Monday, February 24, 2020

Bonds of Family (Festivals) 2020


        There are different types and sizes of houses around us. A house protects us from heat, rain, cold and snow. It also protects us from harmful animals. Many, many years ago people did not live in houses. They used to live in caves. When there were floods, people went to live on mountain tops to seek shelter. Then people started living in huts on the ground. Huts were made from branches and leaves of tress. But, huts did not protect them from heavy rain. So, people made houses with stones and mud. Eve today some people build houses with stones and mud. Nowadays, houses are built with cement. They are much stronger. We see many such buildings in big cities. People also live in tents made of canvas or cloth. This type of houses is movable. Some of the people who help us to build a houses are the carpenter, mason, builder, plumber, electrician and engineer. Bamboo, tiles, tinned roofs, iron rods , cement, wood, bricks and stones are some of the things used to build a house.

Do You know !!!!!

The mason uses stones which come from mines or quarries. 

Bricks are made from mud and baked in fire.

A Clean Home 

         Our home protects us in many ways. We too must take care of our home. It should be swept every day. The floor must be wiped clean daily. The rooms must be dusted well. All the garbage should be thrown in the dustbin. We must keep everything in its proper place. We must keep our home neat and tidy.

A healthy place to live in : A houses must have, many windows. We get plenty of fresh air and light through them. Some houses have many rooms such as a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Home Sweet Home

         'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble there's no place like home; A Charm from the sky seems to hallow us there, Which, seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home! An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain; Oh, give me my lowly thatched cottage again! The birds singing gayly, that come at my call - Give me them - and the peace of mind, dearer than all ! Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home !

          I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild, And feel that my mother now thinks of her child, As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door Thro' the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home ! 

         How sweet ' tis to sit ' Neath a fond father's smile, And the caress of a mother to soothe and beguile ! Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam, But give me, oh, give me, the pleasures of home. Home home, sweet, sweet home ! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home !  To thee I'll return, overburdened with care ; The heart's dearest solace will smile on me there; No more from that cottage again will I roam; Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Home, home, sweet, sweet, home ! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home !     

Learning Outcome : To understand the importance of cleanliness at HOME.

Bonds of Family

     Our parents love us a lot. They go through a lot of trouble for us. They work very hard to bring us up. Mummy takes care of the house as well. She cooks for the family. She keeps the house clean. Daddy also helps mummy in the household chores. Our parents take care of us. They provide us with food, clothes, and meet all our daily needs. They also provide us with things that we need for our education. Our parents take us for outings. We go to the garden, park and beach. Sometimes we go for movies or visit the circus.

     Our parents take care of us when we are sick.

      They train us to form good habits.

      Our grandparents show a lot of affection towards us. They tell us moral stories of festivals, customs and their own experience. Our grandparents look after us when our parents go to work. They bring snacks for us. All the family members get together and celebrate birthdays and festivals. Everyone feels happy and there is a lot of love and affection Among the family members.
  1. The parents take a lot of trouble for their children.
  2. The parents meet all the needs of their children.
  3. They take the children for outings.
  4. They help to form good habits in their children.
  5. The grandparents tell moral stories of customs, festivals and their own experience.
  6. They look after the children when the parents go to work.

Our Duty Towards the Family

        Our grandparents and parents look after u, care for us and keep us happy. How should we behave in return? We should respect all the family members and listen to them. We should make them happy by being good. We should help mummy in cleaning and dusting the house. We should help our parents to fetch the necessary things from the market. We should do our homework every day and study ourselves. We should take help only when it is needed. We should not play mischief or fight with each other.

   The elder sister or brother should take care of the younger ones.

      All the family members should take at least one meal together. You should not go anywhere without the permission or knowledge of the elders. Do not accept anything that strangers give you. Do not tell lies. Don't be stubborn or greedy. We should look after our family members when they fall sick. We should attend to their every need. We should do such jobs that make them happy. We should love and respect our elders.

(Always love, respect, obey and help all the family members.)

My Family and Home

  • A Family consists of a mother, father and their children.
  • In some families, there are grandparents also.
  • The number of people in a family may differ.
      We are born in our family. We grow up in our family. We are brought up by our parents. They take care of us. In a family. We are secure in every way. Our family provides us with food, clothing and shelter. Other members of our family also take care of us. There is affection among family members. We like to be a part of a family because of the love and caring that we get. Family members  help one another in times of difficulty. They try to see that no one suffers from any illness. But if we fall ill, our parents take care of us.

Small families and big families.

      Some families consist only of parents and one or two children. Such families are called small families. Some families consist of grandparents, aunts uncles, brothers, sisters and cousins. Such families are called big families.

Extended Family.
       Our family is linked with many other relatives. Aunts and uncles from the mother's and father's side, their children are all related to our family. Such a family is called an extended family. Our family gets extended because of our relatives. 
Members of an extended family may not live in one house, but there is love and affection between them. They meet each other on several occasions.
  • Who are the members of your extended family ?
  • How are you related to them ?
  • On what occasions do the members of your extended family meet ?

