Saturday, January 11, 2020

Plants -- The Care of Plants - 2020

The Care of Plants

      There are plants of trees, shrubs and grass around us. We have dense (thick) forests. From the trees of the forest we get wood. Moreover we get grass, medicinal plants, rubber, honey, etc. Form the forest.
      In short, wood, rubber, grass, honey, etc., that are obtained from the forest constitute natural resources.

The Trees Around Us

         We see plenty of trees around us. Some trees are small while some are big.

There are different kinds of trees.

Big Trees : Big trees grow tall. They have a thick trunk and plenty of strong branches.

Small Trees : Small trees do not grow much in height. They have thin branches.

Creepers : Plants which need the support of a thing to grow are called creepers.

All trees have different kinds of leaves.
Papaya leaf , banana leaf, Coconut leaf, tamarind leaf, banyan leaf peepul leaf, mango leaf, neem leaf, Show flower leaf, rose leaf, lotus leaf, Cucumber leaf,  

The Parts of a Tree :

       The trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are the parts of a tree. Besides these the trees have roots which are firmly fixed under the ground. They support the trees. Trunk & roots , Branches, leaves , Flowers , Fruits, Seeds .

What do we get from the trees ?

We get many things from the trees

  1. Flowers and fruits.
  2. Grain and vegetables.
  3. Tea, coffee and sugar.
  4. Cotton, jute and rubber.
  5. Medicines.
  6. Different Kinds of oilseeds.
  7. Timber for the construction of buildings.
  8. Fuel  for the fire (Shegdi).
  9. Trees also help to bring rain.
  10. Trees give us shade also. The trees are man's true friends.

     So do not cut trees or destroy plants thoughtlessly.

  1. Do not cut trees or pluck flowers and leaves unnecessarily.
  2. Take care of trees.
  3. Plant and grow more trees.
  4. A tree is a man's true friend.

Plants Using :

1) Ginger : Ginger is used in various dishes. It is also used as a popular medicine. Ginger extract is a remedy for all kinds of aches and pains. Dried ginger powder (sun the) is of great medicinal value. As a home remedy. ginger and sun the are safely used against headache, nausea, acidity.
2) Mango : Mango is considered as the king of fruits, Mangoes ripen during summer season. They contain very high level of vitamin A and fructose sauger. Various products are prepared from mangoes, such as mango juice, pulp, ice cream, squash, pickles, etc. Leaves of mango tree are considered to be sacred by Hindus. They are used in religious events.

3) Eucalyptus : The oil obtained from leaves of the tree have medicinal value. Even the dried leaves are of some use. The eucalyptus oil is a remedy for cold and fever. It is also used as an astringent. It wards off the foul smell. The bark of the eucalyptus tree is also used. Its stem is used for making paper.

4) Babul (Acacia) : The leaves and legumes of the Babul tree are used as cattle feed. The delicate twigs of this tree are used for cleaning teeth. Due to thorny nature, the branches of Babul are used for making compounds and enclosures. The gum oozing out from the barks of the tree is in great demand. The wood of babul is very tough and hence used in shipbuilding.

5) Teak : Teak wood is used for making furniture. Teak is therefore in great demand. Wood from teak is used in house building for making doors and windows. To supply this demand the Indian Forest Department cultivates teak trees on a large scale.

6) Spinach : Spinach is a very popular green leafy vegetable. It contains many vitamins and minerals and is rich in iron. Consuming spinach regularly keeps us in good health. Spinach is said to enhance health of heart and it also boosts the memory. It is also a good remedy to relieve constipation.

7)Aloevera : Aloevera is a medicinal plant. The sap and juice of Aloevera is very effective against different skin infections. cuts, bruises, burns and wounds. Consuming Aloevera juice regularly gives relief in digestive complaints. Aloevera is also used in treatment of diabetes and cancer. The gel of Aloevera is used in cosmetic products.

8)Turmeric : Turmeric is regularly used in daily cooking. It has many medicinal properties. Turmeric is effective in wound healing as it has antiseptic properties It is also a germicidal. It is used in cosmetics. Cough and cold can be effectively cured by consuming milk with turmeric powder in it. 

