Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Rules Are For Everyone. 2020

        Rules Are For Everyone. 

       A most heart welcome ! We are happy to place this post. The skills of observation, thinking and analysis are important for learning this post well. Keep using and refining them.  Learning should be enjoyable, interesting, motivating and constructive for the children. Ideally, children with their individual ambition and various motivations. It is responsible, in sum for providing good and appropriate education, both academic and experiential within an overall environment.

Learning Outcome : To understand and follow traffic rules and Rules are everyone .

         We follow traffic rules so that traffic moves smoothly. In the same way, there are rules of social life that tell us what each person should be doing. Rules need to be made to specify each person's duties and responsibilities. If we follow the rules, our day-to-day life becomes disciplined. We can work more efficiently. Rules are meat for everybody. They apply equally to all. No one is above the rules. Disobeying the rules leads to punishment. There is no discrimination in punishments for breaking the rules. In this way, 'equality' is the basis of rules.

Changes in rules for the society : Our society works according to certain rules. We make the rules. ourselves. We follow these rules because they are meant for the common good. Proper changes are also introduce in the rules made for a society. There is a difference between the rules of society and the laws of nature. Natural occurrences follow laws of nature. We cannot change the laws of nature. The rising and setting of the sun  and the change in the seasons never stop. The law of gravity does not change. The rising and falling of the tides, the phases of the moon. - all of these things occur according to the laws of nature. Nature's laws are constant and fixed. they do not ever become outdated. However, human las need to be change with changing conditions. The laws followed in India under the rule of the British were different. When India gained Independence, the situation changed and the laws of civic life changes accordingly. For example, after Independence, the voting age was 21 years. After 1988, the voting age was lowered to 18 years.

          It is incorrect to discriminate between boys and girls. It is unjust to deprive girls of good food or to prevent them from going to school. Such injustice can also be seen with respect to other sections of society. Rules have to be made to ensure that no injustice is done. Women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resource, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike. a women and girls, including sex trafficking, femicide, wartime sexual violence, gender wage gap, and other oppression tactics. despite many international agreements affirming their human rights, women are still much more likely than men to be poor and illiterate. They have less access to property ownership, credit, training and employment. This party stems from the archaic stereotypes of women being lowballed as child-bearers and home makers, rather than the bread winners of the family. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and far more likely to be victims of domestic violence. Rules are for everyone.

Think ! A list of rules is given below. Each rule has a specific purpose. Some rules have more than one purpose. 'This is what I think', Your opinions.

  • Prohibition against loudspeakers in public places after 10 o'clock at night. 
  • Free primary education for boys and girls.
  • Prohibition against dumping garbage in the river.
  • Protection against domestic violence for women.
  • Ban on child labor.
  • Ban on felling trees, hunting and poaching.

          We follow many customs and traditions in our lives. We follow those traditions by observing our mother, father, grandparents and other relatives. There are several good customs and traditions in our society. We celebrate festivals together. We welcome guests who visit us and are hospitable to them. Many of our customs enable us to maintain the balance of nature. We express our love and gratitude towards animals. The values of non-violence and peace have been a part of our social life since ancient times. Even so, there are some traditions and customs that ae not, desirable. They are not beneficial fir our society, for example, caste distinction. Because of this a divide has been created in society. It has given rise to inequality. Untouchability was an inhuman and unjust custom. The Constitution of Independent India abolished the custom of untouchability. Many times, laws have to be made to abolish unjust customs. 

       In our country's, customs such as sati and child marriage were abolished by making laws that banned them. The law that banned the use of magic for cheating people was first enacted in Maharashtra. Receiving a dowry has been banned by law. Wrong customs and traditions cause the neglect of some sections of society. They have no access to education, therefore, they do not get opportunities of development. They have no means of livelihood. Therefore, they have to face poverty. Poverty and lack of education are the two big obstacles in our society. We can only make progress together if we get rid of these obstacles.

Protecting our environment : Just as laws are necessary to maintain equality and justice in society, laws are also required for the protection of the environment. We are dependent on nature in many ways. Most of our needs are fulfilled by nature. Natural resources should be available in enough quantities for the needs of our future generations. Therefore, we must conserve these natural. resources. We must use them carefully. Our environment is changing all the time as the ways we live, travel, produce and consume goods evolve. This ranges from the construction of new housing. This ranges from the construction of new housing and transport infrastructure to waste and water treatment plants, and from shifting technologies in energy and industry to more intensive form of agriculture to meet societies' needs.

          All of these changes and developments have an impact on our natural environment. If planned well, and in cooperation with the people that may be affected by them, developments like these can make our lives, and the lives of future generations, better. Sometimes though, development can lead to serious environmental problems and irreversible degradation. This can put people's health, safety and quality of life at serious risk. Having a say in how your environment changes - from being involved in decisions at local level to being made aware of potential environmental risks an, in the event of a problem, being able to find a just solution - might seem natural, but should not be taken for granted Today, these are considered important human right, and, fortunately, there are measures in place to protect them.

         The Aarhus Convention - or to give it is its full name - the Convention on access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters - is an international agreement hosted by "UNECE"  that does just this. It sets out your rights, and imposes clear rules for governments and public authorities to help ensure that your environment is protected. Specifically, the Convention covers three core areas - the right to information on environmental issues, the right to participate in shaping decision that affect your environment, and the right to justice if these are not respected. Together, these right make up the idea of "environment democracy", and place environmental rights and responsibilities in the hands of each and every one of us.

        Strike while the iron is hot / Make hay while the sun shines : -When life presents opportunities we must seize them and not let them go. Everyone in their lifetime gets some chances to move ahead. Each big chance is a godsend and we must seize it to move forward in life. Something or the other or some person makes it easy for us to get along in life. That is what the proverb means. We must strike while the iron is hot. In other words. We must make hay while the sun is shining . In any sport, the winner is the one who looks for opportunities to overcome his opponents by taking advantage of his weakness. It is also true that once we miss that opportunity it may never come our way again. And then we will live all our life to regret the missed chance. We must put in our own efforts but never lose out on the chance that comes our way. When an opportunity presents itself we must seize it and use it to go further in life. Then only can we be successful.  💓

Glossary : Godsend - something good that happens to you when you really need it.

       The hand That Rocks The / Cradle Rules The World :- It is the hand of the mother that rocks the cradle. The proverb therefore implies that the very same mother who rocks the cradle to put her child to sleep. also rules the world. How is this so ? The word 'rule' in the proverb does not necessarily mean to 'govern'. It is used in a wider sense i.e., to influence people, to guide and direct them and to lead them. It is the mother who molds the character of the child. The child then grows up to be an important personality, perhaps someone who decides the destinies of people or countries. What they have been taught on their mother's lap will then be the guiding force behind the decisions they make. No wonder that Abraham Lincoln said, "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother." We have the example of Jijamata who inspired Shivaji Maharaj as a child with stories of great heroes. Ii was this inspiration that led him to lead the battle for Hindavi Swarajya and to establish the Maratha empire. You may not turn out to be a great or famous person. but what you have been taught by your mother during childhood will be the guiding force in all that you do during your lifetime.

Glossary : mold - to try to change or influence someone.

        Our approach while designing this post was that the entire teaching - learning process should be child - centered, the method of self - study should receive more emphasis, at the end of reader the students should have attained the desired competencies and the process of education in general should become enjoyable and interesting. We will be happy if you share your feelings about the contents of this post with us. We hope you enjoy studying it throughout the time. Wish you all the best in your studies !

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