Say 'No' to Corruption!
Shantidevi lived in a chawl and had to work hard to make both ends meet. She wanted admission for her daughter in a municipal school. However, when she approached the headmaster of the local school, he agreed to give the admission provided she paid him ₹5000/- Shantidevi was faced with a dilemma. She knew that if she borrowed from people. she would be able to make up the required sum. There were people in her neighborhood who told her that she had no choice but to pay. However. Shantidevi was strongly against the idea of having to pay a bribe. Bravely she approached the Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) in her locality and acquainted them with the situation. They advised her to arrange for the money and when she did, the notes were market.
Then, along with one of the women officers of the Bureau, she approached the Principal. She handed over the bundle of notes to him. He took them counted out the money and put them into the drawer. Then he signed a letter admitting her child to the school. Immediately, the lady officer with Shantidevi announced that he was under arrest for the corrupt practice of accepting a bribe. Shantidevi was praised for her action and was awarded a medal for her honesty and bravery. She had, in no uncertain term, said 'no' to corruption our nation requires more people like Shantidevi to rid it of the malaise of corruption. By fighting corruption in the local school, Shantidevi proved the truth of the adage, 'Honesty is the the best policy'.
Corruption has spread through India like an epidemic. At every twist and turn you meet people who are willing to do anything dishonest in order to earn money. Dishonesty in words and deeds is so common now that people have almost accepted it as a rule rather than an exception. An honest person is a bit of an oddity in present day India. Isn't that a rather sad state of affairs ? Every religion tells us that we must be honest. No one likes dishonest people because they cannot be trusted. The truth is always so simple. Sometimes we are punished for being honest, but it is nothing compared to the pain and suffering that we cause to others due to our dishonesty. Gandhiji laid great emphasis on the need for truthfulness in words and deeds. His life through was a struggle to uphold the virtue of truth. A truthful person can speak an act with moral conviction . He commands respect and reverence in society. Such people are necessary in the world today.
Honesty is a great virtue. An honest man is of high character. Honesty always pays in life. It may not be rewarding immediately. but it helps us in the long run. People rely on an honest man. They look at him, with respect and honors. An honest man is self respecting. He is a man of high moral sense. He is fearless and courageous. He does not bow his head before others. He can face any situation in life with courage and confidence. Thus honesty is the best policy.
We live in the world of competitions. There is a rat race for more and more wealth and power. It is an age of cut-throat competitions. People forget honesty. They want to be rich overnight. So they become dishonest. Businessmen feel that they cannot make money if they are honest. Our social system is based on the power of money. So everybody is mad for money. An honest man often suffers. At times he has no money to maintain himself and his family. His sons and daughters may not get good education and medical treatment for lack of money. Money plays an important part in our society. A dishonest man lives more comfortably than an honest man. Thus faith in honesty is shaken. Even an honest man begin to think whether honesty is the nest policy.
Let us examine the whole thing critically. A dishonest man thinks that he will become rich by dishonest means. But this is not right. An honest man may be in trouble for want of money. But he will be happy in the end. Money or wealth got through dishonest means does not last long. We earn it today and lose it tomorrow. A DISHONEST MAN IS ALWAYS in fear, immoral and corrupt. He has no internal happiness. An honest man may be poor, but he is fearless, happy and contented. He is respected by all. But a dishonest man is hated in society.
A dishonest man may have some advantages for the time being. But he soon realizes his mistakes. A dishonest man is a curse to society. He ruins the whole system of society. Such a person should be punished. Even God is unhappy with him. So we should always believe in the saying. "Honesty is the best policy". A great English poet has rightly said, "An honest man is the best creation of God".
One good turn deserves another or Pay it forward :- When someone does you a good deed, you must never forget it. On the contrary, you must look out for the opportunity to do something good for that person or to someone else. Good must beget good. You must pay it forward. Then only will this world become a better place to live in. I remember, once I was in the life in my building when the lights went off. I was terrified. There was an elderly person in the lift with me. He calmed me down and told me not to worry; in a few minutes the lift would re-start. Then when the lift began working , he accompanied me to the door of my flat. I was grateful for his comforting presence and thanked him. A few days later, I saw the same gentleman struggling with two huge bags of groceries . I immediately ran up to hi and helped him. He thanked me for my help, but he had, in fact, earned my act of helpfulness, because he
had himself been helpful to me earlier. There is a beautiful poem about a man who helps an old woman across the street. The woman blesses him for helping her. At the end of the poem the man expresses the fond hope that someday, some young man like himself will help his mother when she is in trouble. Indeed, one should never hesitate to do good for others. For one good turn deserves another!
A rolling stone gathers no moss :- It is not good to keep on changing your place of residence or workplace or routine. Such a habit causes a lot of insecurity and instability. Besides, it takes time to get adjusted to a new place or in a new job. A person who changes his home or job frequently loses much precious time this way. When you stay in one place for a long time, you become familiar with your surroundings and are able to go about your work with ease and precision. Also, people around know and recognize you and so you get the help required when necessary.
A Person who keeps on changing his regular schedule frequently is known as a rolling stone. Such a person cannot cultivate any true friendships or relationships. Frequent changes of jobs and homes also affects one's financial prospects negatively. If you stay in one place, keep a steady job, you will reap the benefits of continuity and stability. This is greatly preferable to charging location or employment every now and then.