9) Holy basil : Holy basil is a medicinal herb. In the Hindu religion. holy basil is considered to be very auspicious. Juice obtained from leaves of basil plant cures many diseases. Basil plant keeps the insects away. In olden days, every courtyard used to have a basil plant. The derived stems of basil yield beads. which are used by saints. In Ayurveda, many medicines are prepared from Basil. In Thailand, basil is used in cooking for a particular flavor. From 'Karpur Tulsi' variety of basil, the oil is extracted.

10) Karanja : ( Pongamia pinnata ) : From the tree, fruits leaves, roots, bark, seeds and twigs of Karanja, oil is extracted. Ayurvedic medicines which are effective on a variety of diseases are obtained from Karanja tree and seeds of Karanja. Karanja is also used for  the manufacture of biodiesel. Karanja is also used as fuel wood.

11) Moh : ( Madhuca longifolia ) : The trees of Moh are seen in the forested areas. From the seeds and flowers of Moh tree, medicines and other extracts are obtained. The oil from Moh tree is effective in headache, skin infections and rheumatism. In Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra, jam is prepared from the flowers of Moh tree. Among tribal folk, wine made from Moh is very popular.

12) Mulberry : The Mulberry tree is of special importance for the occupation of sericulture. Silkworm feeds on mulberry leaves during its development. Then it converts itself into a cocoon. From the cocoon, silk is obtained. Therefore for every sericulture unit, cultivation of mulberry tree is considered to be an important task. The fruits of Mulberry are eaten fresh or in dried form. Wine from mulberry fruits is extracted.

13) Grapevine : The popular grapes are the fruits of grapevine. Grapes are eaten fresh or are dried to make raisins from them. Medicines are also manufactured from grapes. Wine is prepared from grapes. The seedless grapes from Maharashtra are exported.

The Care of Plants

    We have different Kinds of trees, Shrubs, creepers, crops in our surroundings. They all come under the plant kingdom. We get many things from plants.

The Care of Plants : We must take care of plants because of the following reasons :

(1) Forest Wealth :
    We get food material from plants. We get flowers, fruits and medicinal plants from plants. Similarly, we get wood, grass, bamboo, paper and rubber from trees in the forest. We must take care of them so as to get this forest wealth continuously.

(2) The effect of Climate on Plants :
     The air remains pure because of plants. The temperature remains low and the atmosphere is cool. The regions which have plenty of trees and shrubs receive heavy rainfall. So we must take care of the plants.

(3) The shelter for Animals and Birds :
        If there are plenty of trees, animals and birds can get their food from them. Similarly they can build their nests and homes in the trees and remain safe. Therefore it is necessary to take care of plants.

Ways and means of taking care of plants :

  1. Plants / trees / crops should be watered from time to time.
  2. Regular manure should be supplied to plants so that they grow strong and healthy.
  3. Insecticides should be sprayed regularly over plants so that they do not get infected bu insects.
  4. A fence should be put around small plants for protection.
  5. Leaves and flowers of plants should not be plucked unnecessarily 
  6. Only those flowers and leaves which are required should be plucked.
  7. Trees should not be cut as far as possible.
  8. In case a tree is to be cut, a new plant should be planted to replace it .
  9. Every year new saplings should be planted and looked after with care and attention.

Gifts Of Nature

Plants give us....

     Food grains like wheat, maize, jowar, bajra and rice. Vegetables like carrot, French beans, green peas, brinjal and onion. Fruits like apple, mango, papaya, banana and orange. Flowers like marigold, sunflower and shoe flower, Some plants give us oil for cooking our food.

Plants also give us.....

      Cotton, jute and rubber. tea, coffee and sugar. Wood for building our homes, making furniture and for lighting a fire. Trees give us shade and make the air pure. Some leaves, stems seeds and roots of plants are used in cooking and also in medicines.