Changes in the family system : The family system changes as time goes by. At one time, grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings and cousins all lived together and formed one big family. This was called a joint family. When members of a family move away because of their jobs or occupations, they start living separately, forming different families. Such smaller families are called nuclear families. The family system has changed in this way.    

    Family Values

Role in decision - making :  We live together in a family. Every person's likes an dislikes are different. Thoughts and opinions can also differ. We ourselves are different from others. Even so, our thoughts and opinions can match those of others on various topics. We have love and affection for each other. We take care of each other and are concerned about other people's well - being. We talk to each other before making decisions about anything in the house. We consult each other and make decisions that everyone agrees with. In this way, we are part of the decision - making in the family.

What happens when everyone has a role in decision - making ?

  • Each person gets the opportunity to say what they think.
  • By asking everyone's opinions, the subjects is thoroughly discussed from every aspect.
  • We feel like a more important part of the family when we see that our opinion is valued.
       Just as we have a role in making decision in our family, We also have a role in public decision - making. In newspapers, we read about matters requiring public participation. 

      We feel the need for minor changes in our environment. It is to our advantage that everyone has a role in making decisions about changes in our surroundings. The government we elect makes decisions regarding public matters. If we feel that a decision made by the government is wrong, we can register our opinion. In this way, We can be a part of the decision - making process. 

Effects of honest and dishonest behavior: We do many different things every day. Sometimes we make mistakes. When we realize that we have made a mistake, we should talk about it openly with our friends and family. By doing this, we learn to be honest and find a way to correct our mistakes. It is also necessary to be honest and sincere in our work. We must try hard to keep the trust in any relationship and never cheat. If we are honest, we do not have to be afraid. But if we are dishonest, we lose our self - confidence. We must be honest at home as well as in public. Everyone respects an honest person. Honesty is our strength.

Honesty in public life : If we are honest in our public life, we will get better public services and facilities. What happens if we travel on a train or bus without a ticket ? Our public transport system will run at a loss and would soon have to shut down If each person buys a ticket honestly, this problem will not arise.  Honesty can increase efficiency in public life. Honesty is the best way to increase discipline and efficiency in public life

Advantages of Co-operation : In a family, we co-operate with each other. Similarly, in team sport, he more the plyers co-operate with one another, the better is their game. Instead of keeping the feeling of co-operation restricted to sport, we should bring it into public life as well. Everyone needs co-operation in publics life. We, too, need the help of others, Fairs, rallies and other such gatherings can only be arranged successfully if we co-operate with one another.

Tolerance : We all have some faults. We can improve on these faults with the help of our family and friends. We may not agree with each other every time. Sometimes, there are disagreements even between friends. At such times we must try to understand the point of view of others instead of insisting that only our point of view is correct. On such occasions, we must listen to the other person. In this way, we learn to be tolerant. Respecting opinions which are different from our own is called tolerance or broadmindedness. Tolerance has a special significance in our country. People from various religions, creeds, cultures and following different customs live here. That is why, it is necessary for everyone to be tolerant or broadminded. Diversity can be preserved through tolerance. Diversity enriches our social life. It encourages us to think about others with concern. We can solve problems in our environment by being broadminded.

Gender Equality: Boys and girls or men and women are equal as human beings. Considering boys and girls to be equal without discrimination is called gender equality. Boys and girls must respect one another. In the company of our friends , we consider all of them to be our equals. We must maintain this sense of equality as citizens when we grow up. By developing this sense of equality, everyone gets to learn and make progress. Food, clothing, shelter, health and education are the common needs of men and women. For the purpose of equality, each of these needs must be fulfilled properly. Men and women have equal rights to facilities such as these. Similarly, men and women must get equal opportunities of progress.


  • Why do we celebrate festivals ?
  • What are our festivals linked with ?
          We celebrate many festivals in the family . In the same way, different kinds of festivals are celebrated in different regions of the country. Agriculture is the main occupation in our country. Many of our festivals are related to agriculture and environment. Holi is the festival that marks the end of winter. In punjab, 'Baisakhi', is celebrated at harvest time. In Maharashtra, we celebrate 'Bailpola' when the sowing of the crops is over. During the harvest season in Tamil Nadu, 'Pongal' is celebrated, while in Kerala they celebrate 'Onam' Dasara, Diwali and Gudi Padwa are celebrated when the farm produce is ready. Paryushana Parva, Buddha Poornima, Ramzan Eid, Christmas and Pateti are important festivals. Whatever the festival, all Indians take part in them happily and wish one another well.

        'Independence Day' and 'Republic Day' are our national festivals. All citizens celebrate them. India gained independence from the British on 15th August, 1947. Hence that day is celebrated as Independence Day. The Indian Constitution came into effect from the 26th of January.1950 So, this day is known as Republic Day. Festivals bring people together. The feeling of togetherness grows. Festivals include songs, dances Rangoli, games, competitions and races. This gives us joy. While celebrating festivals, we must take care not to harm the environment. Small children and old people suffer if music is played too loudly. Loud noises cause noise pollution.

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