Work is worship:- Everyone has to work in order to earn money. However, there are some who think of work only as a means to earn money, and nothing more. As a result they do not perform the tasks given to them by their employers with interest. They make excuses. point an accusing finger at other, blame their tools, criticize their employers, complain about their colleagues - while they themselves work in the most inefficient way possible. We must remind such people that 'Duty is divine' and 'Work is worship'. Work is a dedication of one's labor to God. Work is the use of the inspiration given to us by God to create and carve and mend and shape. Work should be performed with sincerity, dedication and perseverance. This shows respect for what we do, and for the others who will benefit by our work. When we perform a task, however simple it may be, it should be done to the best of our ability. This shows not only our deep involvement in our actions, but also an expression of our skills. We must not forget that the first 'Work' ever done was by God - the 'Work' of Creation. And look how beautiful His 'works' ( Honesty ) are !
We are a part of Nature, not apart from nature :- In his haste to acquire space for living and business, man very often forgets that he is a part of nature. He builds houses and factories and dams without any concern for nature. He cuts down trees mercilessly and destroys nature. He does not realize that by these actions he invites his own destruction because he thinks he is apart from nature.
On a class visit to Navneet's printing press at Dantali, near Gandhinagar in Gujarat. we were fortunate to see a modern press constructed in harmony with nature. This press, within an area of 40 acres, is India's most up-to-date printing press. But within its environs there are more than 2000 tress, including fruit trees. Amazingly there are also about 20 gulangur monkeys hundreds of squirrels and parrots and nearly a hundred peacocks. We are amazed to see monkeys siting on the fences or sidewalks while workers went about their work. All the workers contribute towards the grain that is bought to feed these creatures. The air here is the coolest and purest we have ever come across. No sign of pollution is seen anywhere. The place also had a large garden patch with the prettiest of flowers we have ever seen. Nature is the theme at this printing press.
This printing press impressed upon us the truth that man can live being a part of nature, and note necessarily apart from nature.
Birds of a feather flock together :- You must have observed that birds of the same kind move about in group and even fly together in groups. In the same way, people who are similar in nature, and have the same hobbies, preferences or interests, are always found together. They like to spend time discussing their experiences and common pursuits. This is what is meant by the proverb, 'Birds of a feather flock together'. People have a natural tendency to seek out like - minded people. It is human nature to do so. Sportspersons feel comfortable in the company of other sportspersons. An artist feels at home among other artists. This leads us to the conclusions that a person must be very careful about the friends he has, for he will be judged accordingly. If he is in the company of dishonest people, he too will be considered dishonest. Thus, we should always remember that we are knows by the company we keep and ensure that our 'company' is respectable.
Travel Broadens the Mind :- Travel is an important means of expanding your knowledge. It is definitely more effective than watching TV at home. You don't have to travel very far or incur too much expense. Even a picnic outing or an excursion or a trek refreshes the mind by providing new experiences. Travel stretchers the imagination. it brings you into contact with new places and new people. Even great leaders like Gandhiji and Vivekananda travelled the length and breadth of India before they began their social campaigns. Travel takes you out of your comfort zone. It teachers you initiative. It fills you with a sense of daring and adventure. Your personality blooms. You begin to understand the world and its people better. You become more tolerant. More observant. More humane. Travelling makes a person more nature and more responsible.
Child Labour - A Curse :- A Child needs good nourishment, proper education and an environment of love. If instead, the child is forced into a life of drudgery, the entire joy of growing up and discovering the world is ruined. For many of the thirds world countries, and even countries like India, child labor is a curse. It destroys valuable human resources. Instead of the child realizing its potential and being educated so as to contribute towards the progress of the nation, it is doomed to a life of dark and gruesome slavery. The intellectual and psychological growth of the child is stunted. In later years, the same child will be a person with devalued potential, unable to earn much because of lack of education, and thus a burden to society. Child labor, if not eradicated, is a blot on the progress of a nation.
Pride goes before a fall :- Everyone knows the story about the deer who was proud of his beautiful horns and ashamed of his lean legs. However, when the deer was in danger, it was his legs that helped him run swiftly. His horns, got entangled in the branches of a tree and led to his death. The very thing he was so proud of had brought about his fall! It is not right to be proud of what we possess. If we have skills, we should quietly use them for our progress and in the service of others. In the final reckoning, nothing in this world belongs to us So what makes us so proud ? The tree in the forest in not proud of its products. Instead it freely gives its produce to the birds, the animals, the insects and man. It is only man who is vain, who loves to boast and show off his worldly possessions to others. Ultimately, however, he has to leave everything behind, while his body is left to burn or decay. To be proud is to be foolish. To be humble is to be wise.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be :- One of the characters in a play by Shakespeare gives this advice to his son who is about to travel abroad : Neither a borrower nor a lender be. In other words, one should neither borrow money from others, nor should one lend money to others. Simply put, one should be careful in money matters. When you give money to someone, you are sure to spoil relationships with the person because the person, in all likelihood, is not going to repay you the amount. Neither should you borrow. If you don't have enough money, make do with what little you have. rather than spoiling your good reputation by borrowing money from someone.
The advice given by this proverb is full of practical wisdom. Money gets in the way of healthy relationships. So don't let money spoil relationships. Give your friends your time, your advice, your practical help in their times of crisis. But don't give them money. And expect the same treatment in return.
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