plant cactus we shall have the thorny cactus. It is equally true in the life of an individual or a nation. 

          We will be rewarded or punished according to the good or bad deeds that we do. Sowing and reaping are part and parcel of the law of nature. If we sow good seeds in our lives, we will get good results. However, the reverse will happen if we decide to take the wrong way. To study or work honestly and diligently is one way to sow good seeds in order to get good results. We are the only one in this world; responsible for the effects of our action. Our present work always makes or helps us to make our future.

           If a student studies hard in his early life, he builds a good career for himself in his youth. Those who neglect studies are not able to make good career. It is universal truth that we get from life what we sow in it. Actually life is like a big field and all of us are farmers in it. Our future is the direct outcome of what and how we sow the seeds of character, right attitude, perseverance. utilization of time and opportunities given to us, and finally how industrious and sincere we had been in carrying out our responsibilities. This famous maxim proves the same in our life.

         Heritage Of The World !  Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration we should protect them as they are our valuable treasures. We should preserve it for our next generation to make them understand how glorious our Past was if we want to keep them safe. Sometimes unmonitored visitors pose a threat to such sites, especially in developing countries where sites lack the infrastructure to support the number of tourists. Tourists should be encouraged to visit during off season and ensure they must not trespass areas marked as banned. not physically damage any monument, must leave the site clean and tidy. Security measures may be tightened. Lack of management. financial resources can also cause threat to the structure. So as a part of security measures the local administrators must update the physical boundaries of the site clear. The local administrators must generally be proactive to ensure the preservation of World Heritage Sites.

Conclusion : This post has been designed keeping all of the above in mind. An effort has been made to present the subject in such a way that one topic smoothly leads to another and the student is encouraged to probe further. In addition, each chapter is linked to the previous one so that children develop an understanding of the history of civilization as the unbroken chain of events that it is. This has been done taking due care to retain the scientific foundation of the subject.

            Through the lessons in this post, students will learn that environment and culture are interdependent. The activities will help to further develop these sensibilities. The exercises given at the end of each chapter are by way of examples. To make the process of evaluation continuous and comprehensive, parents / Students may develop a question bank in line with these examples.

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