We also get medicinal herbs like tulsi, mint and parsley.
Plants :
  • Plants prepare their own food with the help of sunlight  and chlorophyll. Hence they are called autotrophs.
  • Plants show some movements but they cannot change their place on their won.
  • Plants show growth till they are alive. The growth does not stop in between.
  • Plants have chlorophyll and they can perform photosynthesis.
  • Plants use minute pores situated on their leaves and stem for respiration.
  • Plants do not have specialized excretory organs. They throw out unwanted waste through leaves or bark. 
  • Plants reproduce with the help of seeds, stem or leaves.
     There are many plants  in our surroundings. Some of them are useful to us. Similarly the useful plants are cultivated and taken care of but the harmful plants are eradicated from our vicinity. We remove the Parthenium and weeds from the garden.

Useful plants : The food which we consume daily is obtained from plants. Rice, dal, chapattis, bread, fruits and vegetables all are obtained from plants. Agriculture and horticulture are entirely dependent on plants.

Harmful plants : Pods of nettle, colocation leaves cause itching. Plants like oleander and lantana have very strong repelling odors. The Datura plant is poisonous. Some weeds destroy farmlands. Some algae show uncontrolled growth in the water bodies and may destroy it completely.

Diversity in plants :
In the plants there is great diversity
                     ↓                         ↓                        ↓                         ↓                        
Short varieties like          Tall trees        Submerged         Floating        Desert plants
          grasses                                               plants                plants 

         Autotrophic - Plants prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll, therefore they are called autotrophic, e. g . Hibiscus, Periwinkle, Pomegranate, etc.
Plants   ➡  Heterotrophic - Plants that cannot prepare their own food, but use                                           the food of other plants are heterotrophic. e.g. Loran thus, Dodder, etc.
         Insectivorous - Plants that consume insects. e.g. Pitcher plant, Drover, etc.

 { Fungi are not plants. [ Fungus : Singular, Fungi : plural } . They are placed in a separate kingdom called Fungi. Their mode of nutrition is saprotrophic. i.e. they are decomposers and thus they are not plants. Fungi never grow in drinking water. }
Need for classification of plants :
  • There is tremendous diversity in the plants on the earth e.g. shape, number of flower, color, fragrance, fruits, etc. is very diverse. Therefore, they should be placed properly in groups.
  • In order to identify the plant correctly.
  • To understand the similarities and the differences between the plants.
Structure of plants :              Structure of plants
Part that grows below the ground surface                Part that grows above the ground
  Roots                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Stem                  Leaves           Flowers               Fruits
    Support                                  production          photosynthesis       Most              Different
  Absorption of                            of food              and  thus               attractive            shapes,
nutrients and water           Conduction              production of     color , shape       color,
        Transport                           Storage                  food                  Fragrance           taste 
        Storage                             Support to           Respiration           Reproduction         seeds 
(e.g. Carrot and radish)           other parts          Reproduction                                     inside
                                                  Reproduction     in Bryophyllum                            Pods are 
Types of roots                             Types of leaves                      also
             |                                                                |                                             New plant 
 ______________________                  ______________________                 from seed
↓                                   ↓                          ↓                                 
Taproot                 Fibrous root      Simple                         Compound
e.g. Hibiscus            e.g. Grass.        [ Hibiscus]                     [Rose]

Functions of the root :

 Functions of the roots : 1) Roots hold the soil firmly. 2) Absorption of the water and nutrients from the soil is done by roots. 3) Roots transport the absorbed water and nutrients to the stem. 4) Some modified roots store food in them. e.g. carrot and radish. 5) Roots support the plant.

cycle of plants :

Annual : Lifecycle is completed in only one year, e.g. Jowar and sunflower. 

Biennials : Lifecycle is completed in two years, e.g. Carrot, beetroot.

Perennials : Live for several years Shrubs like hibiscus, Olean. der and trees like mango and goldmohur.

Flowering plants and Non-flowering plants :

Flowering plants : 1) flowering plants bear flowers. 2) Flowering plants have roots, stem, leaves, etc. 3) Flowering plants bear fruits with seeds. 4) Flowerings plants are more evolved.

Non-Flowerings plants: 1) Non-flowering plants do not bear flowers. 2) Non-flowering plants may not have roots, stem, leaves, etc. 3) Non-flowerings plants do not bear fruits with seeds. 4) Non-flowerings plants are not much evolved.

Main parts of a plant

     Most plants grow from seeds. Most plants have roots, stems and leaves. The Roots soak water and other minerals from the soil. They fix the plant firmly in the soil. The Stem distributes the food to different parts of the plants. The stem bears branches, leaves, buds, flowers and fruits. The Leaves help in making food for the plants with the help of sunlight.

The World Of Plants

         There are different kinds of plant. Some plants are big. Some plants are small. We must take good care of plants and trees. They purify the air and keep the air clean. We must grow more trees.

Baby plant : Come let us see how a plant is born. Some plants are born from seeds. The seed contains a baby plant. The baby plant needs warmth, water and air to grow. The Sun keeps the seed warm. The rain gives it water The air helps it to breathe and make its food.

Seeds : Seeds are of different shapes and sizes. Seeds are found inside flowers or fruits.

 Here are some seeds : sunflower seeds , apple seeds , orange seeds, chickoo seeds, bean seeds , green peas , gram seeds.

Parts of a plant : Do you know what are the different parts of a plant ?

Life of a Plant

A plant will grow from a tiny seed,
Some water and sun is all you need.

First, the roots grow underground,
They suck up minerals from all around.

Then come stems, some tall, some stout,
And next the branches spread about.

Leaves grow in all shapes and sizes,
Watch this new life as it rises.

Flowers bloom from buds on stems,
They are as pretty as precious gems.

Some plants give us juicy fruits,
Some have vegetables at the root.

New seeds travel to and FRO,
By wind and water, on the go.

And the cycle keeps on going,
Soon new stems and leaves are showing.

Learning Outcome : Ability to observe common local plants.

Plants are Important

Plants give us food.

Vegetables :Some plants give us vegetables. Vegetables come in different colors. They also differ in taste.

Some of the common vegetables are :
lady fingers , brinjal, French beans, green peas, carrot, cauliflower.

Food grains  : Here are some plants which give us food grains :

Wheat , maize, jowar, gram, rice, 
Thanks to food grains, I get to eat bread and popcorn and yummy cake, too.

Fruits : Some plants give us fruits to eat. Fruits are of different shapes and sizes. All fruits have different tastes.

Some of the common fruits are : Oranges, bananas, mangoes, watermelon, grapes apples papaya, sweet lime.

Healthy Drinks : What was the last drink you had ?
Did you drink orange juice, coconut water or sugarcane juice ? We get all these drink from plants.

Oil : We need oil to cook our food. We get coconut oil from coconut. We get groundnut oil from groundnut. We also get oil from sunflower and sesame seeds.

Getting Sugar : We get sugar from the sugarcane plant. There is sugar in many eatable items. 

Can you name a few ?
Spices :  cardamom , clove, cinnamon, black pepper, red chili .

[ We all add taste to your food. ]

Plants also give us other useful things.

Cotton , Jute , Rubber , Wood and paper , Plants are important , Medicines from plants .

Cotton : Cotton comes from the cotton plant. Cotton can be made into thread. The thread is then woven into cloth.

Jute : Jute comes from the jute plant. We make sacks and bags from it.

Rubber : What makes the ball bounce ?
Where do these rubber bands and rain clothes come from ? 
They are all made from rubber which comes from rubber trees. Rubber tress are grown in big forests.

Wood and paper : Your pencils, tables and chairs are all made from wood that comes from trees. Wood pulp is used to make paper.

[ Oh no, there is no paper ! How will I get my books and kites ? ]

Plants are important : Plants produce a gas called oxygen. We need oxygen to keep us alive. Animals also need oxygen. Food from plants gives us energy.

Medicines From plants : Many plants are used for making medicines. Some of them are neem, basil and sandalwood. 

neem tree, basil plant, sandalwood tree .

Care of plants : We should take good care of plants. We should water them regularly. We should see that they get adequate sunlight. We should change the soil regularly and add the required fertilizers. We should not cut trees, nor pluck the leaves and flowers.

Learning Outcome :
Awareness of the importance of plants.

We must take care of Plants

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